20.703, Calls: Cognitive Science/Norway; General Ling/France
Thu Mar 5 18:35:59 UTC 2009
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-703. Thu Mar 05 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 20.703, Calls: Cognitive Science/Norway; General Ling/France
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University,
and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Kate Wu <kate at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 04-Mar-2009
From: Thomas Egan < Thomas.Egan at hihm.no >
Subject: Kognitivt Sommerseminar 2009
Date: 04-Mar-2009
From: Thibault Mondary < thibault.mondary at lipn.univ-paris13.fr >
Subject: Rencontre des Etudiants Chercheurs pour le TAL
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 13:33:04
From: Thomas Egan [Thomas.Egan at hihm.no]
Subject: Kognitivt Sommerseminar 2009
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Full Title: Kognitivt Sommerseminar 2009
Date: 17-Jun-2009 - 18-Jun-2009
Location: Hamar, Norway
Contact Person: Thomas Egan
Meeting Email: Thomas.Egan at hihm.no
Web Site:
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
Call Deadline: 17-Apr-2009
Meeting Description:
The fourth annual Norwegian conference on cognitive linguistics will be held at
Hedmark University College in Hamar on 17 - 18 June 2009.
Call for Papers
The annual meeting of the Norwegian Cognitive Linguistics Association (NorKog)
will be held in conjunction with the conference. In keeping with the spirit of
the previous three conferences there will be no invited keynote speakers and the
number of parallel sessions will be kept to an absolute minimum.
Abstracts are invited for 20 minute papers on any aspect of cognitive
linguistics. Abstracts should be sent to Thomas.Egan at hihm.no by 17 April. As
part of the purpose of the conference is to foster the development of cognitive
terminology in Norwegian, preference will be given to papers in Norwegian or
another Nordic language. For practical information about travel and
accommodation see the conference web-page.
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 13:33:14
From: Thibault Mondary [thibault.mondary at lipn.univ-paris13.fr]
Subject: Rencontre des Etudiants Chercheurs pour le TAL
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Full Title: Rencontre des Etudiants Chercheurs pour le TAL
Short Title: RECITAL
Date: 24-Jun-2009 - 26-Jun-2009
Location: Senlis, France
Contact Person: Thibault Mondary
Meeting Email: thibault.mondary at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Web Site: http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/taln09/index.php?conf=RECITAL
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 06-Mar-2009
Meeting Description:
NLP students conference meeting
University Paris-Nord
Senlis, France
from 24th june to 26th june 2009
Last Call for Papers
Paper submission deadline: March 6th, 2009
Authors who haven't yet submitted an abstract can do that until March 6th, on
the website :
Be aware of the paper submission deadline: March 6th, 2009.
Abstract submission deadline: February 27th, 2009
Paper submission deadline: March 6th, 2009
Notification to authors: April 14th, 2009
Final version deadline : May 6th, 2009
Conference: June 24-26, 2009
RECITAL is reserved for PhD students and young doctors who passed their PhD up
to one year ago.
RECITAL has a calling to offer to young NLP researchers the opportunity to
present their research works and to compare their approaches. This conference
has its own program committee which is composed of researchers and PhD students.
Submissions accepted by the committee are published in the same conference book
as TALN papers.
The official conference language is french. English submissions are accepted for
non french-speaking people.
Scientific Directions
Submissions have to be about one of those thematics :
- Information research and NLP, information extraction, automatic summarization,
Q/A systems ;
- Morphologic automatic analysis, syntax, semantics, lexical semantics, speech ;
- Automatic translation and alignement ;
- Human to machine communication in natural language ;
- Automatic generation and text planification ;
- Systems evaluation ;
- Acquiring resources and resources development (lexicon, ontology, grammars ...)
Selection Criterion
Authors must exclusively be PhD students, Master Degree students or young
doctors (who passed their PhD at most one year ago). Submissions which appear to
have been co-written by confirmed researchers will be rejected (this type of
submission has to be submitted to TALN, not to RECITAL).
Authors are encouraged to submit original research works, which have not been
previously published. Submissions will be examined by at least two domain
specialists. Most important aspects to be considered :
- Contribution importance and originality ;
- Scientific and technical contents have to be correct ;
- Results discussion, in particular compared to other domain research works ;
- Presentation organization and clarity ;
- Adequation to the conference thematics.
Selected papers will be published in the conference book. According to the
programm comittee opinion, presentation will be either oral or posters. A prize
for the best paper will be awarded.
Submission Format and Modalities
Articles have to be written in french (or in english for non french-speeking
people), and shall not be over ten pages, references and figures included, in
pdf format. A LaTeX stylesheet and Word/OpenOffice models will be available on
the conference website.
Double submission of the same article to both TALN and RECITAL is forbidden.
Co-Chairs of the Program Committee
Aurélien Bossard et Thierry Hamon (LIPN)
Program Committee
Marie-Laure Guenot, Université d'Avignon
Patrice Bellot, Université d'Avignon
Marie-Paule Jacques, Université de Strasbourg
Elsa Tolone, Université Paris-Est
Nicolas Kamennoff, Université Paris-Nord / L.E.R.I.A. (Epitech)
Antoine Rozenknop, Université Paris-Nord
Cédric Messiant, Université Paris-Nord
Laurent Audibert, Université Paris-Nord
Olivier Hamon, Université Paris-Nord / ELDA
Frederik Cailliau, Université Paris-Nord / SINEQUA
Mathieu Roche, Université de Montpellier
Jean-Yves Antoine, Université de Tours
Cécile Fabre, Université de Toulouse
Aurélie Picton, Université de Toulouse
Marion Laignelet, Université de Toulouse
Axel Reymonet, IRIT / Toulouse
Paul Bedaride, Université de Nancy
Ingrid Falk, Université de Nancy
Marianna Apidianaki, Dublin City University
Pascal Amsili, Université Paris-Diderot
Alain Polguere, OSLT, Montréal
Maud Ehrmann, Xerox
Laurence Delort, Université Paris-Diderot
Benoît Sagot, INRIA / Université Paris-Diderot
Anne Vilnat, Université Paris-Sud
Patrick Paroubek, Université Paris-Sud
Anne-Laure Ligozat, ENSIIE / IBISC
Nadia Zerida, Université de Caen
Agnès Souque, Université de Grenoble
Nicolas Hernandez, Université de Nantes
Yves Scherrer, Université de Genève
Laurent Prevot, Université de Provence
Chair of the Local Organisation Committee
Thibault Mondary (LIPN)
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-703
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