20.1062, What: We Do For You Is Appreciated!
Wed Mar 25 14:24:57 UTC 2009
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-1062. Wed Mar 25 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 20.1062, What: We Do For You Is Appreciated!
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University,
and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Maria Moreno-Rollins <maria at linguistlist.org>
To post to LINGUIST, use our convenient web form at
Date: 25-Mar-2009
From: linguist < linguist at linguistlist.org >
Subject: Letters of Appreciation From Users
Date: 25-Mar-2009
From: linguist < linguist at linguistlist.org >
Subject: One of the Most Exciting Choices I Ever Made in My Life
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 10:23:06
From: linguist [linguist at linguistlist.org]
Subject: Letters of Appreciation From Users
E-mail this message to a friend:
Dear Subscribers,
Every so often, LINGUIST List receives kind letters of
appreciation with regard to one or several of our services.
These letters are a big part of why working at LINGUIST is
so fulfilling for all of our crew members. We are happy to
know that users benefits from what we do.
This is why we decided that we will feature some of our
users' letters during Fund Drive 2009. A big 'Thank You!'
to all of those who sent in their testimonials about how
LINGUIST helps them as a student or a scholar. We are very
grateful for your support of our Fund Drive efforts in this
You can view the testimonials we have received recently at:
If you would like to tell the linguistics community how
LINGUIST has helped you, email your testimonial to Evelyn
Richter (evelyn at linguistlist.org).
Please consider donating to LINGUIST today. It is only
through your donations that we can keep up our services for
the linguistic community.
The LINGUIST List Crew
-------------------------Message 2 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 10:23:09
From: linguist [linguist at linguistlist.org]
Subject: One of the Most Exciting Choices I Ever Made in My Life
E-mail this message to a friend:
Dear LINGUIST List Subscribers,
Coming to Eastern Michigan University as a Linguistics M.A
student was one of the most exciting choices I ever made in
my life. It was my dream to study at a Liberal Arts College
in USA. My first focus has been philosophy and literature
at Hartwick College, N.Y. Linguistics is a different field
altogether -- its scope is magnificent, but more than that it
has provided a poet like myself the chance towards a professional
life, and also getting a paycheck for an effort that I love
to make.
Eastern Michigan University is the only University that I
know of which offers such a job opportunity for Graduate
students. Here at LINGUIST List, we are required to work on
specific Language projects like LL-Map and the World Tree
Project. This gives us the chance to work with 'real data'
from our field, and participate in making it accessible to
you. These projects host intensive linguistic data, covering
language families from across the world. All this information
is at your fingertips, provided by LINGUIST List. We count
on your donations towards these ventures, so graduate students
like me can continue working here.
I've only been here for over a month but speaking from
this short stay, I am thrilled at the possibilities at LL.
There is a wide range of activities that are covered, and I
got a general training but more specific ones in LL-Map and
Job Posting. I am currently a member of the Staging Team for
LL-Map, and have also participated in the maintenance of the
Fund-Drive Pages. I'm acquiring the experience of working in
an office environment, with Linguists from across the world
- we have Polish, Swedish, Chinese, Indonesian, German, American
and Pakistani (that's me!) students working together, and
making this site possible for all of you.
All this hub of activity would not exist, if it were not for
your continued economic contribution. Please do support our
education and work experience at Linguist List,
Thank you,
Fatima Ijaz
This Year the LINGUIST List hopes to raise $60,000. This money will go to help
keep the List running by supporting all of our Student Editors for the coming year.
See below for donation instructions, and don't forget to check out our Fund Drive
2009 LINGUIST List Restaurant and join us for a delightful treat!
There are many ways to donate to LINGUIST!
You can donate right now using our secure credit card form at
Alternatively you can also pledge right now and pay later. To do so, go to:
For all information on donating and pledging, including information on how to
donate by check, money order, or wire transfer, please visit:
The LINGUIST List is under the umbrella of Eastern Michigan University and as such
can receive donations through the EMU Foundation, which is a registered 501(c) Non
Profit organization. Our Federal Tax number is 38-6005986. These donations can be
offset against your federal and sometimes your state tax return (U.S. tax payers
only). For more information visit the IRS Web-Site, or contact your financial advisor.
Many companies also offer a gift matching program, such that they will match any
gift you make to a non-profit organization. Normally this entails your contacting
your human resources department and sending us a form that the EMU Foundation fills
in and returns to your employer. This is generally a simple administrative procedure
that doubles the value of your gift to LINGUIST, without costing you an extra penny.
Please take a moment to check if your company operates such a program.
Thank you very much for your support of LINGUIST!
Personal donations by users:
Laura J. Downing
Monica MaCaulay
Publisher donations:
Cascadilla Press
Edinburgh University Press
Elsevier LDT
Emerald Group Publishing Co.
Georgetown University Press
John Benjamins
Mouton de Gruyter
Oxford Univeristy Press
Surrey Morphology Group
The LINGUIST List Hall of Fame
GOURMETS ($1000 and over)
SOUS-CHEFS ($100 to $1000)
Acrisio Pires and Heather Taylor
Andrea Sims
Anita Fetzer
Antoinette Hawayek de Ezcurdia
Arienne M. Dwyer
Arto Anttila
Bernard Spolsky
Bonnie D. Schwartz
Carol Klee
CaroLyn Green Hartnett
Charles Scott
D Terence Langendoen
Daniel Currie Hall
Danny Moates
Dr. MJ Hardman
Earl M. Herrick
Elizabeth Cowper
Elizabeth Winkler
Emily M. Bender
Eric Haeberli
Ian L. Wilson
Jie Zhang
John Beavers
John Lawler
Jordi Carrera Ventura
Josep M. Fontana and Louise McNally
Julie Auger
Keith Goeringer
Keren Rice
Kevin R. Gregg
Kornel Bangha
Larisa Zlatic
Laura Callahan
Line Mikkelsen
Marisa Ferrara Boston
Michael Silverstein
Michael Swan
Monica Macaulay & Joe Salmons
nancy sullivan
Pius ten Hacken
Price Caldwell
Randall Gess
Richard Meier
Rick Nouwen
Shanley Allen
Susan D Fischer
Theresa Biberauer
Victoria Muehleisen
Wayles Browne
Yoonjung Kang
- Plus 5 anonymous donors
WAITERS ($50 to $100)
Alana Thorpe
Albin Jaques
Amaya Mendikoetxea
Andrea Schalley
Anne Breitbarth
annie zaenen
Antonis Polentas
Carrie Gillon
Cynthia G Clopper
Dalina Kallulli
Daniela Müller
Danuta Przepiórkowska
Edith Aldridge
Fabienne Baider
Frauke Zeller
Grover Hudson
Hans Lindquist
Heather Holmback
Hirokatsu Yoshihara
Howard Williams
Humphrey van Polanen Petel
Joost Kremers
Josefa Mardijono
Julia Huettner
K P Corrigan
Katy Carlson
Keigo Noda
Laura Downing
Lisa Galvin
Lise Menn
Ljiljana Progovac
Lydia Grebenyova
Martin Salzmann
Mary Shapiro
MIchael Wagner
Peter Grund
Phaedra Royle
Philip LeSourd
Pierre Larrivee
Regina Morin
Ricardo Gómez
Richard Hudson
Richard Winters
Shlomo Izre'el
Susannah Levi
Xabier Artiagoitia
- Plus 7 anonymous donors
DONORS (Up to $50)
Albert Ortmann
Anne Schwarz
Anne-Michelle Tessier
Brian José
C.L. Cannizzaro
Carol M Myers Scotton
Carolina Barrera-Tobon
Chih-hsiang Shu
Christel de Bruijn
Christina Emrick
Donna Cromer
Evgeny Shaulskiy
Fay Wouk
Hiroki Koga
Iris Levitis
James Michnowicz
Jessica Barlow
Joanna Lowenstein
John te Velde
Jonathan Washington
Jose Camacho
Judith Degen
Julie Bruch
Julie Winter
Karen Zagona
Kate Arcangeli
Kelly Akerman
Loretta O'Connor
lyn frazier
Mayrene Bentley
Misha Becker
Nan Decker
Nino Amiridze
Raymond LaVerghetta
Rizwan Ahmad
Sharon Gerlach
Tracy Lennertz
Winifred Davies
- Plus 10 anonymous donors
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Cambridge University Press
Cascadilla Press
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
Edinburgh University Press
Elsevier Ltd
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Equinox Publishing Ltd
European Language Resources Association - ELRA
Georgetown University Press
Hodder Education
John Benjamins
Lincom GmbH
MIT Press
Mouton de Gruyter
Multilingual Matters
Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
Oxford University Press
Peter Lang AG
Association of Editors of the Journal of Portuguese Linguistics
Graduate Linguistic Students' Association, Umass
International Pragmatics Assoc.
Linguistic Association of Finland
Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke - LOT
Pacific Linguistics
SIL International
St. Jerome Publishing Ltd
Utrecht institute of Linguistics
Basis Technology
Boston University
Duesseldorf University
Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
Leiden University
Montclair State University
Queens College/City University of New York
TextWise LLC
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The University of Montana
University of Cyprus
University of Toronto
University of Michigan
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Washington
University of Kansas
Arizona State University
Michigan State University
University of Arizona
University of California, Berkeley
University of Texas at Austin
Indiana University-Bloomington
Stanford University
Universitat de Barcelona
Bar-Ilan University
Ohio State University
Northwestern University
Carleton University
University of Montreal
Western Kentucky University
Boston University
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Minnesota
Eastern Michigan University
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Vrije University Brussels
University of Florida
University of California, San Diego
University of Hawaii
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS
Swansea University
University of Geneva
City University of New York
Cornell University
Ohio University
University of California, Santa Cruz
Brown University
University of Victoria
Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie, und Universalienforschung
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
New York University
University of Warsaw
University of the Basque Country
University of Cyprus
Universidad del País Vasco
University of Cambridge
Aston University
Lund University
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
University of Frankfurt
University of Colorado at Boulder
Griffith University
University of Lausanne
CLLE-ERSS - Université de Toulouse
University of Konstanz
Teachers College, Columbia University
Wayne State University
Monash University
Vienna University
McGill University
University of Essex
University of Southern California
American University of Kuwait
Kansas State University
University of Alberta
University of Rochester, New York
Stony Brook University
University of California, Davis
University of Botswana
University of Chicago
San Diego State University
Humboldt University, Berlin
Georgian Academy of Sciences
Northeastern State University
Moscow State University
Saga National University
University of Delaware
University of Groningen
Northeastern University
The Graduate Center, The City University of New York
North Carolina State University
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-1062
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