19.1674, Calls: General Linguistics/Brazil; Applied Linguistics/USA
Sun May 25 23:08:37 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1674. Sun May 25 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.1674, Calls: General Linguistics/Brazil; Applied Linguistics/USA
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: F. Okki Kurniawan <okki at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 23-May-2008
From: Max Guimaraes < maxguimaraes at ufpr.br >
Subject: VII Workshop on Formal Linguistics
Date: 23-May-2008
From: Lida Cope < copel at ecu.edu >
Subject: TESOL and Applied Linguistics Graduate Students
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 19:05:52
From: Max Guimaraes [maxguimaraes at ufpr.br]
Subject: VII Workshop on Formal Linguistics
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Full Title: VII Workshop on Formal Linguistics
Date: 28-Aug-2008 - 29-Aug-2008
Location: Curitiba - PR, Brazil
Contact Person: Maria Jose Foltran
Meeting Email: mfoltran at ufpr.br
Web Site: http://www.letras.ufpr.br/workshop/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 30-Jun-2008
Meeting Description:
The Linguistic Department and the Graduate Program in Linguistics of the
Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) is pleased to announce the VII Workshop on
Formal Linguistics, to be held on August 28th - 29th, 2008 at the Universidade
Federal do Paraná in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. The Workshop welcomes papers on
any topic that concerns formal accounts to meaning and structure in natural
language, which could be from an analytical or a theoretical approach, and could
explore either core aspects of grammar, or some interface phenomena
(syntax-semantics, syntax-prosody, morpho-syntax, morpho-phonology,
semantics-pragmatics, lexical semantics, language acquisition, etc.). The
conference is open to work done from any theoretical perspective in formal
linguistics. The official language of the conference is English.
As part of the activities of the workshop, Prof. Dr. Susan Rothstein (Bar Ilan
University) will offer a course (program below) which will be held from the 1st
to the 5th of September, 2008. (the course is open to everyone)
Call for papers
Presentations will be allotted twenty minutes, plus ten minutes for discussion.
There will be a poster session opened to everyone, including students that
participate in Undergraduate Research Assistantship Programs (i.e. 'Iniciação
Científica'). Due to the limited number of slots for talks, the scientific
community might relocate some talk submissions to the poster session.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Please submit an anonymous abstract (1 page, 500 words) to mfoltran at ufpr.br. The
body of the message should include the title of the paper, the name of the
author(s), his/her (their) affiliation(s) and whether the abstract is to be
considered as paper, as poster or either.
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2008 Notification of acceptance will be e-mailed
by the end of July.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 19:06:01
From: Lida Cope [copel at ecu.edu]
Subject: TESOL and Applied Linguistics Graduate Students
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Full Title: TESOL and Applied Linguistics Graduate Students
Short Title: TALGS
Date: 21-Feb-2009 - 21-Feb-2009
Location: Greenville, NC, USA
Contact Person: Lida Cope
Meeting Email: copel at ecu.edu
Web Site: http://core.ecu.edu/engl/talgs/conference/conference.htm
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Call Deadline: 07-Dec-2008
Meeting Description:
TALGS (TESOL/Applied Linguistics Graduate Students) is a small, student-run
conference that provides a relaxed but serious environment for graduate students
and professionals working in TESL/TEFL and a variety of applied linguistic
fields to present their work and receive feedback. TALGS conference offers
graduate students and working professionals a forum to showcase their research
and experiences. TALGS is committed to bettering the educational experience of
language learners by providing a comfortable environment for interaction between
theory/research and practice/teaching.
Call for Papers
We encourage submissions from a variety of fields that can contribute to an
understanding of language use, language teaching, or language learning. We're
especially interested in cross-disciplinary proposal submissions. For instance,
proposals from the fields of sociolinguistics, sociology, education, foreign
languages, and psychology will be considered. Proposals grounded in action
research, works in progress, and pilot research are also welcome. Presentations
requiring computer facilities can be accommodated. Multiple proposals will be
considered. The language of the conference is English.
Preregistration deadlines: January 18, and February 1, 2008. Visit
http://core.ecu.edu/engl/talgs/conference/registration.htm for details.
Session Formats:
a) Papers
(30 minutes; 20 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for questions and answers)
b) Workshops
(Workshops tend to involve practical, hands-on ''presentations''; 40 minutes.)
c) Discussion Panels
(Discussion panels involve the leader(s) of the panel moderating discussion
about a specific topic and focused on a specific set of questions. 40 minutes)
Submission Guidelines:
1)Submit your presentation abstract (200 words) electronically at
2) Your proposal is not your registration. All presenters must preregister by
Sunday, January 18, 2008.
3) Discussion Panel proposals should include the main questions that you would
pose as the moderator(s).
4) Sessions last for 30-40 minutes. Double sessions (~80 minutes) can be
scheduled upon request.
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1674
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