20.1470, Jobs: Language and Culture Policy: Rank Open, Kwansei Gakuin University

Sat Apr 18 19:03:23 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-1470. Sat Apr 18 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.1470, Jobs: Language and Culture Policy: Rank Open, Kwansei Gakuin University

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Editor for this issue: Luiza Newlin Lukowicz <luiza at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 17-Apr-2009
From: Mark Sawyer < mark02 at me.com >
Subject: Language and Culture Policy: Rank Open, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 14:59:41
From: Mark Sawyer [mark02 at me.com]
Subject: Language and Culture Policy: Rank Open, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

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University or Organization: Kwansei Gakuin University 
Department: School of Policy Studies
Job Location: Kansai, Japan 
Web Address: http://www.kwansei.ac.jp

Job Rank: Rank Open  

Specialty Areas: Sociolinguistics; Language and Culture Policy


Tenure-track position - Kwansei Gakuin University

The School of Policy Studies of Kwansei Gakuin University, located on the
Kobe-Sanda Campus in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan invites applications for an
open rank faculty position in the area of Language and Culture Policy
within the newly reorganized Department of Policy Studies. Salary and
benefits are competitive. The preferred starting date is September 15,
2009, though April 1, 2010 may also be possible.

Duties: Teach graduate and undergraduate courses, advise graduate students,
participate actively in faculty committee work and university ceremonies.
Normal undergraduate teaching load is five courses per semester (90 minutes
weekly), plus one or two graduate courses. Undergraduate courses are likely
to include the required freshman course Introduction to English Studies
(team-taught with four other instructors), the elective course Language and
Communication, and sophomore, junior, and senior research seminars, on
topics of mutual interest to instructor and students. 

Qualifications: Preference will be given to candidates with the following
- Ph.D. in linguistics or an area related to language or culture,
preferably combining both
- Native or native-like proficiency in English
- Working proficiency in Japanese, or evidence of willingness to develop it
- Successful experience teaching Japanese university students
- Active relevant research program

Kwansei Gakuin University is one of the top universities in the Kansai
area, and the School of Policy Studies is known for its
internationally-oriented faculty, strong English and computer skills
programs, and enthusiastic hard-working students.

Applications:  By May 20, submit the following items (either hard paper
copies or PDF electronic versions):
(1) curriculum vitae and cover letter
(2) copies of three publications (in principle non-returnable) 
(3) three letters of recommendation

Application Deadline: 20-May-2009 
Mailing Address for Applications:
	Language and Culture Faculty Search Committee 
	School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University 
	2-1 Gakuen 
	Sanda City, Hyogo Prefecture 669-1337 
Email Address for Applications: lcfsc at kwansei.ac.jp 
Contact Information
	L&CFSC Convenor 
	Email: lcfsc at kwansei.ac.jp 

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LINGUIST List: Vol-20-1470	


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