21.3161, Calls: Socioling, Language Policy/Faroe Islands
Wed Aug 4 14:12:01 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-3161. Wed Aug 04 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.3161, Calls: Socioling, Language Policy/Faroe Islands
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Date: 03-Aug-2010
From: Karin Jóhanna L. Knudsen < karinj at socdev.fo >
Subject: Four or More Languages for All: Language policy challenges of the future
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2010 10:04:31
From: Karin Jóhanna L. Knudsen [karinj at socdev.fo]
Subject: Four or More Languages for All: Language policy challenges of the future
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Full Title: Four or More Languages for All: Language policy challenges of
the future
Date: 22-Aug-2011 - 24-Aug-2011
Location: Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
Contact Person: Karin Jóhanna L. Knudsen
Meeting Email: malpolitikk at socdev.fo; malpolitikk at setur.fo
Web Site: http://www.socdev.fo/malpolitikk
Linguistic Field(s): Sociolinguistics
Other Specialty: Language Policy
Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2011
Meeting Description:
The conference 'Four or more languages for all: Language policy
challenges of the future' - a conference on multilingualism in the Nordic
countries - will be held on 22-24 August 2011 in the Nordic House in
Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands.
The conference is based on a broad understanding of multilingualism and
language policy.
Venue: the Nordic House, Norðari ringvegur - FO-100 Tórshavn -Tlf. (+298)
351351 -Fax (+298) 351350 - E-mail: nlh at nlh.fo; webpage:
Information about the Faroe Islands: http://www.faroeislands.com/.
Information on travel by air to the Faroes: www.atlantic.fo. Information on
seaways travel to the Faroes: www.smyril-line.dk.
Please contact the hotel of your preference directly to make your own
booking, mentioning the fact that you are a participant in the conference in
question: Hotel Føroyar - Tel. (+298) 317500 - Fax (298) 317501 - E-mail:
hf at hotelforoyar.fo; www.hotelforoyar.fo. Hotel Tórshavn -Tel. (+298)
350000 -
E-mail: ht at hoteltorshavn.fo; www.hoteltorshavn.fo. Hotel Hafnia - Tlf.
(+298) 313233 - Fax 315250 - E-mail: hafnia at hafnia.fo; www.hafnia.fo.
Rooms are offered at a negotiated conference rate. Accommodation at a
hostel is also an option.
Conference fee:
Until 15 April 2011 (date included), DKK 1400 / EUR 187 (students,
unemployed and senior citizens DKK 1200 / EUR 160 ).
After 15 April 2011, DKK 1600 / EUR 215 (students, unemployed and senior
citizens DKK 1400 / EUR 187).
Fee includes participation, refreshments and lunch during the conference
as well as an end-of-conference dinner.
Keynote speakers are:
- Dr. Carol Benson, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University
- Prof. Anne Holmen, Institute of Pedagogy, the Danish School of Education,
Aarhus University
- Prof. emeritus Robert Phillipson, Copenhagen Business School
- Prof. Markku Suksi, Department of Law, Åbo Akademi University
Conference organisers:
- Karin Jóhanna L. Knudsen, karinj at socdev.fo, cand scient.soc.,
Granskingardepilin fyri Samfelagsmenning (Research Center for Social
Development), the University of the Faroe Islands, www.socdev.fo.
- Elisabeth Holm, eh at ask.fo, cand.phil, MA, The International Office, the
University of the Faroe Islands, www.setur.fo
- Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, sia at peace.ax, Jur. Dr., Associate Professor in
international law, director of Åland Islands Peace Institute, www.peace.ax.
- Leena Huss, leena.huss at valentin.uu.se, Professor in Finnish; research
fields: multilingualism, language policy, language loss and revitalization, the
Hugo Valentin-Centre, Uppsala University.
- Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, skutnabbkangas at gmail.com, dr.phil, retired,
www.Tove-Skutnabb-Kangas.org, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa, Associate
Professor in minority education and linguistic human rights.
Academic committee, as above, plus:
- Hjalmar Petersen, hjalmar.petersen at uni-hamburg.de, dr.phil,
Research Center: Multilingualism, University of Hamburg.
- Kári á Rógvi, kariar at setur.fo, Jur. Dr., head of faculty, the faculty of
history and social studies, the University of the Faroe Islands.
Call For Papers
The main aims of the conference are:
-To provide an interdisciplinary forum by bringing together scholars and
practitioners from diverse disciplines such as sociolinguistics, sociology,
history, linguistics, literature studies, political science and law
-To compare Nordic experiences in the field
-To draw attention to and focus on language policy experiences and
particular challenges in the self-governing areas
-To draw attention to and focus on immigrants' diverse situations and
language rights
-The conference is based on a broad understanding of multilingualism and
language policy:
-The distribution of focus between individual and societal multilingualism. In
principle, there is consensus in Europe and in the Nordic countries today
about the desirability and importance of multilingualism both for individuals
and society as a whole. With regard to language policy a central issue may
be either the individual's situation and possibilities for development or
ensuring economic progress for society or other societal goals. How do the
Nordic countries and autonomous areas look upon this (potential) tension?
-The importance of all citizens' multilingualism. One goal of the conference
is to explore the possibilities that majorities have in order to become
multilingual and whether they are aware of the privileges they have when
they may use their own language in most situations. Likewise, it is at least
equally important that all linguistic minorities (including indigenous peoples,
immigrant minorities and sign language users) have a real chance to
become multilingual at a high level. What status does multilingualism have in
present language policy strategies in the Nordic countries?
-Threat in relation to all Nordic languages. Another goal of the conference is
to compare situations where 'small' national languages such as Danish and
Finnish may be threatened by English in some domains and situations, and
situations where indigenous and minority languages are seriously
threatened by both national languages and English.
-Different perceptions of language policy documents in different Nordic
countries. In spite of a long history and traditions of language cooperation,
and in spite of the fact that the Nordic countries are signatories of partly
the same Nordic and international language policy documents, they have
often very different perceptions of their obligations in relation to these
recommendations and to conventions about language rights.
-The difference between accepted national, Nordic and international
language policy obligations and their implementation. Some minorities (the
Finland Swedes) and indigenous people (North Samis) in the Nordic
countries have language policy conditions that are better than most of those
that apply to similar linguistic groups around the world. For other minorities
(Romanis) the conditions are not much better than in other countries.
Researchers from other countries often think that the small Nordic welfare
states are very homogeneous, also regarding their treatment of linguistic
minorities, but the existing variation opens up the prospect of making
diverse types of international comparisons - these include African and Asian
countries in which educational experiments are undertaken, which in terms
of research are more sophisticated than similar European and North
American experiments.
Conference languages: Danish, Norwegian and Swedish as well as English.
Presentations may be given in any of these four languages, plus in
Faroese. Abstracts are to be written in both a Scandinavian language and
in English. There is no interpretation service at the conference.
Keynote speakers are:
Dr. Carol Benson, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University
Prof. Anne Holmen, Institute of Pedagogy, the Danish School of Education,
Aarhus University
Prof. emeritus Robert Phillipson, Copenhagen Business School
Prof. Markku Suksi, Department of Law, Åbo Akademi University
Papers (20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion) are invited in relation to
the goals of the conference and the following themes:
The main theme of the conference is ''Four or more languages for all:
Language policy challenges of the future''. For many indigenous peoples
and minorities it is necessary to know at least three or four languages: their
own language, the official state language and one or more international
languages. A high level of multilingualism is an important resource entailing
many advantages for both the individual and society at large, but
educational systems are not often organised in such a way that it is possible
for individuals to achieve high proficiency levels. Therefore, the conference
aims at investigating what type of language policy (regarding education,
law-making, social issues, politics, etc.) fulfills this goal in diverse
circumstances. The conference focuses on the following sub-themes:
Theme I - Language legislation:
How far may legislation be pursued - may it go too far? (Legislation on
monolingualism, ban on using a language at school or at work, in
advertising, etc, ban on using individual letters or alphabet). Some of the
questions that will be raised in this respect are: What domains in the Nordic
countries are covered by language legislation? To what extent is
monolingualism as a societal model supported, or to what extent are both
individual and societal multilingualism supported in existing legislation? In
what way is a distinction made between the public and private sphere in the
present legislation? What particular regulations regarding language apply in
the educational system, in the media, in legislation on marketing, etc?
Theme II - The autonomous areas:
The Nordic region comprises three autonomous territories: the Faroe
Islands, Greenland and the Åland Islands where language consciousness is
widespread. Therefore the following question is of current interest: In what
way do the autonomous areas position themselves in relation to present
discussions and principles regarding multilingualism? In addition, we may
ask: How is work on language policy conducted in the Sami regions, also in
relation to revitalization and multilingualism?
Theme III - From problem, victim and threat perceptions towards a resource,
agent and forward-pointing societal model based on individual and societal
multilingualism: This subject area includes for example the following
questions: What kind of language policy changes focus from problem, victim
and threat perceptions to forward-pointing multilingualism? What type of
educational policy encourages multilingualism? What methods of teaching
support multilingualism?
Theme IV - Panel debate:
The questions that will be discussed in the plenary session will be specified
later. The plan is that symposium participants, representatives from Faroese
society and others interested are to be given the opportunity to ask
members of the panel questions in advance which they are interested in
discussing or getting further insight in. Participants in the panel are both
keynote speakers and representatives from Faroese society.
Publication. The aim is to publish a book or a special issue of a journal with
selected articles from the conference.
Abstracts are to be sent to: malpolitikk at socdev.fo
Important conference deadlines:
15 January 2011
Deadline for submission of abstracts (200-300 words)
28 February 2011
Information on approval of abstracts
15 March 2011
Final deadline for preliminary registration on malpolitikk at setur.fo. Please
write an e-mail stating that you are interested in participating in the
30 April 2011
Deadline for binding registration, which requires payment of conference fee.
Conference dates:
22 August 2011, get-together in the evening - 23 and 24 August 2011,
conference dates - 24 August 2011, conference dinner.
Conference e-mail: malpolitikk at setur.fo
Conference webpage (under construction). From 1 Septembert 2010:
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