21.5139, Confs: Historical Linguistics, Typology/Japan
Sat Dec 18 18:48:39 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-5139. Sat Dec 18 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.5139, Confs: Historical Linguistics, Typology/Japan
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
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Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
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<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 17-Dec-2010
From: Reijirou Shibasaki [reijiro at okiu.ac.jp]
Subject: Person Forms Across Time and Space
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 13:43:01
From: Reijirou Shibasaki [reijiro at okiu.ac.jp]
Subject: Person Forms Across Time and Space
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Person Forms Across Time and Space
Date: 25-Jul-2011 - 30-Jul-2011
Location: Osaka, Japan
Contact: Reijirou Shibasaki
Contact Email: reijiro at okiu.ac.jp
Meeting URL: http://www.ichl2011.com/
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Typology
Meeting Description:
This workshop focuses on the linguistic evolution of person forms in a wide
range of languages, especially beyond the realm of European languages.
Many previous studies ? particularly contrastive studies of English and
Japanese (e.g. Sugamoto 1989) ? have emphasized diverging points
between person forms in European languages and those in non-European
languages, often analyzing lexical origins, lexical modification, word order,
and discourse frequency. However, once we enlarge the corpus to include
cross-linguistic or dialectal variations, some converging patterns observed
through diachronic pathways may come into view.
This ICHL20 workshop has a preference for the following themes, ideally
focusing on languages beyond the European language families. However,
this workshop will also deal with other interesting themes related to person
forms, particularly those themes that have an important bearing on the
themes outlined below. Note that the underlying theoretical assumption in
this workshop is that grammatical categories and functions are best defined
in terms of how they behave in discourse, synchronically and diachronically.
(1) Referential shifting e.g. from first to second person as in Japanese,
Thai, Vietnamese, etc.;
(2) Derivation of newer person forms by combining first and second person
forms (i.e. inclusive) and first and third person forms (i.e. exclusive) as in
Dravidian languages;
(3) Derivation of independent forms out of dependent forms, e.g. Jacaltec,
Tzutujil and Warekena;
(4) Semantic change from more honorific to less honorific as in Japanese;
(5) Functional change, e.g. from person to nominalizer as in Ainu,
Okinawan, some Tibeto-Burman languages, etc.
(6) Construction-based functional change, e.g. from person to sentence-
final particle as in Chinese, Japanese, Okinawan and some other Asian
(7) Reconstructing pronominal paradigms in particular areas, e.g. Central
Pacific, Philippine, Formosan and other areas.
(8) Rethinking person forms as part of 'functional categories' from different
theoretical points of view, e.g. generative vs. functional.
Bhat, D. N. S. 2004. Pronouns. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cooke, J. R. 1968. Pronominal reference in Thai, Burmese and Vietnamese.
Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Ferraresi, Gisella and Maria Goldback (eds.). 2008. Principles of syntactic
reconstruction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Siewierska, Anna. 2004. Person. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sugamoto, Nobuko. 1989. Pronominality: A noun-pronoun continuum. In
Linguistic Categorization, edited by R. Corregan, F. Eckman, and M.
Noonan, 267-291. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Important Dates:
January 15, 2011 Abstract submission deadline
February 28, 2011 Notification of acceptance
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-5139
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