20.123, Support: Psycholinguistics, Phonology: PhD Student, Ghent University
Wed Jan 14 15:40:23 UTC 2009
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-123. Wed Jan 14 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 20.123, Support: Psycholinguistics, Phonology: PhD Student, Ghent University
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Date: 14-Jan-2009
From: Martina Penke < Martina.Penke at UGent.be >
Subject: Psycholinguistics, Phonology: PhD Student, Ghent University, Belgium
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 10:39:26
From: Martina Penke [Martina.Penke at UGent.be]
Subject: Psycholinguistics, Phonology: PhD Student, Ghent University, Belgium
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Institution/Organization: Ghent University
Department: German Language/Linguistics
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: Phonology; Psycholinguistics
Applications are invited for a 4-year half-time Ph.D. position in the field of
visual word recognition and/or reading acquisition at the German Department at
Ghent University (salary 28.400 Euro per year).
The successful candidate will work in the project "Interactions of phonology and
orthography in German visual word recognition" funded by the Flemish FWO. In
this project, we are investigating the interaction of phonology and orthography
in beginning readers of German and how this interaction develops over time as
reading proficiency grows. The relevant data will be collected in Germany
(Cologne, Bonn, and Bielefeld).
The successful candidate will plan and conduct psycholinguistic experiments
(reaction-time, eye-tracking) and analyse data. S/he will write a Ph.D. thesis
on a topic related to this research at Ghent University.
Profile of the candidate:
- Master's or equivalent degree in linguistics (i.e. e.g. General Linguistics,
German Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, or Clinical Linguistics),
- Background in experimental psycholinguistics and statistical data analysis,
- Good knowledge in at least one of the following areas: phonology, reading
acquisition, visual word recognition,
- Good command of English and German.
The grant starts during spring 2009. Application letters including a short
statement of interest, a full CV, a copy of the required diploma, and the names
of two academic referees should be sent by 5 February 2009.
More information can be obtained by e-mail from Prof. Dr. Martina Penke.
Application Deadline: 05-Feb-2009
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Prof. Martina Penke
Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte, Vakgroep Duits
Blandijnberg 2
Gent 9000
Contact Information:
Prof. Martina Penke
Martina.Penke at UGent.be
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-123
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