19.968, Calls: Cog Sci,Comp Ling/Germany; Discourse Analysis/Romania

Sat Mar 22 21:45:15 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-968. Sat Mar 22 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.968, Calls: Cog Sci,Comp Ling/Germany; Discourse Analysis/Romania

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 21-Mar-2008
From: Alessandro Lenci < alessandro.lenci at ilc.cnr.it >
Subject: Distributional Lexical Semantics - ESSLLI 2008 

Date: 16-Mar-2008
From: Anca Gata < Anca.Gata at ugal.ro >
Subject: Médiativité / Evidentiality et Argumentation


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 17:43:29
From: Alessandro Lenci [alessandro.lenci at ilc.cnr.it]
Subject: Distributional Lexical Semantics - ESSLLI 2008
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Full Title: Distributional Lexical Semantics - ESSLLI 2008 

Date: 04-Aug-2008 - 09-Aug-2008
Location: Hamburg, Germany 
Contact Person: Alessandro Lenci
Meeting Email: lexsem08 at gmail.com
Web Site: http://wordspace.collocations.de/doku.php/data:start 

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics; Psycholinguistics; Semantics 

Call Deadline: 04-Apr-2008 

Meeting Description:

Distributional Lexical Semantics:
Bridging the gap between semantic theory and computational simulations
Workshop at ESSLLI 2008, Hamburg, August 4-9 2008 

Final Call for Papers

Workshop at ESSLLI 2008, Hamburg, August 4-9 2008

Workshop Page:

ESSLLI 2008 Page:

Background and Motivation

Corpus-based distributional models (such as LSA or HAL) have been claimed to capture interesting aspects of word meaning and provide an explanation for the rapid acquisition of semantic knowledge by human language learners. However, although these models have been proposed as plausible simulations of human semantic space organization, careful and extensive empirical tests of such claims are still lacking.

Systematic evaluations typically focus on large-scale quantitative tasks, often more oriented towards engineering applications (see, e.g., the recent SEMEVAL evaluation campaign) than towards the challenges posed by linguistic theory, philosophy and cognitive science. This has resulted in a great divide between corpus-driven computational approaches to semantics on the one hand and theory-driven symbolic approaches on the other - a situation that is characteristic of the linguistic and of most of the cognitive
tradition. Moreover, whereas human lexical semantic competence is obviously multi-faceted -- ranging from free association to taxonomic judgments to relational effects -- tests of distributional models tend to focus on a single aspect (most typically the detection of semantic similarity), and few if any models have been tuned to tackle different facets of semantics in an integrated manner.

Our workshop purports to fill these gaps by inviting research teams and individual scholars to test their computational models on a variety of small but carefully designed tasks that aim to bring out linguistically and cognitively interesting aspects of semantics (see below for details). To this effect, annotated datasets are available on the workshop page: http://wordspace.collocations.de/doku.php/data:start. Participants are encouraged to explore them and highlight interesting aspects of their models' performance, conduct quantitative and qualitative error analysis, etc.

Tasks and Data Sets

Small annotated data sets are available on the workshop page. Participants are invited to apply their computational models and conduct a thorough analysis of the results. The goal is not to achieve better precision than competitors, but to understand the strengths and weaknesses of individual models, analyze and explain errors, etc. Theoretical discussions of the data sets from a linguistic or cognitive perspective are also invited and will complement the empirical findings.

Ongoing work on data set preparation can be monitored at http://wordspace.collocations.de/doku.php/data:start. The workshop wiki is intended to provide a forum to discuss the organization of the tasks.

We offer the following tasks:
- concrete nouns categorization
- abstract/concrete nouns discrimination
- verb categorization

Modelling free association:
- correlation with free association norms

Generation of salient properties of concepts:
- comparison with speaker-generated features

Important Dates:
- April 4, 2008: Paper submission deadline
- April 24, 2008: Notification
- August 4-9, 2008: Workshop in Hamburg (during the first week of ESSLLI)

Paper Submission Instructions:
We welcome papers reporting results of experimenting with word space models on one or more workshop tasks, as well as comparing different models on the same task(s). Authors are asked to carry out their own evaluation, using if possible the tools provided on the website.

We also welcome papers focussing on:
- methodological and theoretical issues concerning word space models;
- open challenges for distributional methods for semantic analysis;
- interactions with formal approaches to meaning;
- interactions with cognitive research on human semantic memory.

The papers should not be longer than 8 pages, and they should be submitted
anonymously in PDF format following the ACL2008 stylesheet.

Submission must be sent to lexsem08 at gmail.com, no later than April 4, specifying 'paper submission' in the subject and the authors' names
and affiliation in the message body.

Programme Committee:
Marco Baroni (University of Trento) (co-organizer)
Reinhard Blutner (University of Amsterdam)
Gemma Boleda (UPF, Barcelona)
Peter Bosch (University of Osnabrueck)
Paul Buitelaar (DFKI, Saarbruecken)
John Bullinaria (University of Birmingham)
Katrin Erk (UT, Austin)
Stefan Evert (University of Osnabrueck) (co-organizer)
Patrick Hanks (Masaryk University, Brno)
Anna Korhonen (Cambridge University)
Michiel van Lambalgen (University of Amsterdam)
Alessandro Lenci (University of Pisa) (co-organizer)
Claudia Maienborn (University of Tuebingen)
Simonetta Montemagni (ILC-CNR, Pisa)
Rainer Osswald (University of Hagen)
Manfred Pinkal (University of Saarland)
Massimo Poesio (University of Trento)
Reinhard Rapp (University of Mainz)
Magnus Sahlgren (SICS, Kista)
Sabine Schulte im Walde (University of Stuttgart)
Manfred Stede (University of Potsdam)
Suzanne Stevenson (University of Toronto)
Peter Turney (NRC Canada, Ottawa)
Tim Van de Cruys (University of Groningen)
Gabriella Vigliocco (University College, London)
Chris Westbury (University of Alberta)

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 17:43:38
From: Anca Gata [Anca.Gata at ugal.ro]
Subject: Médiativité / Evidentiality et Argumentation
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Full Title: Médiativité / Evidentiality et Argumentation 
Short Title: EMA 

Date: 08-Jun-2008 - 10-Jun-2008
Location: Galati, Romania 
Contact Person: Anca Gata
Meeting Email: seminaire_communication at yahoo.fr
Web Site: http://www.discorps.ugal.ro/ExploratoryWorkshop02.htm 

Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis; Pragmatics; Text/Corpus Linguistics 

Subject Language(s): French (fra)

Language Family(ies): Eastern Romance; Romance 

Call Deadline: 20-Mar-2008 

Meeting Description:

Main Topics:
Médiativité dans la langue et dans le discours 
L'hétérogénéité énonciative 
Procédés de renforcement argumentatif et d'atténuation argumentative 
Sémantique du temps et de l'aspect 
Construction textuelle du point de vue 
Structures argumentatives à arguments parallèles et leur marquage linguistique 
Les objets de la polyphonie 
Stéréotypes, proverbes, phraséologie
Analyse du discours médiatique (presse écrite et radio)
Médiativité et argumentation 
'Mais' / 'pourtant' dans la contre-argumentation 

This workshop is to be held in French

Séminaire de Recherche Communication, interprétation, évaluation dans les sciences du langage
ATELIER 2 / 2008 - Université Dunarea De Jos - Galati, Roumanie 

3 journées - Du 8 au 10 JUIN 2008

Médiativité / Evidentiality et Argumentation

Le séminaire que nous avons l'intention d'organiser est conditionné par l'obtention d'un financement de la part du Ministère de l'Éducation roumain. Ce financement dépend de la confirmation des participants intéressés. Les potentiels intéressés sont donc priés de nous faire parvenir dès que possible leur intention de participation.

L'obtention du financement nous permettra de rembourser les frais de voyage et d'hébergement des conferenciers invités et des participants roumains. Il n'y a pas de frais d'inscription pour les participants étrangers. Les organisateurs offrent les matériels des ateliers et les repas.

Conférenciers invités

Jean-Claude Anscombre - Université Paris 13, Villetaneuse, et École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, FRANCE

Ligia-Stela Florea - Université Babes-Bolyai, Cluj, Roumanie

Vahram Atayan - Universités de Bonn et des Saarlandes, Allemagne 

Workshop Presentation



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LINGUIST List: Vol-19-968	


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