20.2364, Calls: Computational Ling, General Ling, Portuguese/Brazil
Thu Jul 2 14:39:29 UTC 2009
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-2364. Thu Jul 02 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 20.2364, Calls: Computational Ling, General Ling, Portuguese/Brazil
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 01-Jul-2009
From: António Branco < Antonio.Branco at di.fc.ul.pt >
Subject: The 9th International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 10:35:02
From: António Branco [Antonio.Branco at di.fc.ul.pt]
Subject: The 9th International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese
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Full Title: The 9th International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese
Short Title: PROPOR2010
Date: 28-Apr-2010 - 30-Apr-2010
Location: Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Contact Person: António Branco
Meeting Email: Antonio.Branco at di.fc.ul.pt
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Portuguese (por)
Call Deadline: 21-Sep-2009
Meeting Description:
PROPOR2010: The 9th International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese
Porto Alegre, Brazil hosted by PUCRS-Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul April 28-30, 2010
The International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese (PROPOR) is the main event in the area of Natural Language Processing that is focused on Portuguese and the issues related to this language.
It has been hosted in Brazil and in Portugal: Lisbon/PT (1993), Curitiba/BR (1996), Porto Alegre/BR (1998), Évora/PT (1999), Atibaia/BR (2000), Faro/PT (2003), Itatiaia/BR (2006) and Aveiro/PT (2008).
Call for Papers:
Topics of Interest:
Any topic of language and speech processing of Portuguese, including any applied task (e.g. word sense disambiguation, dialect identification, etc.), basic issue (e.g. parsing, evaluation, etc.), subdomain (e.g. phonology, dialogue, etc.), application (e.g. speech recognition, question answering, etc.), type of resource (e.g. corpora, ontologies, etc.), linguistic phenomenon (e.g. prosody, anaphora, etc.), or in any area benefiting from language and speech processing of Portuguese (e.g. information retrieval, subtitling, e-learning, research in the humanities, etc.), under any methodological perspective (e.g. machine learning, symbolic, etc.), from the industry or from any contributing academic discipline, including but not limited to Computation, AI, Engineering, Linguistics or Cognitive Science.
Important Dates:
September 21, 2009: Deadline for full paper submission
October 31, 2009: Notification of acceptance
November 16, 2009: Camera-ready papers due
Authors are invited to submit two kinds of papers:
- Full papers: reporting substantial, original and completed work, especially those that may contribute in a significant way to the advancement of the area - wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation results should be included.
- Short papers: preference will be given to reports on ongoing work, position papers and potential ideas to be discussed.
Authors will be able to express their preference for full/short papers but the final decision is on the program chairs. Short papers may be selected for oral or poster presentation and should be up to 4 pages in length. Full papers will be presented in an oral session and should be up to 10 pages in length.
For the sake of accommodating the widest range of contributors, full paper acceptance is restricted to two papers per author.
Submissions will be evaluated by at least three reviewers. In order to ensure blind review, the author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the submission and self-reference should be in the third person. Submissions are written in English.
As in previous PROPOR editions, publication of full papers in an LNAI volume is planned. Selected short papers will be taken under consideration for LNAI publication.
Conference Committee:
General Chair:
Vera Lúcia Strube de Lima (PUCRS, Brazil)
Programme Chairs:
Aldebaro Klautau (UFPará, Brazil) (Speech)
António Branco (ULisboa, Portugal) (Language)
Local Organizing Chair:
Renata Vieira (PUCRS, Brazil)
Tutorial Chair:
Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes (ICMC-USP, Brazil)
Demo Session Chair:
António Teixeira (UAveiro, Portugal)
Editorial Chair:
Thiago Salgueiro Pardo (ICMC-USP, Brazil)
PhD and MSc Dissertation Contest Chair:
David Mattos (INESC, Portugal)
Preliminary Programme Committee:
Alexandre Agustini Pontifícia Univ Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Aline Villavicencio Univ Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Amália Mendes Univ de Lisboa, Portugal
Andre Adami Univ de Caxias do Sul, Brazil
António Ribeiro European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy
António Serralheiro L2F INESC-ID / IST, Portugal
Antonio Bonafonte Univ Politècnia de Catalunya, Spain
Augusto Silva Univ Católica de Braga, Portugal
Bento Dias da Silva Univ de São Paulo, Brazil
Berthold Crysmann Univ Boon, Germany
Carlos Prolo Pontifícia Univ Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Caroline Hagège Xerox Research Centre, France
Celso Kaestner Univ Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil
Daniela Braga Microsoft Language Development Center, Portugal
David Martins de Matos L2F INESC-ID / IST, Portugal
Diamantino Freitas Univ do Porto, Portugal
Edmilson Morais Vocalize - Speech and Language Tecnology Solutions, Brazil
Eric Laporte Univ Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France
Fábio Violaro Univ Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Fernando Resende Univ Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Florence Amardeilh Mondeca, France
Gabriel Lopes Univ Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Gael Harry Dias Univ da Beira Interior, Portugal
Horacio Saggion Univ of Sheffield, UK
Irene Rodrigues Univ de Évora, Portugal
Isabel Trancoso L2F INESC-ID / IST, Portugal
Ivandré Paraboni Univ de São Paulo, Brazil
Ivandro Sanches Genius Instituto de Tecnologia, Brazil
Jean-Luc Minel Univ Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France
João Balsa Univ de Lisboa, Portugal
João Paulo Neto L2F INESC-ID / IST, Portugal
Julia Hirschberg Columbia Univ, USA
Lúcia Rino Univ Federal de São Carlos, Brazil
Luís Caldas Oliveira L2F INESC-ID / IST, Portugal
Luiz Pizzato Univ of Sydney, Australia
Marcelo Finger Univ de São Paulo, Brazil
Marco Gonzalez Pontifícia Univ Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes Univ de São Paulo, Brazil
Maria Francisca Xavier Univ Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Maximiliano Saiz Noeda Univ de Alicante, Spain
Miguel Filgueiras Univ do Porto, Portugal
Nuno Mamede L2F INESC-ID / IST, Portugal
Nuno Cavalheiro Marques Univ Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Pablo Gamallo Univ de Compostela, Spain
Paulo Quaresma Univ de Évora, Portugal
Plínio Barbosa Univ de Campinas, Brazil
Ranniery Maia National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Renata Vieira Pontifícia Univ Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Sandra Aluisio Univ de São Paulo, Brazil
Stanley Loh Univ Católica de Pelotas, Brazil
Steven Bird Univ of Melbourne, Australia
Thiago Pardo Univ de São Paulo, Brazil
Tracy King Microsoft, USA
Viviane Orengo Univ Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-2364
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