20.1804, Confs: Linguistic Theories/USA
Sun May 10 03:20:23 UTC 2009
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-1804. Sat May 09 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 20.1804, Confs: Linguistic Theories/USA
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Date: 08-May-2009
From: Peggy Speas < pspeas at linguist.umass.edu >
Subject: Recursion: Complexity in Language and Cognition
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sat, 09 May 2009 23:16:53
From: Peggy Speas [pspeas at linguist.umass.edu]
Subject: Recursion: Complexity in Language and Cognition
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Recursion: Complexity in Language and Cognition
Date: 26-May-2009 - 28-May-2009
Location: Amherst, MA, USA
Contact: Peggy Speas
Contact Email: pspeas at linguist.umass.edu
Meeting URL: http://www.umass.edu/linguist/recursionconf/index.html
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories
Meeting Description:
Recursion: Structural Complexity in Language and Cognition
This interdisciplinary workshop will explore how complex structures are created and employed in language and other cognitive domains. The workshop will feature invited speakers from linguistics, biology, psychology, philosophy and computer science, as well as enhanced poster sessions.
Recursion: Structural Complexity in Language and Cognition
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
May 26-26 2009
All Talks Take Place in the UMass Campus Center Auditorium
Tuesday, May 26
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Welcoming remarks
Aravind Joshi, University of Pennsylvania
'Recursion in Language: A View from Mild (Minimal!) Context Sensitivity'
Edward Stabler, UCLA
'Recursion in Grammar and Performance'
10:30- 10:45
Steve Piantoadosi and Tim O'Donnell, MIT
'A Formal Model of Number Word Acquisition'
Rajesh Bhatt, University of Massachusetts
David Smith, University of Massachusetts
10th Floor, Campus Center
Poster mini-talks
Poster session 1
2:30 -3:15
Hilda Koopman, UCLA
'On The Form of Syntactic Derivations and Restrictions on Recursion'
Eva Juarros-Daussà, SUNY Buffalo
'Lack of Recursion in the Lexicon: The Two Argument Restriction'
Cedric Boeckx, Harvard University
'Taming Recursion'
5 - 5:45
Greeting from Chancelellor Robert C. Holub
Panel: Chris Collins, NYU
Anna Maria di Sciullo, UQAM
Peggy Speas, UMass
6:00 - 7:30
Dinner, University Club
Bart Hollebrandse, University of Groningen
Tom Roeper, UMass
'How the Phase-Alternation Constraint on Recursion and Propositional Exclusivity Interact'
Jill de Villiers, Smith College
Title TBA
9:00 - 9:30
Panel: Janet Randall, Northeastern University
Diane Lillo-Martin, UConn
UMass Recursion Conference
26-28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27
Continental Breakfast
Wolfram Hinzen, Durham University
'Anti-recursion and the Ontology of Truth'
Peter Ludlow, University of Toronto
'Expressivist Semantics and Recursion'
10:30- 10:45
Manfred Krifka, Humbolt University
Title TBA
Panel: Chris Potts, UMass
Angelika Kratzer, UMass
Louise Antony, UMass
Greetings from Dean Joel Martin
Noam Chomsky, MIT
Poster mini-presentations
3:20 - 4:00
Poster session 2
4:00 - 4:45
David Pesetsky, MIT
Jonah Katz, MIT
'The Recursive Syntax and Prosody of Tonal Music'
4:45 - 5:30
Ansgar Endress, Harvard University
'Recursion: What Is It, Who Has It and How Can It Be Learned?'
Koji Fujita, Kyoto University
'The Design, Development and Evolution of Unbounded Merge'
6:15 - 7:00
Juan Uriagereka, UMd
Bruce Byers, UMass
Tom Zoeller, UMass
Party at Tom Roeper's home
UMass Recursion Conference
May 26-28, 2009
Thursday, May 28
Continental Breakfast
Douglas Saddy, University of Reading
Title TBA
Rebecca Saxe, MIT
Title TBA
10: 45-11:30
Daniel Everett, Illinois State University
''You Drink. You Drive. You Go To Jail. Where's Recursion?'
Lynn Nichols, UC Berkeley
'Subordinate Structures and the Lexicon'
12:15 - 1:00
Lee Spector, Hampshire College
Uli Sauerland,
Seth Cable, UMass
Poster Session 1: Tuesday 5/26
Anja Hubert
'The Acquisition of Ellipsis and the Recursive Structure of the Noun Phrase'
Vitor Zimmerer Patricia Cowell, Rosemary Varley
University of Sheffield
'Acquisition of Recursive Rules in Artificial Grammars'
Jörg Bahlmann, Michiru Makuuchi, Jutta Mueller and Angela Friederici,
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig
'Broca's Area and Its Role during the Processing of Hierarchical and Non Hier. Artificial Grammar
Mercedes Marcilese 1, Clara Villarinho 1, Marina Augusto 2, Leticia Corrèa 1
1 Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro/LAPAL, 2 State University of Rio de Janeiro/LAPAL
'Cognitive and Ling. Demands in 1st and 2nd Order False Belief Tasks'
Karen Zagona University of Washington
'Embedded Tenses and Shifted Judgments'
Wayne Cowart, Dana McDaniel
University of Southern Maine
'Grammatical Coordination and the Approximate Number System'
Julia Uddén 1, 2, 3, Susana Araujo 4, Martin Ingvar 2, Christian Forkstam 1, 2, 3, Peter Hagoort 1, 3, Karl
Magnus Peterson 1,2,3
1 Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, 2 Stockholm Brain Institute, 3 Donders Institute, 4 Cognitive
Neuroscience Research Group, Universidade do Algarve
'Implicit Syntax Learning in Regular and Non
Reg. Artificial Grammars'
Charles Reiss, Marc Simpson
Concordia University
'A Recursive Projection Model of Reduplication'
Marilia Costa, Aniela Franca
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
'Theory of Mind Might be False: Recursion and Complex Inferences'
Poster Session 2: Wednesday 5/27
Maxi Limbach
University of Cologne
'Acquisition Data on Recursive Possessives: Evidence from FLA and SLA'
Hiroki Narita
Harvard University
'Cyclic Transfer in Service of Recursive Merge'
Anna Fedor 1, Péter Ittzés 2, Eörs Szathmáry 1,2
1 ELTE, Hungary, 2 Colleguium Budapest
'Recursion in Artificial Grammar Learning Tasks'
Ricard Viñas-de-Puig
Purdue University
'Recursive V and the Introduction of External Arguments'
Shinchiro Ishihara
University of Potsdam
'Relative Prominence and Recursion in Phase-based Prosody'
Monica Irimia
University of Toronto
'Secondary Predicates and Recursion'
Michiru Makuuchi, Jörg Bahlmann, Alfred Anwander, Angela Friederici
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
'Segregating the Core Computational Faculty of Human Lg. from Working Memory'
Takashi Toyoshima, Fuminori Mizushima, Kyushu Institute of Technology
'Unsupervised Computational Learning of Recursion in Language'
LINGUIST List: Vol-20-1804
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