20.63, Calls: Phonology/Spain; Applied Ling,Computational Ling/Spain

Wed Jan 7 17:41:23 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-63. Wed Jan 07 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.63, Calls: Phonology/Spain; Applied Ling,Computational Ling/Spain

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Kate Wu <kate at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 06-Jan-2009
From: Stephanie Morse < morse at linguistlist.org >
Subject: 4th Workshop on Spanish within the Tones and Break Indices 

Date: 06-Jan-2009
From: Margaret Gammell < Margaret.Gammell at ul.ie >
Subject: EUROCALL 2009


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 12:37:45
From: Stephanie Morse [morse at linguistlist.org]
Subject: 4th Workshop on Spanish within the Tones and Break Indices

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Full Title: 4th Workshop on Spanish within the Tones and Break Indices 
Short Title: 4th Workshop on Sp_ToBI 

Date: 19-Jun-2009 - 19-Jun-2009
Location: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain 
Contact Person: Pilar Prieto
Meeting Email: pilar.prieto at uab.cat
Web Site: http://www.congresos.ulpgc.es/papi2009/workshop.html 

Linguistic Field(s): Phonology 

Subject Language(s): Spanish (spa)

Call Deadline: 15-Mar-2009 

Meeting Description:

IV Workshop on Sp_ToBI: Transcription of Intonation of the Spanish language 

Call for Papers

4th Workshop on Spanish within the Tones and Break Indices

The purpose of this workshop, which will take place in conjunction with the
Conference Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia 2009 (PaPI 2009), is to advance in
the development of a common transcription system for Spanish within the Tones
and Break Indices (ToBI) framework. As a result of the first Sp_ToBI workshop
held in October 1999, Beckman, Díaz-Campos, McGory & Morgan (2002) published a
preliminary set of tagging conventions for Spanish ToBI (Sp_ToBI). While the
preliminary Sp_ToBI transcription system proposed by Beckman et al. (2002) was a
very important first step, in recent years several revision articles have been
published (Face 2006, Face & Prieto 2007, Estebas & Prieto 2009). Before a
consensus system is proposed, it is important to achieve a common analysis of
Spanish intonation within the AM model of intonational phonology that takes into
account a wide range of data coming from the dialectal differences across
Spanish varieties.

Each participant or group of participants dealing with a dialectal area will be
allocated 25 minutes. Presentations will briefly analyze whether the
abovementioned Sp_ToBI proposals are able to handle and cover the basic
intonational contrasts found in the dialect (including more sentence types than
the broad focus statements and informational yes-no questions) (approximately
10-15 mins). After this, the presentation will be based on the open discussion
of labeled sound files (break, tones) illustrating some potential specific
problems of analysis that the dialect poses and discussing a new labeling
proposal. These sound files, included in the powerpoint presentations, will be
distributed to all participants prior to the workshop, so that differences in
analysis and labeling can be contrasted.

The invited speakers and commentators of the workshop will be Timothy Face
(University of Minnesota), José Ignacio Hualde (University of Illinois atUrbana-
Champaign), and Martine Grice (Universität zu Köln). 

Researchers interested in participating in the workshop, please write to
pilar.prieto at uab.cat. Abstracts should be sent by March 15, 2009.

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 12:37:52
From: Margaret Gammell [Margaret.Gammell at ul.ie]
Subject: EUROCALL 2009

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Full Title: EUROCALL 2009 

Date: 09-Sep-2009 - 12-Sep-2009
Location: Gandia, Valencia, Spain 
Contact Person: Margaret Gammell
Meeting Email: Masrgaret.Gammell at ul.ie
Web Site: http://eurocall.webs.upv.es/eurocall2009/callpapers.php 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Computational Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 15-Feb-2009 

Meeting Description:

EUROCALL is a professional organisation for the promotion of innovative
research, development and practice in the area of Computer Assisted Language
Learning (CALL) and Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) in education
and training. EUROCALL conferences bring together educators, researchers,
administrators, materials developers, government representatives, vendors of
hardware and software, and others interested in the field of CALL and TELL. 

Call for Papers

EUROCALL 2009 particularly welcomes papers focusing on New Trends in Computer
Assisted Language Learning with a special emphasis on innovative ways of
collaborating and working together in the advancement of language learning and
teaching. Presentations focusing on any other aspect of CALL research,
development and practice are also welcomed, especially innovative uses both of
established and of leading-edge technologies. All submissions are subject to a
blind refereeing process. 

Language of Delivery 
Abstracts can be submitted in English, Spanish or French. Authors will be
requested to provide a version in English after acceptance has been notified. 

Publication of articles from EUROCALL 2009 

Selected Papers from EUROCALL 2009 will be published in ReCALL, a fully-refereed
journal published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of EUROCALL
http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=REC. The deadline for
submission of articles will be 30th September 2009. 

Descriptive articles arising from a Research & Development paper, a Reflective
Practice paper, an Educational Showcase presentation or a Poster session, may
also be submitted for consideration for publication in The EUROCALL Review.

Conference proceedings will also be published this year. Authors of accepted
presentations will be asked to submit a 1500-word text for publication in the
EUROCALL 2009 proceedings. 

Online presentations 

For the 1st time in EUROCALL, this year it will be possible to submit proposals
for online delivery within the Virtual Strand. Further information will be
included in the Virtual Strand section.


LINGUIST List: Vol-20-63	


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