20.226, Calls: Applied Ling,General Ling/Egypt; General Ling/France
Sun Jan 25 02:42:55 UTC 2009
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-226. Sat Jan 24 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 20.226, Calls: Applied Ling,General Ling/Egypt; General Ling/France
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University,
and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Kate Wu <kate at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 23-Jan-2009
From: Helene Mazo < mazo at elda.org >
Subject: The Second International Conference on Arabic Resources & Tools
Date: 23-Jan-2009
From: Muhsina Alleesaib < muhsinaa at hotmail.com >
Subject: The Grammar of Reiteration in Creole and Other Natural Languages
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 21:39:54
From: Helene Mazo [mazo at elda.org]
Subject: The Second International Conference on Arabic Resources & Tools
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Full Title: The Second International Conference on Arabic Resources & Tools
Date: 22-Apr-2009 - 23-Apr-2009
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Contact Person: Bente Maegaard
Meeting Email: bente at cst.dk
Web Site: http://www.medar.info/conference
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Arabic, Standard (arb)
Call Deadline: 30-Jan-2009
Meeting Description:
The second international conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools is
organised by the MEDAR consortium in Cairo, Egypt. MEDAR (Mediterranean Arabic
Language and Speech Technology) is a follow-up of NEMLAR, and is supported by
the European Commission. The conference focuses on all aspects of Arabic
resources and tools.
Call for Papers
The conference is held under the auspices of the Egyptian minister of CIT, Dr.
Tarek Kamel.
MEDAR (Mediterranean Arabic Language and Speech Technology) is a follow-up of
NEMLAR, and is supported by the European Commission.
Conference web site: www.medar.info/conference
Dates: 22-23 April 2009.
The Scientific Programme will include invited talks, oral and poster
presentations, referenced demonstrations and panels.
Abstract Submission
Submission page: https://www.softconf.com/s08/medar09/
The conference will be using an electronic submission tool. It is available at
the conference website.
Abstracts should be 800-1000 words. Please read the guidelines.
Important Dates:
- Submission of proposals for papers, posters, referenced demos: 30 January 2009
- Notification of acceptance: 9 March 2009
- Final versions for the proceedings: 6 April 2009
NB. There will be no extension of deadlines!
The proceedings of the conference will include both normal papers, poster papers
and papers that go with a demonstration.
Proceedings will be electronic, but the abstracts will be printed.
Internet connections and various computer platforms and facilities will be
available at the conference site. In addition to referenced demos concerning LRs
and related tools, it will be possible to run unreferenced demos of language
processing products, systems and tools. You should contact us (details posted on
www.medar.info) if this opportunity interests you.
Tutorials Tutorials will be organised before the conference. Please check the
conference website.
Conference Programme Committee
- Bente Maegaard, CST, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (co-chair)
- Khalid Choukri, ELDA, Paris, France (co-chair)
- Mansour Al-Ghamdi, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
- Ibrahim Al-Kharashi, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
- Chris Cieri, LDC, USA
- Mona Diab, Columbia University, USA
- Ossama Emam, IBM Egypt
- Nizar Habash, Columbia University, USA
- Steven Krauwer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Chafik Mokbel, University of Balamand, Tripoli, Lebanon
- Abdelhak Mouradi, ENSIAS, University of Mohammed V Soussi, Rabat, Morocco
- Mohsen Rashwan, Cairo University, Egypt
- Mustafa Yaseen, Amman University, Jordan
Organising Committee
- Mohsen Rashwan, Cairo University, Egypt
- Mohamed Attia, RDI, Cairo, Egypt
- Hélène Mazo, ELDA, France
- Dorte Haltrup Hansen, CST, University of Copenhagen
For more information about MEDAR and NEMLAR, please check our website or contact:
Bente Maegaard (co-ordinator)
Tel: + 45 35 32 90 90
Fax: + 45 35 32 90 89
Email: nemlar at hum.ku.dk
Web: www.medar.info
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 21:40:02
From: Muhsina Alleesaib [muhsinaa at hotmail.com]
Subject: The Grammar of Reiteration in Creole and Other Natural Languages
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Full Title: The Grammar of Reiteration in Creole and Other Natural Languages
Date: 18-Jun-2009 - 18-Jun-2009
Location: Paris, France
Contact Person: Anne Zribi-Hertz
Meeting Email: taalwetenschap-fgw at uva.nl
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Language Family(ies): Creole
Call Deadline: 01-Mar-2009
Meeting Description:
The Grammar of Reiteration in Creole and Other Natural Languages
This one-day workshop is organised in relation to the Van Gogh Project 30-670
'Topic, focus and reduplication: a cross-linguistic approach', jointly directed
by the University of Amsterdam and the Groupe de Recherche sur les Grammaires
Creoles (Research Project on Creole Grammars), UMR SFL/University of Paris-8/CNRS.
Call for Papers
The theme of the workshop is the grammar of reiteration Ñ a nontechnical term
chosen to encompass any linguistic form involving two or several occurrences of
the same expression within the bounds of a certain domain, regardless of linear
adjacency between the reiterated strings.
Reiteration phenomena are clearly heterogeneous in nature and call for diverse
analyses bringing out (morpho)phonological, (morpho)syntactic, semantic and/or
pragmatic constraints and generalisations. The research groups organising the
workshop have a special interest in Creole languages Ñ which justifies their
being overtly distinguished in the proposed title. However, since Creole
grammars activate exactly the same types of grammatical mechanisms as other
natural languages, projects based on non-Creole languages may also crucially
contribute to our global understanding of reiteration.
The study of reiteration raises a number of descriptive and theoretical issues
which include the following:
- What types of (phonological, morphological, syntactic) structures may underlie
reiteration phenomena?
- When reiteration involves two adjacent meaningful expressions, are they merged
in syntax or in morphology?
- Can we correlate types of reiteration and types of semantic effects?
- Is a copy mechanism at work in the derivation of some reiteration data? If so,
what type of copy mechanism?
- Are some types of reiteration dependent on specific (phonological,
morphological, syntactic) properties, and if so, which ones?
Eight 35-minute talks (+ 10' for discussion) will be selected for the workshop.
Abstract selection will favour projects based on the in-depth study of one (or
two) specific languages.
One-page (single-spaced) abstracts should be sent to : < taalwetenschap-fgw at uva.nl>.
Please send 2 copies: one anonymous, one with author's identification, and type
'Abstracts Paris' in the 'object' slot of your email.
Deadine for submission: 1 March, 2009.
Acceptation notice: 1 April, 2009.
Scientific/organising committee: Enoch Aboh (ACLC/U. Amsterdam), Muhsina
Alleesaib (SFL/U. Paris-8-ZAS/Berlin), Hans den Besten (ACLC/U. Amsterdam),
Herby Glaude (SFL/U. Paris-8-ACLC/U. Amsterdam), Norval Smith (ACLC/U.
Amsterdam), Anne Zribi-Hertz (SFL/U. Paris-8).
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-226
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