19.3226, Support: Typology: PhD Student, Radboud University
Fri Oct 24 15:24:01 UTC 2008
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-3226. Fri Oct 24 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 19.3226, Support: Typology: PhD Student, Radboud University
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Date: 24-Oct-2008
From: Pieter Muysken < p.muysken at let.ru.nl >
Subject: Typology: PhD Student, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 11:19:58
From: Pieter Muysken [p.muysken at let.ru.nl]
Subject: Typology: PhD Student, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
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Institution/Organization: Radboud University Nijmegen
Department: Linguistics / CLS
Web Address: http://www.ru.nl
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Typology
Language contact
'Argument marking in South American languages'
Faculty of Arts
Vacancy number: 23.43.08
Job description:
The ERC-funded Traces of Contact project aims to establish criteria by which
results from language contact studies can be used to strengthen the field of
historical linguistics. It does so by applying the scenario model for language
contact studies to a number of concrete settings, which differ widely in their
level of aggregation and time depth: the languages of the Amazonian fringe in
South America, the complex multilingual setting of the Republic of Suriname, the
multilingual interaction of immigrant groups in the Netherlands, and two groups
of multilingual individuals. New methods from structural phylogenetics are
employed, and the same linguistic variables (TMA and evidentiality marking,
argument realization) will be studied in the various projects. A shared
questionnaire will be used in these projects, so that comparable data can be
gathered. By applying the scenario model at various levels of aggregation, a
more principled link between language contact studies and historical linguistics
can be established.
Currently the project has vacancies for 2 Ph.D. positions. The Ph.D. student
employed on the Ph.D. project entitled 'Argument marking in South American
languages' will be creating a database on argument marking for 50-60 South
American languages. In addition to producing the database, the Ph.D. student is
expected to have completed a Ph.D. thesis on the topic by the end of the contract.
The successful applicant
- has a Master's degree in Linguistics or a closely related discipline
- has excellent analytical skills
- has good writing and presentation skills
- shows a keen interest in and a demonstrated capacity for language description
and typology
- has a good knowledge of English and preferably at least passive knowledge of
- is willing to work as part of a team.
The Faculty of Arts consists of eleven departments in the areas of language and
culture, history, history of arts, linguistics and business communication, which
together cater for about 2,800 students and collaborate closely in teaching and
research. This project is part of the research programme 'Language in Time and
Space' that is conducted at the Centre for Language Studies, a research
institute that is part of the national Graduate School in Linguistics (LOT), a
KNAW-acknowledged research school. CLS provides excellent research facilities
and high-quality training for Ph.D. students.
The research will be conducted within the Department of Linguistics under the
direct supervision of Prof. dr. P.C. Muysken, in the context of a larger team
comprising half a dozen post-docs as well as numerous other Ph.D. students. The
proposed research will result in a Ph.D. thesis which may consist of scientific
articles published in high-quality journals.
Conditions of employment:
Maximum employment: 1,0 fte
Duaration of the contract: Initial contract for 18 months with possible
extension for two years.
Additional conditions of employment:
The starting gross salary is € 2,000 per month based on full-time employment.
Other Information:
Additional information and a summary of the research proposal can be obtained
through: p.muysken at let.ru.nl.
E-mail: vacatures at let.ru.nl
Application Deadline: 10-Nov-2008
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: dr Peter Stunnenberg
Personnel, Faculty of Arts, Radboud University Nijmegen
postbus 9103
Nijmegen 6500 HD
Web Address for Applications: http://www.ru.nl\vacatures
Contact Information:
Prof Pieter Muysken
p.muysken at let.ru.nl
LINGUIST List: Vol-19-3226
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