21.78, FYI: Richard M. Hogg Prize 2010
Thu Jan 7 19:14:19 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-78. Thu Jan 07 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.78, FYI: Richard M. Hogg Prize 2010
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 07-Jan-2010
From: Terttu Nevalainen < terttu.nevalainen at helsinki.fi >
Subject: Richard M. Hogg Prize 2010
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 2010 14:09:17
From: Terttu Nevalainen [terttu.nevalainen at helsinki.fi]
Subject: Richard M. Hogg Prize 2010
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Richard M. Hogg Prize 2010
The International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE) offers an
annual Richard M. Hogg Prize for a paper on any research-related topic in
English language or English linguistics. The closing date for 2010
submissions is 31 March 2010.
Richard M. Hogg:
Richard Hogg was Smith Professor of English Language and Medieval
Literature at the University of Manchester from 1980 until his death in
2007. He was the General Editor of The Cambridge History of the English
Language (6 vols, 1992-2001), one of the founding editors of the journal
English Language and Linguistics, and well known for his work on Old
English, on phonology, and on English dialects. A list of Professor Hogg's
publications is accessible from this database at the University of Manchester:
It is hoped that his History of English dialectology and Grammar of Old
English, 2, Morphology will be completed by friends and colleagues.
The Prize will be awarded in open competition. The competition is open to
any individual who is both:
1. An early-career scholar, defined as a registered student not yet in
possession of a doctoral degree, or a post-doctoral scholar within two
years of the award of the doctorate at the time of submission; and
2. A member of the Society (membership can be applied for at the time of
It is expected that most candidates will be students on a doctoral degree
programme (PhD) or recent graduates of one, but undergraduates and master's
students are not precluded from submitting a paper. Joint or multiple
authorship is acceptable so long as all authors meet the two conditions
above. Authors should submit a letter from their supervisor, or from a
person of similar standing, attesting to their status and that the
submission is their own work.
The Paper:
Candidates may write on any research-related topic in English language or
English linguistics. In awarding the prize the committee will take into
consideration the originality of the submitted paper and the theoretical
and/or empirical contribution it makes to the discipline.
The paper should not have been published before (except possibly in a
departmental working paper or the like), nor should it have been submitted
for publication elsewhere. It should not exceed - but need not be as long
as - 10,000 words in length including tables, figures, notes, appendices,
references, etc. It is recommended that authors follow the style sheet
available from the ISLE website
(http://www.isle-linguistics.org/resources/prize_style_sheet.pdf), which is
essentially that of the journal English Language and Linguistics and which
in turn incorporates the Unified Style Sheet for linguistics journals; a
suitable EndNote style for users of the EndNote bibliography program is
also available for downloading.
Submission Dates and Address:
The closing date for submissions is 31 March 2010. Submissions should be
written in English and should be accompanied by the letter mentioned under
'Eligibility' above. Submissions should be sent as a file attachment in an
email to the Secretary of ISLE:
Graeme Trousdale, University of Edinburgh, graeme.trousdale at ed.ac.uk
The winner will receive a cash prize of £500 and their essay will be
published on the ISLE website. Additionally, the winner will be encouraged
to submit the prize-winning paper - revised where appropriate in line with
judges' or referees' comments - for competitive review for publication in a
journal closely associated with the aims of the Society. If no submission
is judged suitable, the prize will not be awarded. The prize will be
awarded by ISLE on the recommendation of a prize committee formed from
senior members of the Society, with a member of the Executive Committee in
the chair. The winner will be announced on the Society's website by 1
September 2010. The prize committee's decision is final.
More details at: http://www.isle-linguistics.org/prize/index.asp
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-78
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