20.2309, Calls: Language Acquisition/Spain

Fri Jun 26 14:44:47 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-2309. Fri Jun 26 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.2309, Calls: Language Acquisition/Spain

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

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Editor for this issue: Amy Brunett <brunett at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 26-Jun-2009
From: Javier Diaz < javierenrique.diaz at uclm.es >
Subject: Mobile Learning and Autonomy in Second Language Acquision

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 10:41:01
From: Javier Diaz [javierenrique.diaz at uclm.es]
Subject: Mobile Learning and Autonomy in Second Language Acquision

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Full Title: Mobile Learning and Autonomy in Second Language Acquision 
Short Title: MLASLA 

Date: 17-Sep-2009 - 19-Sep-2009
Location: Toledo, Spain 
Contact Person: Javier Diaz
Meeting Email: javierenrique.diaz at uclm.es
Web Site: http://www.uclm.es/actividades/2009/mobilearn/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition 

Call Deadline: 31-Jul-2009 

Meeting Description:

Under the impact of ICTs in general and portable technologies in particular, mLearning (mobile learning) is becoming a vibrant variety of e-learning. In close connection with its disciplinary neighbours like CALL, CMC or Distance Learning, mLearning is challenging conventional teaching-and-learning practices, thereby becoming a fundamental area for future developments of autonomy and independence in second language acquisition.

In this context, the EU-funded Lingua Projects EUROPODIANS (Language Courses for Mobile Technologies) and AMICITIAS (Ambient Intelligence as a Compelling Instructional Tool for Interlinguistic and Intercultural Skills) will be hosting a conference in the city of Toledo (Spain) on 18-20 September 2009. This conference invites 20-minute sessions addressing the connections between mLearning devices (iPods, PDAs, mobile phones, portable computers, etc.) and self-directed learning. The symposium will become a forum to share developments and experiences about theories, approaches, principles and applications of mLearning, with a especial emphasis on the application of mLearning for second language acquisition in general and learner autonomy in particular.

The City of Toledo:

The conference will take place in the magnificent city of Toledo, World Heritage Site. The former capital of the Spanish Empire, and the place of co-existence of Christian, Jewish and Moorish cultures in the medieval period, is today a most culturally and monumentally rich tourist destination in Spain, attracting millions of visitors every year. Toledo is conveniently located, only 35 minutes from Madrid on the frequent high-speed trains servicing the city. The conference venue will be the Palace of Padilla in Toledo, located in the historic centre of Toledo.
Keynote Speakers:

Marie-Noëlle Lamy (The Open University, UK)
David Robison (University of Bradford, UK)

Conference dates: 17-19 September, 2009 

Call for Papers:

Although other topics may be considered, we welcome paper proposals dealing with, but not being limited to, issues such as the following: 

1. Theorizing mobile learning within second-language acquisition.
2. Mobile learning and its disciplinary neighbours: ICT-based Learning, CALL, Distance Learning, Lifelong Learning, Autonomy and Independence in language learning.
3. Mobile learning and its potential for blended learning programmes.
4. Portable technologies and their integration within conventional face-to-face tuition practices.
5. Mobile learning devices and language-learning virtual platforms.
6. The potential of portable technologies for the teaching and learning of culture.
Important Dates:
31 July, 2009: submission of abstracts. Please send 250-word abstracts to: JavierEnrique.Diaz at uclm.es or Eduardo.Gregorio at uclm.es. Please indicate your full name, address and affiliation.
15 August, 2009: notification of acceptance.

Selected papers will be published in a volume after the conference. 

Conference Languages:

Although the official language of the symposium will be English, papers in other major languages are welcomed.
Conference Convenors:

Javier Enrique Díaz-Vera 
Eduardo de Gregorio-Godeo
Organising Committee:

María del Mar Ramón Torrijos
 Helena Aikin
Edel Porter 
Rafael Cruz González 
José Miguel Alcolado Carnicero
Regular registration - 100 euros
Student fee - 30 euros
Accepted speakers - free of charge
Enquiries may be sent to: 
mobilearn at uclm.es 
Eduardo.Gregorio at uclm.es 
JavierEnrique.Diaz at uclm.es 

Further Information:  


LINGUIST List: Vol-20-2309	


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