20.641, Calls: Morphology,Typology/Slovakia;General Ling/Spain
Mon Mar 2 17:58:34 UTC 2009
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-641. Mon Mar 02 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 20.641, Calls: Morphology,Typology/Slovakia;General Ling/Spain
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University,
and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Kate Wu <kate at linguistlist.org>
LINGUIST is pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new feature: Easy Abstracts! Easy Abs is a free abstract submission and review facility designed to help conference organizers and reviewers accept and process abstracts online. Just go to: http://www.linguistlist.org/confcustom, and begin your conference customization process today! With Easy Abstracts, submission and review will be as easy as 1-2-3!
Date: 01-Mar-2009
From: Pavel Stekauer < pavel.stekauer at upjs.sk >
Subject: Universals and Typology in Word-Formation
Date: 01-Mar-2009
From: Jonathan MacDonald < macdonald.jon at gmail.com >
Subject: Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics of Europe
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2009 12:54:09
From: Pavel Stekauer [pavel.stekauer at upjs.sk]
Subject: Universals and Typology in Word-Formation
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Full Title: Universals and Typology in Word-Formation
Date: 16-Aug-2009 - 18-Aug-2009
Location: Kosice, Slovakia
Contact Person: Pavol Stekauer
Meeting Email: stekauer at condornet.sk
Web Site: http://www.skase.sk
Linguistic Field(s): Morphology; Typology
Call Deadline: 31-Mar-2009
Meeting Description:
Universals and Typology in Word-Formation
Last Call for Papers
The Conference aims to give an impetus to the research into universals and
typology in word-formation by a joint effort of both morphologists and
typologists. Papers discussing correlations between individual word-formation
processes as well as between WF processes and genetic types and/or
geographically related languages are most welcome. Space will also be given to
any other typologically oriented research into word-formation as well as papers
discussing the scope of word-formation and the relation between word-formation
and other linguistic disciplines.
Abstract of papers (500 words max.) clearly defining the topic and the
objectives pursued in the paper should be submitted by e-mail as Word
attachments to:
Dr. Renáta Panocová
renata.panocova at upjs.sk
Guest Speakers:
Laurie Bauer, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Greville Corbett, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Wolfgang U. Dressler, Vienna University, Austria
Martin Haspelmath, Max-Planck-Institut, Lepzig, Germany
Marianne Mithun, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Greg Stump, University of Kentucky, USA
Bernhard Wälchli, University of Bern, Switzerland
All relevant information available on the conference webpage:
www.skase.sk > Kosice 2009 Conference
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2009 12:54:19
From: Jonathan MacDonald [macdonald.jon at gmail.com]
Subject: Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics of Europe
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Full Title: Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics of Europe
Short Title: ConSOLE
Date: 17-Dec-2009 - 19-Dec-2009
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Contact Person: Jonathan MacDonald
Meeting Email: console18 at uab.cat
Web Site: http://seneca.uab.cat/clt/ConsoleXVIII/index.html
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 29-May-2009
Meeting Description:
We are proud to announce that the Eighteenth Conference of the Student
Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE XVIII) will take place at the
Autonomous University of Barcelona from 17-19 December, 2009. The Conference
will be hosted by the Centre de Lingüística Teòrica - Departament de Filologia
Catalana - Departament de Filologia Espanyola.
Call for Papers
SOLE, founded in 1992 by students of the Holland Institute of Generative
Linguistics, is now based at Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Together
with a local organizing committee, it runs an annual conference for registered
linguistics students, providing a forum for the upcoming generation of linguists
to present research to an international audience. You can find more information
about SOLE and previous ConSOLE locations at
Graduate students not having defended a Ph.D. in Linguistics by 15 September,
2009 are invited to submit abstracts in theoretical phonology, morphology,
syntax, and semantics. Submissions in other areas, e.g. psycholinguistics,
neurolinguistics, phonetics, etc., will also be welcome if their theoretical
significance is made clear. Papers are allotted 30 minutes for presentation plus
10 minutes for discussion.
Abstracts should not exceed two pages, including data, references and diagrams.
They should be typed in at least 11-point font, with one-inch margins (letter-
size; 8"1/2 by 11" or A4) and a maximum of 50 lines of text per page. Abstracts
must be anonymous and submissions are limited to 1 individual and 1 joint
abstract per author.
Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Please send name, affiliation, e-
mail, and title of paper in the body of the message. E-mail subject line should
state last name of author(s) together with "abstract"; e.g. "macdonald
abstract"; "macdonald & pons abstract". Send anonymous abstract as an
attachment, the name of which should be a shortened version of the abstract
title, resembling the full title as closely as possible. Only abstracts in .pdf
format will be considered. Send to: console18 at uab.cat
Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: 29 May 2009
Notification of acceptance:31 July 2009
Final Program: 15 September 2009
Conference Dates: 17-19 December 2009
Invited Speakers:
Maria Teresa Espinal (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
John J. McCarthy (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Joan Mascaró (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Peter Svenonius (University of Tromsø)
Conference website: http://seneca.uab.es/ggt/ConsoleXVIII/
E-mail address: console18 at uab.cat
Local Organising Committee:
Jonathan E. MacDonald (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Clàudia Pons Moll (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-641
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