19.930, Calls: General Ling,Typology/Netherlands; General Ling/Singapore
Wed Mar 19 20:37:04 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-930. Wed Mar 19 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.930, Calls: General Ling,Typology/Netherlands; General Ling/Singapore
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 19-Mar-2008
From: Remco van Pareren < R.M.van.Pareren at rug.nl >
Subject: Language Contact in Times of Globalization 2 (2009)
Date: 18-Mar-2008
From: Lawrence Jun Zhang < lawrence.zhang at nie.edu.sg >
Subject: 13th Int'l Conference on English in South East Asia
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 16:35:12
From: Remco van Pareren [R.M.van.Pareren at rug.nl]
Subject: Language Contact in Times of Globalization 2 (2009)
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Full Title: Language Contact in Times of Globalization 2 (2009)
Short Title: LCTG2
Date: 04-Jun-2009 - 06-Jun-2009
Location: Groningen, Netherlands
Contact Person: Remco van Pareren
Meeting Email: lctg2 at rug.nl
Web Site: http://www.rug.nl/let/lctg2
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Typology
Call Deadline: 30-Sep-2008
Meeting Description:
The Second International Conference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization will focus on the effects of language contacts as a result of the on-going globalization process.
Call for Papers
Almost two decades ago a tradition of organising international conferences with a focus on language contacts was established at the University of Groningen. It started in November 1991 with a conference on Finno-Ugric languages amidst Slavic and Germanic language communities. Since then similar international conferences have been held in 1996, 1999, 2001 and 2006.
As a follow-up to the successful first International Conference on Language Contact in Times of Globalization in 2006 (of which the proceedings will be published in 2008), the University of Groningen is organising a second conference on June 4-6, 2009. This conference is one of the cultural and scholarly activities planned for this year, which has been proclaimed Year of the Hanseatic League by the Cultural Forum of Groningen. The festivities for this occasion include an exhibition in the Groningen Museum, an international congress of historians, and numerous other activities. Although the League was mainly an economic organisation, it was also a major instigator of prolonged linguistic contacts in medieval times.
This second conference will largely focus on the same theme as the previous one, i.e. the effects of language contacts as a result of the on-going globalization process. The organisers, however, feel that language contact should not only be seen as a recent development, but much more as a process of all ages happening at all locations where cultures come into contact with each other.
The Hanseatic League is but one example of early language contact, there are of course many more. We therefore welcome papers related to all issues on language contact and language change from a synchronic and diachronic perspective. We are pleased to announce that Prof. George van Driem (University of Leiden), Prof. Johanna Nichols (University of California, Berkeley), Prof. Pekka Sammallahti (University of Oulu) and Prof. Peter Schrijver (University of Utrecht) have agreed to give plenary lectures.
We invite speakers from around the world to send in papers (30 minutes) on this particular theme. Abstracts must not exceed 500 words and should be sent by email attachment (word or rtf file) to lctg2 at rug.nl by 30 September 2008. Notification on acceptance will be sent out by 30 November 2008. The registration fee will be 100 euros until 1 April 2009, after which it will be 120 euros. A peer-reviewed selection of the contributions is planned to appear after the conference.
Organizing Committee:
Cornelius Hasselblatt, Peter Houtzagers, Remco van Pareren
University of Groningen
Faculty of Arts
Postbus 716
9700 AS - Groningen
The Netherlands
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 16:35:21
From: Lawrence Jun Zhang [lawrence.zhang at nie.edu.sg]
Subject: 13th Int'l Conference on English in South East Asia
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Full Title: 13th Int'l Conference on English in South East Asia
Short Title: ESE 2008
Date: 04-Dec-2008 - 06-Dec-2008
Location: Singapore, Singapore
Contact Person: Lawrence Jun Zhang
Meeting Email: esea2008 at nie.edu.sg
Web Site: http://www.ell.nie.edu.sg/esea2008/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 30-Jun-2008
Meeting Description:
The English Language and Literature Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, is pleased to host the 13th International Conference on English in Southeast Asia (ESEA 2008).
The English in Southeast Asia (ESEA) Conference series has been held annually since the first conference in Singapore in 1996. The conferences are hosted on a rotational basis and represent the collaboration among the National Institute of Education (Singapore), the University of Malaya (Malaysia), the University of Brunei Darussalam, Curtin University (Australia), Ateneo de Manila University (the Philippines), Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong Institute of Education (Hong Kong), Sanata Dharma University (Indonesia), King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (Thailand), and Waikato University (New Zealand). Previous ESEA conferences have been held in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Australia, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Thailand.
The purpose of this series of international conferences is to provide a platform for researchers and educators in Southeast Asia to deliberate on issues pertaining to English Language and Literature in academic, educational and work contexts.
Call for Proposals
ESEA 2008 invites proposals for presentation at the Conference on Englishes and Literatures-in-English in a Globalised World.
Proposals may be for individual papers, posters, or workshops.
Individual Papers:
Individual papers are scheduled for 30-minute blocks, with 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Poster Presentations:
Posters are for discussion of work in progress. A block of time will be allocated when presenters are available to discuss their posters.
Workshops are scheduled for 90-minute blocks. Workshop leaders may divide the time to engage the audience. Time should be allocated for opening and closing remarks, presentations, panel discussions (if included), and extended audience response and interaction.
Submission of Proposals:
A proposal for an individual paper, workshop or poster at ESEA 2008 should include:
- Title (up to 10 words)
- Name, affiliation, and email address of the presenter(s)
- Type of proposal: paper, poster, or workshop
- Abstract of proposal (up to 300 words)
- Summary (up to 100 words)
- Biodata (up to 50 words)
The phenomenon that we have come to understand as globalisation has led to a marked increase in cultural connections, affiliations and networks around the world. This has led, in turn, to the development and spread of varieties of English Language and Literatures-in-English around the world. The 13th ESEA Conference focuses on the theme of Englishes and Literatures-in-English in a Globalised World, and seeks to explore issues pertaining generally to the problems and possibilities of living in a globalised world. Within this broad theme, there will be the following possible strands:
1. Southeast Asian Varieties of English
2. Southeast Asian Literatures in English
3. Literature and Globalisation
4. Language, Culture and Globalisation
5. New Technologies in Language and Literature Education
6. Critical Literacies in a Globalised World
7. Innovations in Language and Literature Pedagogies
8. English in Home, Academic and Professional Contexts
9. Issues in Teacher Education
10. English Language and Literature in the Media
Deadline for submission of proposals:
The deadline for submission of proposals: 30 June 2008. Please use the Conference Proposal Form and submit it as an attachment via email to: esea2008 at nie.edu.sg
If you are unable to submit your proposal via email, please send it before 30 June 2008 by post or fax to:
ESEA Conference 2008
Attn: Dr Lawrence Jun Zhang
English Language & Literature Academic Group
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University
1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
Fax: (+65) 68969149
Acceptance Notice:
Acceptance letters will be sent to all authors and, in the case of multiple authors, to the lead author, before 30 August 2008.
Invited Plenary Speakers:
- B. Kumaravadivelu, San José State University, USA
- Jean Aitchison, Oxford University, UK
- John Ayto, formerly University of Surrey, UK
- John McRae, Nottingham University, UK
- Rajeev Patke, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dates and Venue:
The conference will be held from 4--6 December 2008 (Thursday to Saturday) on the campus of the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The final day will focus on pedagogy.
The registration fee for the conference is SGD $350 for each participant. Presenters should pre-register, using the Registration Form together with payment details. Registration can be sent in by email, fax or post.
Reservation of rooms can be made directly with the Nanyang Executive Centre, ESEA 2008 designated hotel, located on the campus of the Nanyang Technological University at www.ntu.edu.sg/NEC/Accommodation/Booking+Form/
Send your details
via email to: NTUNEC at ntu.edu.sg
Or by fax to: (+65) 67906701
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries on the Conference. Our email address is:
esea2008 at nie.edu.sg
ESEA 2008 Organising Committee:
Advisors: Dr Lubna Alsagoff, Dr Anneliese Kramer-Dahl & Dr Christine Goh
Chairs: Dr Lawrence Jun Zhang & Dr Rani Rubdy
Members: Ms Ang-Tay May Yin, Dr Carmelita Ballesteros, Dr Paul Doyle, Dr Benny Lee, Dr Alvin Leong, Ms Cynthia Macknish, Dr Angelia Poon, Dr Hu Guangwei, Ms Ng Chiew Hong, Dr Rita Silver, Dr Ludwig Tan, Dr Ramona Tang, Dr Peter Teo, Dr Wee Bee Geok & Dr Pat Wong
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LINGUIST List: Vol-19-930
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