19.1946, Calls: Applied Ling/Tunisia; Applied Ling,Lang Acq,Psycholing/Germany
Thu Jun 19 17:01:11 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1946. Thu Jun 19 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.1946, Calls: Applied Ling/Tunisia; Applied Ling,Lang Acq,Psycholing/Germany
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 18-Jun-2008
From: Bilel Gargouri < bilel.gargouri at fsegs.rnu.tn >
Subject: Arabic Natural Language Processing Session
Date: 17-Jun-2008
From: Holger Hopp < holger.hopp at gmail.com >
Subject: Morphological Form & Syntactic Function in SLA
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 12:55:55
From: Bilel Gargouri [bilel.gargouri at fsegs.rnu.tn]
Subject: Arabic Natural Language Processing Session
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Full Title: Arabic Natural Language Processing Session
Short Title: ANLP-ACIT?2008
Date: 16-Dec-2008 - 18-Dec-2008
Location: Hammamet, Tunisia
Contact Person: Bilel Gargouri
Meeting Email: bilel.gargouri at fsegs.rnu.tn
Web Site: http://www.acit2k.org
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Arabic, Standard (arb)
Call Deadline: 15-Jul-2010
Meeting Description:
Arabic Natural Language Processing Session (ANLP-ACIT'2008)
at the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2008)
December 16-18, 2008 Hammamet, Tunisia
Arabic language is spoken in more than 20 countries and it is the native
language of over 200 million people. Thus, the need to help Arabic people to
have access to information and technologies in their mother tongues is being of
great importance especially with the Internet explosion. Hence, the necessity of
Arabic NLP systems is being essential. Nevertheless, Arabic is considered among
the languages that are difficult to process automatically.
The aim of this session is to bring together researchers and industrials that
are actively involved in Arabic language processing and give them an opportunity
to exchange ideas, approaches and implementations of computational systems; to
discuss the common challenges faced by all practitioners; and to assess the
state of the art in the field. In addition, one of the aims of this session is
to identify promising areas for future collaborative research in the development
of Arabic NLP systems.
This session includes but is not limited to the following topics:
- Part of speech tagging
- Morphological analysis and generation
- Shallow and deep parsing
- Word sense and syntactic disambiguation
- Semantic analysis
- Information retrieval
- Information extraction
- Question answering
- Text clustering and classification
- Text summarization
- Text and web content mining
- Named entity recognition
Session chairs:
Lamia Hadrich Belguith, Bilel Gargouri & Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou
(LARIS-MIRACL Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia)
ACIT Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Ali Farghaly (Oracle, USA)
Keynote Speech Title: Arabic Language Processing: Overview, State of the Art,
Challenges and Opportunities
Prof. Abdel Belaïd (LORIA, Nancy- France)
Keynote Speech Title: Arabic Language Recognition
Richard Thomas Watson (University of Georgia)
Keynote Speech Title: The Business of Open Source
Submissions must be in English. Authors are invited to submit a paper of 8 pages
(in Postscript or PDF) to:
Bilel Gargouri (bilel.gargouri at fsegs.rnu.tn)
With a CC to :
Lamia Hadrich Belguith (l.belguith at fsegs.rnu.tn)
and (bilel.gargouri at gmail.com)
Instructions for preparing the manuscript are available on:
Papers will be evaluated at least by two reviewers for originality,
significance, clarity, and contribution. Submitted papers must not have been
previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission: July 15, 2008
Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2008
Camera-ready submission & registration: October 1, 2008
Conference period: December 16-18, 2008
Program Committee:
- Chafik Aloulou (LARIS-MIRACL/FSEGS, Tunisia)
- Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou (MIRACL/ISIMS, Tunisia)
- Lamia Hadrich Belguith (LARIS-MIRACL/FSEGS, Tunisia)
- Philippe Blache (LPL-Université de Provence, France)
- Malek Boualem (France Telecom R&D, France)
- Khaled Chaalan (Université du Caire, Egypte)
- Khalid Choukri (ELDA, France)
- Mona Diab (Columbia University, USA)
- Joseph Dichy (Université Lumière-Lyon 2, France)
- Mariem Ellouze (MIRACL/ECS, Tunisia)
- Ali Farghali (Oracle, USA)
- Bilel Gargouri (MIRACL/FSEGS, Tunisia)
- Hatem Ghorbel (CGC- Lausanne, Suisse)
- Kais Haddar (MIRACL/FSS, Tunisia)
- Maher Jaoua (MIRACL/FSEGS, Tunisia)
- Selim Mesfar (Université de Franche-Comté, France)
- Farid Meziane (Salford University, Manchester)
For any additional information, Please contact Bilel Gargouri
(bilel.gargouri at fsegs.rnu.tn)
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 12:56:03
From: Holger Hopp [holger.hopp at gmail.com]
Subject: Morphological Form & Syntactic Function in SLA
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Full Title: Morphological Form & Syntactic Function in SLA
Short Title: AG2 (DGfS 2009)
Date: 04-Mar-2009 - 06-Mar-2009
Location: Osnabrueck, Germany
Contact Person: Holger Hopp
Meeting Email: ag2.dgfs2009@ gmail.com
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Morphology;
Psycholinguistics; Syntax
Call Deadline: 31-Aug-2008
Meeting Description:
This workshop 'Morphological Form and Syntactic Function: The Syntax-Morphology
Interface in Child and Adult Second Language Acquisition' is part of the 31st
Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS 2009) at the University
of Osnabrueck, Germany. It aims at a systematic comparison of the
syntax-morphology interface in child versus adult second-language (L2) acquisition.
The workshop ''Morphological Form and Syntactic Function: The Syntax-Morphology
Interface in Child and Adult Second Language Acquisition'' is part of the 31st
Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS 2009) at the University
of Osnabrueck, Germany. It aims at a systematic comparison of the
syntax-morphology interface in child versus adult second-language (L2)
acquisition. We invite researchers studying early and/or late L2 acquisition of
morphosyntax from different perspectives to contribute presentations and to
submit abstracts to this workshop.
The relation between inflectional morphology and syntax in the development of L2
grammars has been at the forefront of research on early and late L2 acquisition.
While the available evidence to date suggests that inflectional morphology
presents only passing difficulty in child L2 acquisition and may be relatively
closely tied to the acquisition of syntax, inflectional morphology is prone to
protracted problems in late L2 acquisition, yet, with less clear linkages to
syntactic development.
This scenario has led to various approaches claiming either that child L2
acquisition differs from adult L2 acquisition in the domain of morphology, yet
not in syntax (Schwartz 2003), or that they differ in both morphology and syntax
(Blom, Polisenska & Weerman 2006). Against the backdrop of these approaches,
this workshop seeks to relate comparative empirical data to three questions:
1) What are the effects of age in the acquisition of inflectional morphology and
syntax? Do child L2 learners invariably outperform late L2ers, and, if so, is
the relation between age and performance at the syntax-morphology interface
linear or age-bounded, i.e. indicative of a Critical Period?
2) What are the effects of the first language on the acquisition of
morphosyntax? Is morphosyntactic development in child L2 acquisition equally
affected by L1 properties as adult L2 development?
3) What is the nature of problems at the syntax-morphology interface? Some
approaches stress representational problems in syntax (e.g. Hawkins 2001) or
morphology (e.g. Lardiere 2006), while others point to computational problems
(e.g. Prévost & White 2000) or problems at PF (Goad & White 2004). Recent
advances in L2 processing and neuroimaging research can help address the
question as to whether non-convergent production and comprehension of
morphosyntax in L2 development are due to representational deficits or
computational problems in L2 acquisition. In addition, they allow us to consider
the role of cognitive resources in child and adult L2 processing.
In the workshop, we hope to discuss new findings in order to move closer towards
a coherent perspective on age effects in the L2 acquisition of morphosyntax.
We are pleased to announce Bonnie D. Schwartz (University of Hawai'i) as invited
speaker at this workshop.
Abstract submission guidelines:
- Abstracts are for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion).
- Abstracts should be one A4 page max. (Times New Roman, 12pt, single-spaced,
one-inch-margins), including tables, figures and references.
- Abstracts must be in pdf format.
- Abstracts should contain the title of the talk, but not the authors.
- Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail. Names, affiliations and contact
details of the authors and the title of the abstract should be included in the
body of the e-mail. Abstracts should be in the attachment.
Please send abstracts to ag2 dot dgfs2009 at gmail dot com. The subject line
should include ''abstract submission''.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: August 31, 2008.
Notification of acceptance: September 30, 2008.
Conference dates: March 4-6, 2009.
The workshop organizers:
Holger Hopp (hhopp at rumms dot uni-mannheim dot de)
Rosemarie Tracy (rtracy at rumms dot uni-mannheim dot de)
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1946
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