19.2745, Jobs: Language Acquisition: Asst Prof, University of Western Ontario

Tue Sep 9 20:24:57 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-2745. Tue Sep 09 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.2745, Jobs: Language Acquisition: Asst Prof, University of Western Ontario

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 09-Sep-2008
From: Carol Hooper < carol.hooper at uwo.ca >
Subject: Language Acquisition: Asst Prof, University of Western Ontario, Canada


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 16:23:36
From: Carol Hooper [carol.hooper at uwo.ca]
Subject: Language Acquisition: Asst Prof, University of Western Ontario, Canada
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University or Organization: University of Western Ontario 
Department: Faculty of Education
Job Location: London, Ontario, Canada 
Web Address: http://www.uwo.ca

Job Rank: Assistant Professor  

Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition 


The Faculty of Education at the University of Western Ontario in London,
Canada has two vacancies for full-time probationary (tenure-track) faculty
appointments, one in Aboriginal Education and one in second language
acquisition, FSL and ESL or another second language.  Both positions are at
the rank of Assistant Professor and will begin July 1, 2009.  Successful
candidates will teach in the B.Ed. and graduate programs, while sustaining
productive research and contributing to the life of the Faculty and university.

Applicants for the position in Aboriginal Education must be Aboriginal
Scholars with a PhD or equivalent, and demonstrated expertise in Aboriginal
issues in education, preferably curriculum.  Proficiency in an Aboriginal
language would be an asset.  If qualifications and experience for this
position warrant a higher rank, the appointment will be made at the
Associate Professor or Professor rank with tenure.

Applicants for the position in FSL/ESL must hold a PhD or equivalent as
well as a strong theoretical background in SLA/applied linguistics. 
Fluency in French, classroom based teaching experience and experience in
second language education among minority and majority populations are
essential.  Experience and/or interest in working with Aboriginal
communities would be an asset.

The Faculty of Education at Western is undergoing an exciting period of
growth and development as it becomes increasingly established as Canada's
foremost Faculty of Education.  Part of a larger university community of
approximately 26,000 full time students, this dynamic and collegial Faculty
includes 40 full time faculty, supported by a dedicated team of part time
faculty, administrative staff and community-based partners.  Guided by a
progressive new Strategic Plan, the Faculty is committed to preparing
knowledgeable, critical, creative and courageous educators and champions
through its teaching, research and service just, equitable opportunities
and outcomes for all individuals and communities, in and through education.

Qualified candidates should send an application package to the address
below, including: 
-  a description of scholarly interests and achievements and  potential
contributions to the Faculty
-  a curriculum vitae
-  a selection of reprints or pre-prints of scholarly writing 
-  teaching evaluations 
-  contact information for three referees

Electronic dossiers to deaned at uwo.ca

Consideration of applicants will begin on November 15, 2008, and will
continue until the positions are filled. 

Positions are subject to budget approval. Applicants should have fluent
written and oral communications skills in English. All qualified candidates
are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents
will be given priority. The University of Western Ontario is committed to
employment equity and welcomes applications from all qualified women and
men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with

Application Deadline:  (Open until filled)
Mailing Address for Applications:
	Dean Julia O'Sullivan 
	Faculty of Education 
	University of Western Ontario 
	1137 Western Road 
	London, Ontario N6G 1G7 
Email Address for Applications: josull at uwo.ca 
Contact Information:
	Carol Hooper 
	Email: carol.hooper at uwo.ca 
	Phone: 519-661-2080 
	Fax: 519-850-2377 

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-2745	


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