19.2360, Software: Phon 1.3 Release

Mon Jul 28 16:36:37 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-2360. Mon Jul 28 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.2360, Software: Phon 1.3 Release

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 28-Jul-2008
From: Yvan Rose < yrose at mun.ca >
Subject: Phon 1.3 Release


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 12:33:55
From: Yvan Rose [yrose at mun.ca]
Subject: Phon 1.3 Release
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Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the launch of Phon 1.3, which offers a vast
array of improvements over all previous preview and development versions.

Brief Description
Phon is a software program that greatly facilitates a number of tasks
required for the analysis of phonological development. Phon supports
multimedia data linkage, unit segmentation, multiple-blind transcription,
automatic labeling of data, and systematic comparisons between target
(model) and actual (produced) phonological forms. All of these functions
are accessible through a user-friendly graphical interface. Databases
managed within Phon can also be queried using a powerful search interface.
This software program works on both Mac OS X and Windows platforms, is
fully compliant with the CHILDES format, and supports Unicode font
encoding. Phon is being made freely available to the community as
open-source software. It meets specific needs related to the study of first
language phonological development (including babbling), second language
acquisition, and speech disorders. Phon will facilitate data exchange among
researchers and the construction of a shared PhonBank database, another new
initiative within CHILDES to support methodological and empirical needs of
research in all ares of phonological development.

Important Links

Links to Phon and its user manual:
*Important installation instructions are provided in the manual*

Links to the PhonBank corpora:
-Corpora in CHAT format:
 -Corpora in Phon format:

Discussion Group: 
Phon users are encouraged to subscribe to the discussion group (no Gmail
account required to subscribe):
(from this site, enter Phon in the search field and follow the instructions
to join the group). Group's email address (for message posting):
phon at googlegroups.com

Funding: Current development of Phon and PhonBank is supported by the
National Institute of Health. Earlier development of Phon was funded by
grants from National Science Foundation, Canada Fund for Innovation, Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Petro-Canada Fund for
Young Innovators, and the Office of the Vice-President (Research) and the
Faculty of Arts at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Dictionaries: Built-in dictionaries of pronounced forms were obtained from
several organizations, to which we are indebted:

-English: CMU Pronouncing Dictionary (Speech at CMU):
-French: Lexique Database
-Catalan and Spanish: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Special Thanks: While it is impossible to name everyone who ended up being
involved in one way or another in this project, we owe special thanks to a
wonderful group of early adopters and beta testers, without whom it would
have been much more difficult to produce the current software. These
include researchers and PhD students from Universidade da Lisboa;
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Center for Advanced Research in
Theoretical Linguistics; Universiteit Leiden; Radboud Universiteit
Nijmegen; École Normale Supérieure; Université Lumière Lyon 2; Université
Paris 3; Université Paris 10; and Memorial University of Newfoundland. 
Linguistic Field(s): Phonology

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-2360	


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