19.1572, Calls: Historical Linguistics/Germany; General Linguistics/Belgium

Fri May 16 15:16:03 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1572. Fri May 16 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.1572, Calls: Historical Linguistics/Germany; General Linguistics/Belgium

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Editor for this issue: F. Okki Kurniawan <okki at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 15-May-2008
From: Ales Bican < dssl2008 at gmail.com >
Subject: Diachronic Syntax in Slavonic Languages 

Date: 15-May-2008
From: Mark Van de Velde < mark.vandevelde at ua.ac.be >
Subject: Third International Conference on Bantu Languages


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 11:13:44
From: Ales Bican [dssl2008 at gmail.com]
Subject: Diachronic Syntax in Slavonic Languages
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Full Title: Diachronic Syntax in Slavonic languages 
Short Title: DSSL2008 

Date: 05-Dec-2008 - 06-Dec-2008
Location: Regensburg, Germany 
Contact Person: Ales Bican
Meeting Email: dssl2008 at gmail.com
Web Site: http://www.phil.muni.cz/jazyk/dssl/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics 

Language Family(ies): Slavic Subgroup 

Call Deadline: 30-Jun-2008 

Meeting Description:

The workshop is intended to discuss questions of gradualness of syntactic change
which includes both theoretical and empirical questions. An important focus is
on already existing diachronic corpora of Slavonic languages and those which are
currently under construction (i.e. the Regensburg Diachronic corpus of Russian
and the planned Diachronic Corpus of Serbian). 

Call for Papers

The Slavonic Department of the University of Regensburg and Centre for
Interdisciplinary Research on the Ancient Languages and the Early Stages of
Modern Languages of the Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic in cooperation
with The Department for Serbian language and linguistics (University of Novi
Sad) invite abstracts for the international workshop 'Diachronic Syntax in
Slavonic languages: Gradual changes in focus' to be held 5-6 December 2008 in
Regensburg, Germany.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Grammaticalization processes in the history of the Slavonic languages 
- The rise of auxiliaries 
- The development of 'peripheral subjects' like zero and so called dative subjects 
- The development of reflexive constructions 
- The architecture of Diachronic corpora 
- Historical corpus linguistics

Conference languages will be German and English.

Please send your abstract to this email address: dssl2008 at gmail.com

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 11:13:52
From: Mark Van de Velde [mark.vandevelde at ua.ac.be]
Subject: Third International Conference on Bantu Languages
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Full Title: Third International Conference on Bantu Languages 
Short Title: BANTU 3 

Date: 25-Mar-2009 - 27-Mar-2009
Location: Tervuren, Belgium 
Contact Person: Mark Van de Velde
Meeting Email: bantu.conference at africamuseum.be
Web Site: http://www.africamuseum.be/research/anthropology/linguistic/Bantu3 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Language Family(ies): Narrow Bantu 

Call Deadline: 01-Sep-2008 

Meeting Description:

The Third International Conference on Bantu Languages brings together
specialists in all aspects of the study of Bantu languages, as well as scholars
interested in the (pre)history of Bantu speaking peoples. 

Call for Papers

Abstracts are invited for conference presentations addressing any aspect of the
analysis, description or comparison of Bantu languages. We especially welcome
contributions on the three conference topics, viz. (i) grammaticalisation, (ii)
historical linguistics and pluridisciplinary approaches to the history of
Bantu-speaking peoples and (iii) the noun phrase.

Koen Bostoen, Maud Devos, Dmitry Idiatov, Jacky Maniacky, Mark Van de Velde &
Anneleen Van der Veken

Invited Speakers:
Vladimir Plungian, (Institute of Linguistics, Moscow, Russia)
Jan Vansina, (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Jan Rijkhoff, (Aarhus Universitet, Denmark)

Instructions for abstract submissions:
Abstracts should be no longer than one page A4, including data and references,
with 2.5 cm margins and 12 point font size. Time for presentations is 30
minutes, including 10 minutes for discussion. Please send two copies of your
abstract. One should be anonymous, and one should include your name, affiliation
and email at the top of the page, directly below the title.

Abstracts may be submitted either: 
1. As PDF, RTF, or MS Word email attachment to bantu.conference at africamuseum.be.
Please make sure that any special fonts are embedded in your Word document
(Tools > Options > Save ''Embed true type fonts'').
2. As hard copies to the address below. 

Royal Museum for Central Africa
Leuvensesteenweg 13
3080 Tervuren

The registration fee for the conference is € 70, or € 35 for students and

Important Dates:
Deadline for abstracts: September 1st 2008
Notification of acceptance: October 10th 2008
Programme available: January 5th 2009
Conference: March 25th-27th 2009


LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1572	


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