20.3566, Calls: LingTheories, Phonology, Semantics, Syntax/Poland

Thu Oct 22 18:02:42 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-3566. Thu Oct 22 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.3566, Calls: LingTheories, Phonology, Semantics, Syntax/Poland

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Kate Wu <kate at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 22-Oct-2009
From: Patrycja Jablonska < patrjabl at yahoo.com >
Subject: GLOW Workshop on Information Structure

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 13:58:39
From: Patrycja Jablonska [patrjabl at yahoo.com]
Subject: GLOW Workshop on Information Structure

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Full Title: GLOW Workshop on Information Structure 

Date: 13-Apr-2010 - 13-Apr-2010
Location: Wroclaw, Poland 
Contact Person: Gisbert Fanselow
Meeting Email: fanselow at uni-potsdam.de
Web Site: http://www.ifa.uni.wroc.pl/~glow33 

Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Phonology; Semantics; Syntax 

Call Deadline: 01-Dec-2009 

Meeting Description:

GLOW Workshop on Information Structure 
Recursivity of Information Structure

Date: 13 April 2010
Organizers: Gisbert Fanselow, Caroline Fery, Manfred Krifka
Invited Speakers: TBA
Venue: Instytut Filologii Angielskiej, ul. Kuznicza 22, 50-138 Wroc?aw 

Call for Papers

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended until December 1, 2009.

Information structure has been thoroughly studied in many respects, but,
surprisingly, hierarchical aspects have not received the attention they deserve.
Some remarks supporting a hierarchical organization of information structure can
be found in Rooth (1992, 2006) and Krifka (1999), while other researchers are
inclined to assume a non-recursive model for information structure (see Tomioka
2006 for relevant discussion). Contributions to the workshop should present
evidence from phonology, syntax, or semantics that allows todecide whether
grammar involves a hierarchical and recursive information 'structure' or merely
a flat, non-recursive information 'partition'. The following topics exemplify
the kinds of questions that we hope will be addressed in the workshop (though
the list is, of course, not meant to be exhaustive).

Can the different types of information partitioning (e.g., topic-comment,
focus-background) enter a subordination relation (as argued in, e.g., Neeleman &
de Koot 2008), and if so, is their combinatorial potential constrained in a
grammatical rather than conceptual sense?

In Japanese, a topic may follow the subject or occupy the sentence initial
position. In German, topics show up in different slots, as well. These multiple
options raise the issue of whether slots related to information structure are
present both in CP and in VP, the two derivational phases proposed by Chomsky
(2005). Is there a syntactic and prosodic difference between the two layers of
IS in a clause? Can these options be realized at the same time? Is it only the
phases, that may host IS-related categories? If so, why do phases have such a
privileged status? Is this property related to their status as domains of
Spellout? Topic and focus refer to the common ground of an utterance and are as
such main clause phenomena, but elements bearing the expressive characteristics
of topics and foci appear in embedded clauses. If this argues for complex
hierarchical relations among the elements bearing markers of information
structure, the question is how these relations are encoded prosodically, what
roles accent and phrasing play in this respect, how registers are employed and
whether their use in complex information structure is different from simple
recursive structure, and how various F0-compression operations are integrated
into such a model

How do recursion and cyclicity in syntax and prosody relate to each other?
Recursivity has long been considered to be one of the core properties of syntax.
As for prosody, the Strict Layer Hypothesis states that prosodic structure has a
limited number of layers, and that recursivity is either excluded entirely from
the prosodic component or that it is strictly limited (see Selkirk 2000 for
instance). Can this view be maintained in the light of evidence from the
hierarchical organization of information structure?

Abstracts should be sent in two copies: one with a name and one without as
attached files (the name(s) should also be clearly mentioned in the e-mail) to:
fanselow at uni-potsdam.de in .pdf format.

Only electronic submissions will be considered.
Deadline for submissions: December 1, 2009. Abstracts may not exceed two pages
of text with at least a one-inch margin on all four sides (measured on A4 paper)
and must employ a font not smaller than 12 point. Each page may include a
maximum of 50 lines of text. An additional page with references may be included.

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-3566	


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