19.1741, Confs: Lang Acquisition, Ling & Literature, Phonetic, Phonology/Jordan
Sun Jun 1 03:07:12 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1741. Sat May 31 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.1741, Confs: Lang Acquisition, Ling & Literature, Phonetic, Phonology/Jordan
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 28-May-2008
From: Said Abu Khader < said at aabu.edu.jo >
Subject: Applications of Phonetics and Phonology On Arabic ?
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sat, 31 May 2008 23:05:23
From: Said Abu Khader [said at aabu.edu.jo]
Subject: Applications of Phonetics and Phonology On Arabic ?
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Applications of Phonetics and Phonology On Arabic
Date: 04-Nov-2008 - 06-Nov-2008
Location: Mafraq, Jordan
Contact: Said Abu Khader
Contact Email: said at aabu.edu.jo / said19681 at yahoo.com
Meeting URL: http://www.aabu.edu.jo/art/home.htm
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Ling &
Literature; Phonetics; Phonology
Meeting Description:
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the Faculty of Arts and
Humanities2008 First international Linguistics Conference on ' Applications of
Phonetics and Phonology on Arabic'. This event will be held on the university
campus from November 4-6 2008, organized and hosted by the Arts and Humanities
Faculty at Al al-Bayt University.
The conference has the following main objectives:
Firstly, to handle issues related to phonetics and phonology Terms, and to shed
a new light on the contributions of ancient Arab linguists to the terminology
Pertaining to phonetics and phonology.
Secondly, to focus on the phonological system of The Holy Quran, namely Quranic
recitations via phonological studies.
Thirdly, to tackle phonological and phonetic phenomena of old and modern Arabic
Fourthly, to study phonetic and phonological changes of Arabic.
Fifthly, to focus on the far reaching effects of rapid technological changes on
the phonetic study of Arabic, and the resulting demands of computational
phonetics applications on Arabic.
Sixthly, to analyze the phonetic and phonological systems of Arabic, through
investigating the correlation between these systems and other linguistic
systems, such morphological, syntactic, and semantic, on one hand, and examining
translation, language acquisition, and language learning problems, on the other.
Seventhly, to explore the far reaching results of phonetics and phonology on
applied linguistics fields, such lexicography, phono- stylistics, etc.
We hope that this conference and similar conferences will enrich and bridge the
Phonetic and phonological Arabic language studies among language studies.
We take a great pleasure in inviting you to participate in making this event a
Time: November 4-6, 2008
Place: AL al-Bayt University Campus
Application Form Deadline: 1/6/2008
Papers and Abstracts Deadline: 1/8/2008
Conference Fees: No Fees
Cost: University covers housing and hospitality for (3-7, November), and for
participants out side the country transportation from and to ALIA international
Airport in Amman.
Organizing Committee
Prof. Fawwaz M. Al- Abed Al- Haq, Dean, Arts and Humanities Faculty Chairman.
Dr. Said J. Abu Khader, Arabic Lang. and Lit. Dept., Coordinator.
Prof. Ali H. Al Bawab, Arabic Lang. and Lit. Dept., Member.
Prof. Shokri A. Al Madi, Arabic Lang. and Lit. Dept., Member.
Prof. Mahmoud A. Kanakri, Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Member.
Dr. Ibrahim Y. Al Sayyed Arabic Lang. and Lit. Dept., Member.
Dr. Zayd Kh. Al Qaralah, Arabic Lang. and Lit. Dept., Member.
Dr.Abdel Rahman M. Hawaidi Arabic Lang. and Lit. Dept., Member.
Dr.Mahmoud M.. Al-deeky Arabic Lang. and Lit. Dept., Member.
Dr.Muntaha T. AL Harahsheh Arabic Lang. and Lit. Dept., Member.
Dr.Adnan A. Kadhim Modern Languages Dept. Member.
Dr. Ahmed S. Al-Oliemat Modern Languages Dept. Member.
Dr.Mohamad S. Al Esa History Dept. Member
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1741
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