20.1128, Confs: Discourse Analysis/France

Sat Mar 28 12:30:36 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-1128. Sat Mar 28 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.1128, Confs: Discourse Analysis/France

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 27-Mar-2009
From: Jacqueline Gueron < Jacqueline.Gueron at univ-paris3.fr >
Subject: Sentence and Discourse

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 08:28:56
From: Jacqueline Gueron [Jacqueline.Gueron at univ-paris3.fr]
Subject: Sentence and Discourse

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Sentence and Discourse 

Date: 02-Apr-2009 - 04-Apr-2009 
Location: Paris, France 
Contact: Jacqueline Guéron 
Contact Email: Jacqueline.Gueron at univ-paris3.fr 

Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis 

Meeting Description: 

This colloquium, devoted to the relation between Sentence and Discourse 
grammar, focuses on the subjects in which Carlota Smith did pioneering work: 
tense, aspect, discourse and subjectivity. 

Sentence and Discourse/Phrase et discours
Colloquium in honor of Carlota Smith
Organized by LILT (Linguistique, Langue, et Traductologie) (U.Paris 3)
With the support of VORTEX (U. Paris 3) and TEMPTYPAC (CNRS)

April 2 - 4, 2009

Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, UFR du Monde  Anglophone
5 rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris, France
Claude Delmas  (cmdelmas at orange.fr)
Jacqueline Guéron (Jacqueline.Gueron at univ-paris3.fr)


Jeudi 2 avril:

Accueil: Marie-Christine Lemardeley, Présidente de l'Université de Paris 3

Andrée Borillo (Université de Toulouse 2)
''Subjectivité dans les textes: contribution de quelques adverbiaux
d'orientation spatiale''

Nicholas Asher (U. Toulouse 2/University of Texas, Austin)
''Discourse Structure and Implicatures''

Patrick Caudal (CNRS /Paris 7)
''There and back again:temps/aspect/modalité, de la phrase au
discours, et du discours à la phrase''

pot de bienvenue

Vendredi 3 avril:

Alessandra Giorgi (Université de Venise)
About the Speaker: The Representation of the Speaker's Temporal Location in the
Sentence »

Rose-Marie Dechaine (University of British Columbia)
Some Ingredients of Evidentiality: Experiential Locus, Relation to Event and
Knowledge Base''

Maya Hickmann  (CNRS)
''Time Talk in Child Discourse''

Pause déjeuner

Brenda Laca (U.  Paris 8/UMR 7023)
''The Puzzle of Subjunctive Tenses''

Bridget Copley (CNRS/UMR 7023)
''Aspect and Causality''


Denis Paillard (U. Paris 7/ UMR 7110)
''Marqueurs  discursifs et types de discours''

Liliane Tasmowski (U. d'Anvers)
''Interactions  A/aspect/discours''

Samedi 4 avril

Eric Corre M.C. ( U. Paris 3)
''From Viewpoint Aspect to Aspect as Viewpoint: The Puzzle of Non-finite Modes''

Dominique Boulonnais (U. Paris 3)
''Modes discursifs et structuration linguistique: le cas de THEN''

Lionel Dufaye (U. Paris 7)
''Remarques sur le temps et l'aspect dans 'Time with and without tense' de
Carlota Smith''

Pause déjeuner

Marie-Claude Paris (U. Paris 7) :
''On Some Aspects of the Syntax of Aspect in Mandarin Chinese»

Claude Manuel Delmas (U. Paris 3)
« Inchoatifs, complémentation et discours »

Jacqueline Gueron (U.Paris 3)
« Subjectivity: The Subject of Consciousness and Free Indirect Discourse »

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LINGUIST List: Vol-20-1128	


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