20.488, Calls: Syntax/Hungary;Typology/Australia
Mon Feb 16 16:31:51 UTC 2009
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-488. Mon Feb 16 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 20.488, Calls: Syntax/Hungary;Typology/Australia
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University,
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Editor for this issue: Kate Wu <kate at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 15-Feb-2009
From: Balazs Suranyi < suranyi at nytud.hu >
Subject: Minimalist Approaches to Syntactic Locality
Date: 15-Feb-2009
From: Siew-Peng Condon < als2009 at latrobe.edu.au >
Subject: Australian Linguistic Society 2009 Conference
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 11:29:00
From: Balazs Suranyi [suranyi at nytud.hu]
Subject: Minimalist Approaches to Syntactic Locality
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Full Title: Minimalist Approaches to Syntactic Locality
Short Title: MASL
Date: 26-Aug-2009 - 28-Aug-2009
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Contact Person: Balazs Suranyi
Meeting Email: masl09 at yahoo.com
Web Site: http://ny01.nytud.hu/~suranyi/masl
Linguistic Field(s): Syntax
Call Deadline: 15-Apr-2009
Meeting Description:
This conference aims to bring together researchers working on minimalist
approaches to locality effects exhibited by syntactic dependencies, with
particular emphasis on (dependencies involving) syntactic movement. The
conference will feature a special Workshop on Head Movement and Locality.
Call for Papers
Conference on Minimalist Approaches to Syntactic Locality
This conference is envisaged to serve as a forum to discuss current minimalist
approaches to locality effects exhibited by syntactic dependencies, with
particular emphasis on (dependencies involving) syntactic movement.
Invited Speakers:
Adriana Belletti (Siena)
Cedric Boeckx (Harvard>Barcelona) (t.b.c.)
Carlo Cecchetto & Caterina Donati (Milano & Roma)
Marcel den Dikken (CUNY)
Gisbert Fanselow (Potsdam)
Gereon Müller (Leipzig)
Norvin Richards (MIT)
Eric Reuland (Utrecht)
Luigi Rizzi (Siena)
A number of distinct notions of syntactic locality have been employed and
explored within the frame of the minimalist research program. Some of them have
essentially been developed through reformulations from the immediately
anteceding GB approach, some others have been adapted from elsewhere, and others
again have newly emerged as part of the minimalist enterprise.
It is not clear at present which of these various notions of locality are
concurrently necessary, and which ones are to be eliminated, or
deconstructed---an issue with potentially far-reaching consequences for the
architecture of grammar. From a conceptual perspective, a key consideration is
that on minimalist assumptions locality properties of syntactic dependencies are
expected to fall out from the way syntactic computation (including its locally
minimized use of computational resources) is defined, as well as the way it
interfaces with external systems. Even though significant progress has been made
in the last decade, much work lies ahead before we can derive even some of the
most central locality properties without invoking any auxiliary concepts or
We invite abstracts for 40-minute presentations (30'+10') that address any
aspect of these major themes from a theoretical and/or empirical perspective. A
non-exclusive list of possible questions for discussion, both for the main
conference and for the special Workshop on Head Movement and Locality, can be
found on the conference website:
Authors of selected high quality abstracts that do not make it into the main
sessions will be invited for a poster presentation. Selected papers from the
conference and workshop will be considered for peer-reviewed (book or special
journal issue) publication.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2009
Abstract Submission:
An author may submit at most one single and one joint abstract in pdf format
through an upload interface accessible from the conference website. Abstracts
should be anonymous, and at most two A4 pages (including data and references) in
12-point font with 1-inch margins all around.
For the full details of abstract submission, please visit:
Important Dates:
Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2009
Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2009
Conference and Workshop: 26-28 August 2009
Organizers can be contacted at:
masl09 at yahoo.com
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 11:29:10
From: Siew-Peng Condon [als2009 at latrobe.edu.au]
Subject: Australian Linguistic Society 2009 Conference
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Full Title: Australian Linguistic Society 2009 Conference
Short Title: ALS 2009 Conference
Date: 06-Jul-2009 - 08-Jul-2009
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Contact Person: Siew-Peng Condon
Meeting Email: als2009 at latrobe.edu.au
Web Site: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/rclt/ALS2009.htm
Linguistic Field(s): Typology
Call Deadline: 01-Apr-2009
Meeting Description:
Australian Linguistic Society 2009 Annual Conference and General Meeting. The
2009 ALS Conference will be held at the Hotel Ibis, Therry Street, Melbourne,
VIC 3000
Call for Papers
Only members of ALS may present a paper or workshop at the annual conference.
Information about membership of ALS can be found at http://www.als.asn.au/
Call for Papers on any area of linguistic research
All Members of the Australian Linguistic Society wishing to present a thirty
minute paper followed by 10 minutes discussion at the 2009 ALS Meeting are
invited to submit a one page abstract using the instructions for authors at
Send the abstract to als2009 at latrobe.edu.au
Deadline for submission of abstracts: Wednesday 1st April 2009
Notification of acceptance: Friday 1st May 2009
Accepted abstracts will be posted on the ALS2009 website.
All submissions will be anonymously refereed.
Poster presentations are also welcome. Please use the same instructions as above.
It is envisaged that each Workshop could be made up of 3 or 6 speakers.
Proposals for Workshop sessions are welcome, submitted according to the
instructions at http://www.latrobe.edu.au/rclt/ALS2009.htm
Send the proposal to als2009 at latrobe.edu.au
Deadline for submission of proposals: Wednesday 1st April 2009
Notification of acceptance: Friday 1st May 2009
Accepted workshop proposals will be posted on the ALS2009 website.
Please provide titles of other papers in the Workshop as part of your package.
The ALS Organising Committee will vet these proposals and advise accordingly by
1st May 2009.
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-488
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