21.5021, Confs: Cognitive Science, Psycholinguistics/Germany

Sat Dec 11 19:50:40 UTC 2010

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-5021. Sat Dec 11 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 21.5021, Confs: Cognitive Science, Psycholinguistics/Germany

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Di Wdzenczny <di at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 09-Dec-2010
From: Monica Gonzalez-Marquez [mgonzale at cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de]
Subject: Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 5.1

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 14:48:40
From: Monica Gonzalez-Marquez [mgonzale at cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de]
Subject: Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 5.1

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Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 5.1 
Short Title: EMCL 5 

Date: 06-Mar-2011 - 11-Mar-2011 
Location: Freiburg, Germany 
Contact: Monica Gonzalez-Marquez 
Contact Email: mgonzale at cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de 
Meeting URL: http://https://sites.google.com/site/emcl5freiburg/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Psycholinguistics 

Meeting Description: 

The goal of EMCL is to facilitate dialogue among language researchers with
different methodological backgrounds, i.e. theorists, experimentalists, 
corpus linguists, etc. We do this by creating an environment where 
specialists learn from each other by developing a research project together 
where their various skills are combined.

Intended audience: Language researchers with an embodiment, situated 
cognition and/or cognitive linguistics background. No prior experimental or 
corpus training is required though an understanding of the theoretical 
issues is necessary. Participants can be at different early stages in their 
careers, i.e. graduate students, post-grads, post-docs, junior faculty, etc.

Format: During the course of a week, participants will join one of 5 hands-
on mini-labs. Each mini-lab will be responsible for completing a joint 
research project. A select group of students (max. 8 per group for a total of 
40) will be invited to participate. Each group will work with two researchers 
who will  guide the group in selecting an idea for the group to investigate, 
structuring  and organizing a research project, and carrying it out. The 
session will end with the presentation of findings and a general discussion.

Topics to be covered include,
- Deciding on a research topic
- Transforming the research topic into a research question
- Developing experimental hypotheses and designing an experiment
- Data collection
- Statistical analysis and interpretation
- Presentation of findings to an audience 

Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 5.1 - Freiburg
March 6 - 11, 2011


!!!!!!!!!Note extended deadline and new faculty!!!!!!
Application deadline: extended to December 20, 2010

We invite applications for the 5th Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 
workshop, to be held in Freiburg, Germany, March 6 - 11, 2011

Workshop Faculty

NOTE: Competition for spots in the mini-labs is high. To avoid 
disappointment, please select at least 2 mini-labs, and give your order 

Group 1:
Alan Cienki, Vrije Universiteit
Interests: cognitive linguistics, pragmatics, spoken language, gesture,
political discourse, contrastive linguistics

Raymond B. Becker, CITEC, Bielefeld University
Interests: cognitive linguistics, time, action and affordances, cross-modal
switching costs

Group 2:
Kenny Coventry, Northumbria University
Interests: language and perception, spatial language, embodiment, decision 

Katharina Rohlfing, Bielefeld University
Interests: emergentist semantics, early literacy, human-machine interaction,
rhetoric and communication

Group 3:
Lars Konieczny, University of Freiburg
Interests: Theoretical, Empirical, and Computational Psycholinguistics,
Eye-movements research, Reading, Spoken language comprehension
in the Visual-World-paradigm, Spatial reasoning and wayfinding,
Cognitive modeling (ACT-R, Connectionist Modeling), Embodied Cognition

Michele Feist, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Interests: lexical semantics, spatial language, psycholinguistics, acquisition 
of semantics, language and cognition

Group 4:
Seana Coulson, University of California, San Diego
Interests: Conceptual Blending, Joke Comprehension, Metaphor, Analogical
Reasoning, Concept Combination, Sentence Processing

Panos Athanasopoulos, Bangor University
Interests: Bilingualism and Cognition, Language and Thought, Emotion,
Language Acquisition, conceptual development

Group 5:

Kristian Tylén, Aarhus University
Interests: Object Cognition, Social Cognition, Language and Cognition,
Neurosemiotics, Neuroaesthetics

Anatol Stefanowitsch, University of Hamburg
Interests: Encoding of motion events, Second language research, 
Construction Grammar, Quantitative Corpus Linguistics, Metaphor, Negative 

Accommodation: Accommodation at walking distance to the university will be
arranged for all student participants. Cost will be ?20 per night. (We 'may'
receive funds to cover student accommodation, in which case all applicants 
will be notified.)

Participation Fee: ?125, payable by bank transfer or upon arrival by prior
arrangement. (This fee helps cover the costs of organization and faculty 


To apply, please send the following by December 20, 2010. All materials 
must be submitted electronically to emcl5.freiburg (at) googlemail.com

Please write 'application' in the subject line.

1. A maximum of two (2) pages, (1000 words), describing,
- your background,
- your reasons for wanting to participate,
- the research group you would like to work in and why. Please include in 
this section a brief description of your research interests. NOTE: 
Competition for spots in the mini-labs is high. To avoid disappointment, 
please select at least 2 mini-labs, and give your order preference.

All topics listed above must be addressed. Incomplete applications will not 
be reviewed.

2. A copy of your curriculum vitae.

The application deadline is December 20, 2010

Accepted applicants will be notified on or before January 15, 2011

This workshop is supported by:

the FRIAS at Freiburg University

the Research training group (GRK DFG 1624/1) Frequency effects in 

and the DFG (pending).

2 (two) tuition scholarships will be awarded by lottery to students traveling
from Eastern Europe and 3rd world countries. Please state in your 
application whether you would like to be included in the lottery.

Please note: Attendance is strictly limited to invited participants. No
exceptions will be made so as to preserve pedagogical integrity.

EMCL 5.2 will be held in Chicago, USA, June 2011 with a different set of
faculty. That notice will follow in January, 2011.

EMCL 5 Organizing Committee:

Monica Gonzalez-Marquez, Chair, Cornell University
Martin Hilpert, University of Freiburg
Raymond Becker, Bielefeld University
Lars Konieczny, University of Freiburg

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-5021	


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