20.3163, Jobs: Spanish, Phonetics, General Ling: Asst Prof, Northern Illinois U

Sat Sep 19 03:52:43 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-3163. Fri Sep 18 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.3163, Jobs: Spanish, Phonetics, General Ling: Asst Prof, Northern Illinois U

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 16-Sep-2009
From: Renee Kerwin < rkerwin at niu.edu >
Subject: Spanish, Phonetics & General Linguistics: Asst Prof, Northern Illinois University, Il, Usa

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 23:50:05
From: Renee Kerwin [rkerwin at niu.edu]
Subject: Spanish, Phonetics & General Linguistics: Asst Prof, Northern Illinois University, Il, Usa

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University or Organization: Northern Illinois University 
Department: Foreign Languages & Literatures
Job Location: Illinois, USA 
Web Address: http://www.forlangs.net

Job Rank: Assistant Professor  

Specialty Areas: General Linguistics; Phonetics 

Required Language(s): Spanish (spa)


Anticipated Tenure-track, Assistant Professor in Spanish Linguistics,
beginning Fall 2010. 

Area of specialization in linguistics is open; however, the successful
candidate must be able to teach a course in Spanish Phonetics and
Phonemics. Duties include teaching a broad range of courses in linguistics,
Spanish language, and translation at the graduate and undergraduate levels. 

As a research-extensive university, NIU requires evidence of a strong
research program as well as excellence in teaching. Additional requirements
include:  native or near-native fluency in Spanish; a Ph.D. in Spanish
linguistics by the time of appointment; and experience in the use of
technology in language teaching. 

In compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 the
university can only employ U.S. citizens and aliens lawfully authorized to
work in the U.S.  Each new employee is required to present documentation
verifying identity and right to accept employment.  The department and the
university are committed to the principle of diversity and strongly
encourage applications from members of protected classes.

Complete applications must be received by November 15, 2009.  Interviews at
the MLA (December 27-30, 2009).  Send letter of application, curriculum
vitae, and dossier including three letters of recommendation to the address

Application Deadline: 15-Nov-2009 
Mailing Address for Applications:
	Chair Anne Birberick 
	Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures 
	Northern Illinois University 
	DeKalb, IL 60115 
Contact Information:
	Renee Kerwin 
	Email: rkerwin at niu.edu 

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-3163	


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