19.961, Working: for LINGUIST is Extremely Satisfying
Sat Mar 22 02:01:26 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-961. Fri Mar 21 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.961, Working: for LINGUIST is Extremely Satisfying
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University,
and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Maria Moreno-Rollins <maria at linguistlist.org>
To post to LINGUIST, use our convenient web form at
Date: 21-Mar-2008
From: linguist < linguist at linguistlist.org >
Subject: Group of Hardworking Students
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 21:55:09
From: linguist [linguist at linguistlist.org]
Subject: Group of Hardworking Students
E-mail this message to a friend:
Dear LINGUIST List Subscribers,
I joined the LINGUIST List over a year ago now - in January 2007. I graduated from
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, in October 2007 and I thought I was
done with classes. Therefore, it was quite unexpected that I ended up coming to
Michigan to work for one of the well-known worldwide linguistics services and study
at Eastern.
Working for the LL is really challenging and demanding. At the same time, however,
it's extremely satisfying.
Even thought I've been here for a year already, I still don't know everything about
the LL - it's a truly great enterprise involved in a number of projects! It is a
truly great experience being able to work and study in a different country; every
day brings new challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, working for LL is a
hands-on experience with linguistics. Students at LL are given the opportunity to
attend workshops held here, at LL, which enables them to listen to great linguists
talk about their projects.
For a year I was in charge of Calls and Conferences Area and People Directory. Every
day I responded to a number of emails from all around the world. I also got to read
warm and friendly messages from our users. Posting Calls for Conferences enabled
me to keep track of what was happening in the academic world, which was extremely
exciting. Now, I moved on to more HTML and programming-oriented tasks. I find them
difficult at times, but thrilling as I want to develop and gain more computer
The LL team is a group of hardworking students, always willing to help, and who,
in fact, enjoy their work; even above and beyond their set weekly schedule. Not
only do all of us have our everyday tasks, but we also work on a number of projects.
After the entire year spent with the LL crew I still think it is great to be one of them.
I'll be extremely happy to watch the LL grow and provide even more services to
the linguist community. Please donate to help us continue to bring this service to you:
I feel very lucky to be here. Thank you for your support!
Ania Kubisz
This Year the LINGUIST List hopes to raise $60,000. This money will go to help keep
the List running by supporting all of our Student Editors for the coming year.
See below for donation instructions, and don't forget to check out our Fund Drive
2008 LINGUIST List Circus and join us on our many shows!
There are many ways to donate to LINGUIST!
You can donate right now using our secure credit card form at
Alternatively you can also pledge right now and pay later. To do so, go to:
For all information on donating and pledging, including information on how to
donate by check, money order, or wire transfer, please visit:
The LINGUIST List is under the umbrella of Eastern Michigan University and as such
can receive donations through the EMU Foundation, which is a registered 501(c)
Non Profit organization. Our Federal Tax number is 38-6005986. These donations
can be offset against your federal and sometimes your state tax return (U.S. tax
payers only). For more information visit the IRS Web-Site, or contact your
financial advisor.
Many companies also offer a gift matching program, such that they will match any
gift you make to a non-profit organization. Normally this entails your contacting
your human resources department and sending us a form that the EMU Foundation fills
in and returns to your employer. This is generally a simple administrative procedure
that doubles the value of your gift to LINGUIST, without costing you an extra penny.
Please take a moment to check if your company operates such a program.
Thank you very much for your support of LINGUIST!
We would like to thank all of the publishers and subscribers who
donated prizes for this year's Fund Drive games, puzzles, and
Publisher Prize Donors:
Cascadilla Press
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
Edinburgh University Press
John Benjamins
Multilingual Matters
Cambridge University Press
MIT Press
Oxford University Press
Surrey Morphology Group
Subscriber Prize Donors:
Stefan Dollinger
Suzette Haden Elgin
Monica Macaulay
Sandina Vasile
The LINGUIST List Hall of Fame
RING LEADERS ($1000 and over)
D Terence Langendoen
Deutsche Sprachwiss
LION TAMERS ($100 to $1000)
Acrisio Pires
anita fetzer
Anne Breitbarth
Antonella Sorace
Arienne Dwyer
Barbara H Partee
Barbara Job
Bernard Spolsky
Betty S. Phillips
Bill VanPatten
Brook Lillehaugen
Carol Klee
Caroline R Wiltshire
Carolyn Hartnett
Catherine Rudin
Cinzia Russi
Claire Ramsey
Cynthia Edmiston
Dan I. Slobin
Daniel Currie Hall
Danny Moates
David Bowie
Earl M Herrick
Edward Garrett
Elena Tapia
Elizabeth Cowper
Elizabeth Liddy
Ellen Broselow and Dan Finer
Emmon and Wynn Bach
Ernest McCarus
Gerald McMenamin
Gerardo A Lorenzino
Helen and Anthony Aristar
Ian Wilson
Ingo Plag
Ivano Caponigro
J. W. Fuller
james corcoran
James Jenkins
James Kari
Jeaenette Gundel
Jeff Good
Jeffrey Heath
Jennifer Cole
Jie Zhang
Joanne Scheibman
Johanna Laakso
John Beavers
Jose-Luis Mendivil
Josep M. Fontana and Louise McNally
Julie Auger
Karen Davis
Katy Carlson
Keith Goeringer
Keith Walters
Keren Rice
Kiyoko Takahashi
Kornel Bangha
Laura Callahan
Laura Wagner
Laurie Zaring
Lenore Grenoble
Liane Jeschull
Linguistics Program Carleton College
Margaret Speas
Marianne Milligan
Marisa Ferrara Boston
Martin Ehala
Martin Kappus and Maribel Romero
Meghan Sumner
Michael Quinion
Michael Silverstein
Michael Swan
Monica Macaulay & Joe Salmons
Nancy Sullivan
Nassira Nicola
Northeastern University Linguistics Program
Oleksandr Dymo
Oliver Stegen
Paul Chapin
Paul S. Cohen
Penny Eckert and Ivan A. Sag
Pius ten Hacken
Randall Gess
Richard Hudson
Roger Shuy
Sandhya Sundaresan Thomas McFadden
Sanford Steever
Shanley Allen
Shaon Obeidallah
Stanley Dubinsky
Steven Pinker
Susannah Levi
Susanne Gahl
Suying Hsiao
Thera Crane
tom Roeper
University of California, Santa Barbara
Ute Römer
Veronika Koller
Victoria Muehleisen
Wayles Browne
Wolfgang J. Meyer
Wynn Chao
Zenzi M. Griffin
- Plus 15 anonymous donors
ACROBATS ($50 to $100)
Alana Thorpe
Albin Jaques
Alison Gabriele
Amanda Brown
Amara Prasithrathsint
Ana bartra kaufmann
Andrea Berez
Andreas Musolff
Anke Lüdeling
Ann Wehmeyer
Anna Fagan
Anna Fowles-Winkler
Anna Szabolcsi
Ash Asudeh
Catherine Fortin
CBS Center for Translation Research CRITT
Christopher Becker
Claudia Kunschak
Claus Dieter Pusch
Diane Brentari
Dipika Mukherjee
Donna Lillian
Dylan Herrick
Elsi Kaiser
Eric Haeberli
Fabiana MacMillan
Fay Wouk
Ferdinand von Mengden
francisco Dubert
Frauke Zeller
Grover Hudson
Hans Lindquist
Heidi Quinn
Hortensia Curel
Howard Williams
Humphrey P van Polanen Petel
Ida Toivonen
Inge Genee
Jacques Jayez
James L Fidelholtz
Jean Mulder
Jennifer Cornish
Joan Baart
Joaquim Barbosa
John W. Du Bois
Joost Kremers
Josefa Mardijono
Josep Quer
Judith Meinschaefer
Julia James
Kumiko Murasugi
Laura J. Downing
Leslie Saxon
Lisa Galvin
Lise Menn
Ljiljana Progovac
Loretta O'Connor
Ludovica Serratrice
Luis Gonzalez
Margaret Dunham
Maria-Henrietta Iliescu
Marianna Di Paolo
Mary Dalrymple
Mary Erbaugh
Mary L. Clayton and R. Joe Campbell
Michael Israel
Michael Lessard-Clouston
Mira Ariel
Morris Salkoff
Neil Olsen
Nicholas Fleisher
Peter Grund
Peter Richtsmeier
Pilar Garces-Conejos Blitvich
Pollet Samvelian
Regina Morin
Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero
Ricardo Gómez López
Richard Whitt
Rick Nouwen
Robert Cirillo
Robert Williams
Sarah Thomason
Shlomo Izre'el
SJ Hannahs
Stefan Th. Gries
Susan D Fischer
Susan Foster-Cohen
Susan Meredith Burt
Susann Fischer
Suzanne Curtin
Taibi NOUR
Tatjana Scheffler
Thomas Koller
Urtzi Etxeberria
Ute Smit
Vern M. Lindblad
Virginia LoCastro
Will Fitzgerald
Yael Ziv
Youssef Haddad
Yukiko Sasaki Alam
- Plus 13 anonymous donors
DONORS (Up to $50)
Agnes Sandor
Akiyo Cantrell
Alessio Frenda
Amy Campbell
Anastasia Riehl
Andrea Revesz
Anne Schwarz
Aoju Chen
Ashley Fidler
Asli Untak-Tarhan
ben wes
Benedetta Bassetti
C.L. Cannizzaro
Catharina Peersman
Catherine Anderson
Cecile De Cat
Christopher Sams
Clare Wright
David Gaatone
David Martin
Dina kapetangianni
E. Allyn Smith
Elizabeth Canon
Erik Willis
Fusheini Hudu
Goh Kawai
Gunther De Vogelaer
Harriet E. Klein
Heather Taylor
Heike Zinsmeister
Helen Stickney
Istvan Kecskes
Janneke ter Beek
Jennifer Glougie
Joanna Lowenstein
Jonathan Brennan
Judith Tonhauser
Kate Dobiecka
Katherine Martinez
Kent Johnson
Lara Reglero
Laurel Fais
Lauren Hall-Lew
Liberty Lidz
Lorraine Levin
Marianna Chodorowska Pilch
Mary O'Brien
Matthew Wolf
Mayrene Bentley
Michael Maxwell
Michael Newman
Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine
Nancy Melucci
Nerea Madariaga
Nynke de Haas
Rebecca Sachs
Remi Jolivet
Richard Waltereit
Richard Winters
Rizwan Ahmad
Sandra Smith
Sara Mack
Sarah Harmon
Sebastian Sauppe
Seizi Iwata
Stefan Dollinger
Stefan Karl Serwe
Suzanne Aalberse
Sébastien Marengo
Tamás Biró
Theres Grueter
Tometro Hopkins
Tracy Lennertz
Tyler Peterson
Winifred Davies
Yuni Kim
- Plus 18 anonymous donors
Cambridge University Press
Cascadilla Press
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
Edinburgh University Press
Elsevier Ltd
Equinox Publishing Ltd
Georgetown University Press
Hodder Education
John Benjamins
Lincom GmbH
MIT Press
Mouton de Gruyter
Multilingual Matters
Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
Oxford University Press
Peter Lang AG
Routledge (Taylor and Francis)
Association of Editors of the Journal of Portuguese Linguistics
Graduate Linguistic Students' Association, Umass
International Pragmatics Assoc.
Linguistic Association of Finland
Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke - LOT
SIL International
St. Jerome Publishing Ltd
Utrecht institute of Linguistics
Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus
American University of Armenia
Basis Technology
Bridgewater State College
Brock University
Carleton College
Carriebeam Consulting
Central Intelligence Agency
City University of Hong Kong
Concordia University
Datascope Recruitment
Denison University
Dongduk Women's University
Educational Testing Service
Finnova AG Bankware
Gallaudet University
Global Business Network LLC (GlobNet)
Hanyang University
Hapax Ltd.
Heriot-Watt University
Higher Colleges of Technology
Hokkaido University
Högskolan Dalarna
IBM Canada
Indiana University
Iowa State University
Janya Inc.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Johns Hopkins University
Justus Liebig Universität Gießen
LADO International College
Lexicon Branding
Livemocha Inc.
Macquarie University
McNeil Technologies
Memorial University
MITRE Corporation
Monash South Africa
Morgan State University
Nangwik Services
National Taiwan Normal University
New York University
Northern Arizona University
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems
Northwestern University
Nuance Communications
Oxford University Press
Pittsburg State University
Qatar University
Queens College/CUNY
Radboud University Nijmegen
Ruhr Universitaet Bochum
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
School of Oriental and African Studies
Sensory, Inc.
SkyGrid, Inc.
SYSTRAN Software
Teragram Corporation
Texas A&M University
The Fizzback Group
The University of Montana
The University of Sydney
The University of Tromsø/The Faculty of Humanities
U of Maryland
University College London
University of Aizu
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Amsterdam
University of Arizona
University of Berne, Switzerland
University of Bielefeld
University of British Columbia
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
University of Chicago
University of Florida
University of Freiburg
University of Georgia
University of Goettingen
University of Groningen
University of Illinois
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Konstanz
University of Macau
University of Michigan
University of Namur
University of Notre Dame
University of Nottingham, Ningbo
University of Nottingham, Ningbo China
University of Oregon
University of Oslo
University of Pennsylvania
University of Rochester
University of Southampton
University of Texas - Pan American
University of Texas at Austin
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
University of Toronto Scarborough
University of Tromso
University of Tromsø
University of Ulster
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
University of York
University Oldenburg
Universität Mannheim
Université catholique de Louvain
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Utrecht University; Faculty of Humanities
Vantage Linguistics
Yale University
University of Toronto
University of California, Berkeley
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Eastern Michigan University
University of Minnesota
University of Michigan
University of Cambridge
Michigan State University
Stanford University
Carleton University
University of Edinburgh
University of Chicago
University of California, Santa Barbara
Bar-Ilan University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Florida
Portland State University
Indiana University
Boston University
University of Hamburg
University at Buffalo
Northwestern University
University of California, San Diego
University of British Columbia
University of Stuttgart
University of Kansas
University of Pennsylvania
Tel-Aviv University
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of Vienna
National Tsing Hua University
Stony Brook University
Cornell University
University of Utah
University of Texas at Austin
University of Arizona
Syracuse University
National University of Shipbuilding
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
University of Calgary
University of Manchester
University of Zaragoza
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Illinois at Chicago
Kanda University of International Studies
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto
Texas Tech University
Academia Sinica
University of Wisconsin-Madison
California State University, Fresno
San José State University
University of Tartu
Northeastern University
Ohio University
University of Bielefeld
University of California, Santa Cruz
Columbia University
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Old Dominion University
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Maryland
Humboldt University, Berlin
New York University
University of the Basque Country
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics
Georgetown University
Durham University
University of Geneva
University of Lausanne
University of Greenwich
Florida State University
University of Pittsburgh
University of Sydney
East Carolina University
University of Melbourne
Biola University
Fluminense Federal University
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
University of Innsbruck
Copenhagen Business School
Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication, University of Amsterdam
Ohio State University
Newcastle University
University of Southern California
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
University of Nottingham
Ecole Normale Supérieure
University of Canterbury
University of Connecticut
University of Auckland
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Lethbridge
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Vrije University Brussels
University of California, Davis
University of Lyon
Purdue University
American University in Cairo
University of Victoria
Ruhr University Bochum
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
University of Paris 7, Denis Diderot
Uppsala University
Wayne State University
University of Oklahoma
Monash University
University of Montreal
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Florida International University
University of Washington
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Groningen
Queens College (CUNY)
La Trobe University
University of California, Irvine
Eötvös Loránd University
State University of New York at Albany
University of Leeds
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
City University of New York
State University of New York
University of Jyväskylä
University of Georgia
Universiteit van Amsterdam
University of Essex
Northeastern State University
Radboud University Nijmegen
University of Paris 4, Sorbonne
Ghent University
Trinity College Dublin
University of Alberta
Linguist List
Yale University
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Florida Atlantic University
Moscow State University
Hokkaido University
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-961
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