20.4268, Calls: Historical Ling, Linguistic Theories, Syntax/Italy
Fri Dec 11 22:00:29 UTC 2009
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-4268. Fri Dec 11 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 20.4268, Calls: Historical Ling, Linguistic Theories, Syntax/Italy
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
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<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 09-Dec-2009
From: Jóhanna Barðdal < johanna.barddal at uib.no >
Subject: Variation and Change in Argument Realization
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 16:52:14
From: Jóhanna Barðdal [johanna.barddal at uib.no]
Subject: Variation and Change in Argument Realization
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Full Title: Variation and Change in Argument Realization
Date: 28-May-2010 - 30-May-2010
Location: Capri and Naples, Italy
Contact Person: Eystein Dahl
Meeting Email: eystein.dahl at uib.no
Web Site: http://ling.uib.no/IECASTP/Workshop6.htm
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Linguistic Theories; Semantics;
Syntax; Typology
Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2009
Meeting Description:
The workshop 'Variation and Change in Argument Realization,' organized by
Jóhanna Barðdal (University of Bergen) and Michela Cennamo (University of
Naples), will take place at the premises of the University of Naples in Capri
and Naples, 28-30 May 2010.
The workshop aims at exploring the diachronic and/or variational implications of
modern current frameworks, pertaining to, for instance, their applicability on
diachronic changes and variational data, the predictions they make on the
progression and actualization of change, and the generalizations offered for
patterns of variation and change.
Final Call for Papers:
Workshop on "Variation and Change in Argument Realization" organized by Jóhanna
Barðdal (University of Bergen) and Michela Cennamo (University of Naples
Federico II)
Location: Capri and Naples, 28-30 May 2010
Invited speakers
- Balthasar Bickel (University of Leipzig)
- Miriam Fried (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
- Adam Ledgeway (University of Cambridge)
- Ranko Matasovic (University of Zagreb)
- Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester)
URL: http://ling.uib.no/IECASTP/Workshop6.htm
Research on the nature of argument structure and the factors determining its
encoding and representation has highlighted the complex interplay of semantic,
syntactic and pragmatic factors that determine argument realization within and
across languages (cf. Cennamo 2003, Levin and Rappaport Hovav 2005, Bentley
2006, Goldberg 2006, Barðdal 2006, 2008, Ramchand 2008, Van Valin 2009, among
others). The consensus view emerging from a large body of synchronic research
acknowledges the key roles played by event-based notions such as aspect (e.g.,
telicity, incremental theme) and control, and inherent features of argument
fillers, such as animacy and definiteness, in determining the mapping from the
lexical semantic to the morphosyntactic planes. The existence of non-event based
aspects in the encoding of arguments has also prompted current investigation of
the contribution of the idiosyncratic (the root) and structural facets (the
event-structure templates) of the meaning of verbs to argument realization, and
the principles governing their integration (Rappaport Hovav 2008).
This workshop aims at exploring these issues from a diachronic and variational
perspective (cf. Barðdal and Chelliah 2009, Cennamo 2009), bringing together
different strands of research on event/argument structure, as reflected in the
choice of invited speakers, and focusing on:
a) the applicability of current models, whether typological, projectionist,
constructional, neo- constructional, co-compositional, and others, on actual
diachronic changes and variational data from different domains, such as
auxiliary selection, argument marking and linking, ditransitives, the conative,
locative, (anti)causative alternation, etc.
b) the predictions they make as to the progression and actualization of change,
for instance whether syntactic aspects are affected earlier by change than
lexical aspects, the role played by pragmatic notions, frequency, etc.
c) the generalizations offered for recurrent patterns of variation and change,
and the uniformity encountered.
Contributions are invited from scholars of different theoretical persuasions for
discussion on the general and specific implications of different theoretical
models on argument/event structure in a diachronic and/or variational
perspective, including, but not limited to, the following:
- voice
- case-marking and grammatical relations
- (in)transitive alternations
- split intransitivity
- existential/presentative constructions
Please send your abstracts of 500 words or less to the workshop's contact
person: Eystein Dahl (Eystein.Dahl @ uib.no). Abstracts should be sent no later
than 15 December 2009, preferably in pdf-format. A response on abstracts will be
sent out no later than 20 January 2010.
- Barðdal, J. 2006. Construction-specific properties of syntactic subjects in
Icelandic and German. Cognitive Linguistics 17 (1): 39-106.
- Barðdal, J. 2008. Productivity: Evidence from Case and Argument Structure in
Icelandic. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Barðdal, J. and S. L. Chelliah (eds.). 2009. The Role of Semantic, Pragmatic,
and Discourse Factors in the Development of Case. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Bentley, D. 2006. Split intransitivity in Italian. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Cennamo, M. 2003. (In)transitivity and object marking: some current issues. In
G. Fiorentino (ed.), Romance Objects, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 49-104.
- Cennamo, M. 2009. Argument structure and alignment variations and changes in
Late Latin. In Barðdal, J. and S. L. Chelliah (eds.), 307-346.
- Goldberg, A. E. 2006. Constructions at Work: The Nature of Generalization in
Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Levin, B. and M. Rappaport Hovav. 2005. Argument Realization. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
- Ramchand, G. C. 2008. Verb Meaning and the Lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
- Rappaport Hovav, M. 2008. Lexicalized meaning and the internal temporal
structure of events. In Rothstein (ed.), Crosslinguistic and Theoretical
Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 13-42.
- Van Valin, R. D. 2009. Lexical representation, co-composition, and linking
syntax and semantics. J. Pustejovsky & P. Bullion (eds.), New Developments in
the Generative Lexicon. Dordrecht: Kluwer. To appear.
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-4268
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