19.3304, Confs: General Linguistics/Hungary

Fri Oct 31 13:17:14 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-3304. Fri Oct 31 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.3304, Confs: General Linguistics/Hungary

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Editor for this issue: Stephanie Morse <morse at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 29-Oct-2008
From: Beáta Gyuris < gyuris at nytud.hu >
Subject: 10th Symposium on Logic and Language


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 09:14:10
From: Beáta Gyuris [gyuris at nytud.hu]
Subject: 10th Symposium on Logic and Language 

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10th Symposium on Logic and Language 
Short Title: LoLa10 

Date: 26-Aug-2009 - 29-Aug-2009 
Location: Budapest/Gárdony, Hungary 
Contact: Beáta Gyuris 
Contact Email: lola10 at nytud.hu 
Meeting URL: http://www.nytud.hu/lola10 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Meeting Description: 

The 2009 meeting is the tenth installment of the Symposium series, which is
designed to provide a forum where logicians and linguists can meet to share and
discuss ideas and issues about how linguistics and logic influence each other,
with the aim of promoting a fruitful cooperation.

Preceding symposia took place in Debrecen (1987), Hajdúszoboszló (1989),
Révfülöp (1990), Budapest (1992), Noszvaj (1994), Budapest (1998), Pécs (2002),
Debrecen (2004), and Beseny?telek (2006). 

The Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is
pleased to announce the Tenth Symposium on Logic and Language, to be held on
August 26-29, 2009 in Gárdony, Hungary. 

Invited Speakers:
Donka Farkas (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Stefan Kaufmann (Northwestern University)
Thomas Ede Zimmermann (Universitaet Frankfurt).

Venue and Transportation: 
The symposium, following the tradition of the first meetings in the 1980s, will
take place in the Hungarian countryside, in a hotel with conference facilities,
to provide the participants the possibility for discussion in a more informal
setting. The venue of the 2009 symposium is Hotel Gárdony, situated at Lake
Velence, 50 km southwest of Budapest (www.cometohungary.com/hotel_gardony.html).
There will be a bus on the evening of August 26 taking participants from
Budapest to the conference location, but participants can also travel
individually, by train or by long-distance buses that run regularly.

The registration fee will include accommodation from the evening of August 26
through the morning of August 29, breakfasts, dinners, coffee breaks, and an
excursion, and is expected to amount to the equivalent of 240-320 EUR +/- 10% in
Hungarian Forints (the exact sum depending on room type, student/non-student
status, and the current exchange rate between HUF and EUR). 

Registration deadline: April 30, 2009

Organizing Committee:
Ágnes Bende-Farkas
Kinga Gárdai 
Zsófia Gyarmathy
Beáta Gyuris
László Kálmán
Cecília Molnár
Márta Peredy
Károly Varasdi

Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 31, 2009
Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2009
Registration deadline: April 30, 2009 
Deadline for submission of papers for the proceedings: June 10, 2009
LoLa10: August 26-29, 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-3304	


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