19.1789, Qs: Hindi Causatives
Wed Jun 4 18:48:30 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1789. Wed Jun 04 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.1789, Qs: Hindi Causatives
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Date: 02-Jun-2008
From: Gavin Austin < gaustin2 at une.edu.au >
Subject: Hindi Causatives
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2008 14:47:33
From: Gavin Austin [gaustin2 at une.edu.au]
Subject: Hindi Causatives
E-mail this message to a friend:
Dear all,
I have a quick question about causatives in Hindi. I hope a native Hindi
speaker can help.
(1) raam-nee khaanaa khaa-yaa.
Ram-AGENT food eat-PAST
'Ram ate dinner.'
(2) mal-nee raam-koo/*see khaanaa khil-aa-yaa.
'I fed Ram.'
(3) raam-nee nahaa-yaa.
Ram-AGENT bathe-PAST
'Ram bathed.
(4) mal-nee raam-kool*see nahal-aa-yaa.
'I bathed Ram.'
Is the following correct? In (2), Ram cannot perform the action of eating
without assistance: perhaps he is a small child or an invalid. In (4),
however, there is no obligatory implication that Ram needs help. Perhaps he
does, or perhaps he doesn't.
Basically I'm interested in whether causatives in Hindi take obligatorily
assisted causees when the verb is ingestive (e.g. 2), but not otherwise.
Sinhala is like this, for example.
Gavin Austin
U of New England
(examples from Saksena 1980)
Linguistic Field(s): Syntax
Subject Language(s): Hindi (hin)
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1789
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