19.1726, Calls: General Ling/USA; Syntax/Sweden
Fri May 30 17:08:16 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1726. Fri May 30 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.1726, Calls: General Ling/USA; Syntax/Sweden
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 30-May-2008
From: Marianne Milligan < milli064 at umn.edu >
Subject: 40th Algonquian Conference
Date: 30-May-2008
From: Peter Svenonius < peter.svenonius at hum.uit.no >
Subject: Revisiting Parameters: Holmberg & Platzack Reloaded
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 13:04:09
From: Marianne Milligan [milli064 at umn.edu]
Subject: 40th Algonquian Conference
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Full Title: 40th Algonquian Conference
Date: 24-Oct-2008 - 26-Oct-2008
Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA
Contact Person: John Nichols
Meeting Email: jdn at umn.edu
Web Site: http://amin.umn.edu/algonquian/index.html
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Language Family(ies): Algonquian
Call Deadline: 03-Sep-2008
Meeting Description:
The 40th Algonquian Conference will be held at the University of Minnesota-Twin
Cities in Minneapolis 24-26 October 2008. This is an international meeting for
researchers working in the area of Algonquian studies.
A limited number of rooms are being held at the Radisson University Hotel at an
Algonquian Conference rate of $129 (plus13.15% taxes; there is an additional
charge for parking), single or double, for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
nights. You are urged to reserve a room early. Reservations can be made by
contacting the hotel directly at 612-379-8888, or through its toll free hotel
number at 1-800-822-6757 or through Radisson Worldwide at 1-800-333-3333. The
hotel will honor reservations received by 9/25/08. Reservations received after
this date are subject to space availability and at the prevailing room rates.
All room reservations must be guaranteed for late arrival and secured with a
deposit equal to the first night's room and tax or with a major credit card.
Information on the hotel can be viewed at:
Call for Papers
We invite papers on all topics in Algonquian studies, including anthropology,
archaeology, art, biography, education, ethnography, ethnobotany, folklore,
geography, history, language education, linguistics, literature, music,
politics, psychology, religion and sociology.
Papers must not be longer than 20 minutes, with 10 minutes allowed for
discussion. Papers may be given in English, French, or an Algonquian language.
The due date for submissions is September 3, 2008. If you are interested in
making a presentation, please send a title and abstract (maximum 1 page, 12
point font, 1 inch margin) to: <jdn at umn.edu>. The subject line of your email
must read Algonquian Conference and the text of your email message must include
your name, postal address, institution, telephone numbers and fax number and the
electronic address of each speaker. Indicate your AV requirements. If email
submission is not possible, you can fax the submission to the attention of John
Nichols at 612-626-7904, or you may send a copy of the abstract to the
organizing committee:
Organizing Committee of the 40th Algonquian Conference
c/o John D. Nichols
Department of American Indian Studies
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
19 Scott Hall, 72 Pleasant St. S.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 USA
Presentations will begin Friday morning, October 24 and will finish Sunday noon,
October 26. There will be a reception on Thursday night, October 23.
Registration fees (payable by check to the 40th Algonquian Conference) are $75,
received prior to the 15th of September; late registration fees after that date
are $90). The student rate is $40 before September 15, and $50 thereafter. (All
amounts are payable in US or Canadian funds. We do not accept credit card
payments.) The conference will be held on the East Bank campus in Minneapolis at
the Radisson University Hotel on Friday and in nearby university buildings on
Saturday and Sunday.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 13:04:19
From: Peter Svenonius [peter.svenonius at hum.uit.no]
Subject: Revisiting Parameters: Holmberg & Platzack Reloaded
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Full Title: Revisiting Parameters: Holmberg & Platzack Reloaded
Date: 16-Oct-2008 - 17-Oct-2008
Location: Lund, Sweden
Contact Person: Peter Svenonius
Meeting Email: parameters at list.uit.no
Web Site: http://norms.uit.no/index.php?page=parameters
Linguistic Field(s): Syntax
Call Deadline: 15-Jul-2008
Meeting Description:
Revisiting Parameters: Holmberg and Platzack (1995) Reloaded
Lund University, October 16-17, 2008
Call for Papers
Invited speakers: Anders Holmberg, Christer Platzack, Höskuldur Thráinsson,
Frederick Newmeyer.
Abstract deadline: July 15th, 2008
Organized by NORMS. Support for speakers provided by NORMS, with funding from
Thirteen years have passed since the release of Holmberg & Platzack 1995, itself
the culmination of about a decade of work on the parametric differences between
Mainland and Insular Scandinavian (by which they meant, Norwegian, Swedish, and
Danish on the one hand and Icelandic and Faroese on the other).*
That monograph constitutes one of the most extended arguments for the classic
view of parameters in linguistic theory. It argues at length that two
parameters, an agreement parameter and a case parameter, account for a host of
finer-grained distinctions between two groups of languages in such phenomena as
V-to-T, null expletives, non-nominative subjects, object shift, long-distance
reflexives, and word order options in double-object constructions, connecting
them all to the presence in Icelandic of overt agreement and case morphology, as
opposed to the absence of such morphology in Swedish and neighboring languages.
In the ensuing 13 years, each of these phenomena has received other treatments,
and other differences among North Germanic varieties have been analyzed as well.
In many of these more recent treatments, the connection between morphology and
syntax has been challenged, and furthermore the interconnections among the
various syntactic phenomena has also been called into question. In addition,
there has been work on languages other than Scandinavian contributing to our
understanding of the syntax-morphology interface and of the nature of parameters.
The conference ''Revisiting Parameters'' calls for 2-page abstracts for papers
that address these issues, including (but not limited to) such matters as:
- Do other language families that show a similar split between a morphologically
rich branch and a morphologically weak branch exhibit comparable differences in
syntactic phenomena to the North Germanic case?
- To what extent can the differences between two groups of languages such as
Mainland and Insular Scandinavian be characterized in terms of a small set of
How can a microparametric or lexical approach, in which there are few or no
implicational relations among parameter settings, account for the problem of
language acquisition?
- What do such differences as those among the North Germanic languages tell us
about the nature of parameters?
Abstracts dealing entirely with non-Scandinavian languages are welcome.
Presentations will be in English. Partial reimbursement for travel expenses will
be available for speakers whose abstracts are selected for presentation.
Two-page abstracts should be sent in pdf format before midnight, July 15th
Central European Summer Time (Greenwich +1+1) to parameters at list.uit.no;
abstracts should be anonymous, and contact information should be included in the
e-mail. An individual may submit at most one joint and one solo abstract, or two
joint abstracts. Additional questions can also be directed to that address.
*Though we use 'Scandinavian' here, following Holmberg & Platzack, in its common
polyseme to refer to the North Germanic languages, there are also Scandinavian
languages of the Finno-Ugric family, for example Northern Sámi. Papers dealing
with those languages are extremely welcome.
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1726
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