19.1937, FYI: Benjamins Title Now in Paperback: Deignan
Wed Jun 18 21:10:32 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1937. Wed Jun 18 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.1937, FYI: Benjamins Title Now in Paperback: Deignan
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Date: 18-Jun-2008
From: Paul P < paul at benjamins.com >
Subject: Benjamins Title Now in Paperback: Deignan
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 17:09:36
From: Paul P [paul at benjamins.com]
Subject: Benjamins Title Now in Paperback: Deignan
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This title is now available in a paperbound edition.
Metaphor and Corpus Linguistics
Alice Deignan
University of Leeds
Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research 6
2005. x, 236 pp.
Hardbound 978 90 272 3892 4 / EUR 110.00
978 1 58811 647 5 / USD 165.00
Paperback 978 90 272 3898 6 / EUR 33.00 / USD 49.95
Metaphor is a topical issue across a number of disciplines, wherever
researchers are concerned with how speakers and writers package and process
messages. This book is addressed at readers from diverse academic
backgrounds who are interested in ways of researching metaphor from
different perspectives, and especially through corpus linguistics. A number
of approaches to and exploitations of metaphor, including conceptual
metaphor theory and cognitive approaches more generally, text and spoken
discourse analysis, and CDA, are discussed, explored and critiqued using
corpus data. The book also includes corpus linguistic studies of different
aspects of metaphor, which investigate its linguistic and semantic
properties and relate them to current theoretical views. The book
demonstrates the need for naturally-occurring language data to be used in
the development of metaphor theory, and shows the value of corpus data and
techniques in this work.
Table of contents
Acknowledgements ix
Introduction 1-9
Part I.: Current models of metaphor and metonymy
1. Conceptual Metaphor Theory and language 13-32
2. Defining metaphor 33-52
3. Metaphor and metonymy 53-71
Part II: Current research into metaphor
4. Corpus research into metaphor 75-102
5. Cognitive and psycholinguistic approaches to metaphor research 103-122
6. Discourse approaches to metaphor research 123-142
Part III. The examination of corpus data
7. The grammar of metaphor 145-167
8. Semantic relations in source and target domains 169-192
9. Metaphor and collocation 193-213
10. Conclusion 215-224
References 225-231
Index 233-235
"The book proves to be an interesting contribution to the existing
literature on metaphor, as well as a guidance for future research."
Enrico Monti, University of Bologna, Italy, in ICLA-review, February 2008
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
Text/Corpus Linguistics
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1937
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