21.3010, Jobs: Computational Linguistics: Post Doc, Trinity College Dublin

Wed Jul 21 14:41:53 UTC 2010

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-3010. Wed Jul 21 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 21.3010, Jobs: Computational Linguistics: Post Doc, Trinity College Dublin

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 21-Jul-2010
From: Jean Maypother < Jean.Maypother at scss.tcd.ie >
Subject: Computational Linguistics: Post Doc, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 10:39:53
From: Jean Maypother [Jean.Maypother at scss.tcd.ie]
Subject: Computational Linguistics: Post Doc, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

E-mail this message to a friend:

University or Organization: Trinity College Dublin 
Department: School of Computer Science and Statistics
Job Location: Dublin, Ireland 
Web Address: http://www.tcd.ie/vacancies

Job Rank: Post Doc  

Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics 


Applications are invited for an NDRC funded 2-year postdoctoral research
and development position within the School of Computer Science and
Statistics to work on PaJR, a collaborative research project on building
software for patient self management of chronic illness. 

The project partners are the National Digital Research Centre
(http://www.NDRC.ie), GroupNos Technologies (http://www.groupnos.com), PHC
Research Ltd and Trinity College Dublin (the Knowledge and Data Engineering
Group (http://kdeg.cs.tcd.ie) and the Computational Linguistics Group
(http://www.cs.tcd.ie/research_groups/clg)). The Postdoctoral role will
involve identifying patterns in patient narrative text and triggering
appropriate actions.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in Computational Linguistics, or a
closely related discipline, such as Computer Science together with
demonstrable expertise in as many of the following as possible: 

-  statistical analysis
-  corpus linguistics
-  sentiment analysis
-  formal semantics
-  machine learning

The project requires an individual who is well versed in theoretical issues
that impinge on the work, but who also appreciates the pragmatic value of
eclectic, practical solutions. Applicants will be highly motivated, with
strong communication skills and a demonstrated proficiency in software
development. All candidates must have excellent oral and written
communication skills. 

This full-time position is for two years' duration, starting at the latest
in November 2010 and is supported by the NDRC. 

The salary will be at the upper end of the IUA Post-doctorate researcher
(Level 2) scale (see link on
http://www.iua.ie/iua-activities/research.html) commensurate with
qualifications and experience to date.

Applications must include:

1.  A targeted cover letter (600-1000 words) expressing your suitability
for the position
2.  A complete CV including a list of refereed publications and contact
details for three referees
3.  Full academic transcripts 
-  undergraduate and postgraduate 
-  translated to English if necessary

Applications received on or prior to 27th August 2010 will receive fullest

Please send completed applications via email with Subject Line 'Comp Ling
Postdoc Position' to: Jean.Maypother at scss.tcd.ie
Informal questions may be addressed to Carl.Vogel at tcd.ie or to
Lucy.Hederma at tcd.ie

Trinity College Dublin is an equal opportunities employer.

Application Deadline: 27-Aug-2010 
Email Address for Applications: Jean.Maypother at scss.tcd.ie 
Contact Information:
	Jean Maypother 
	Email: Jean.Maypother at scss.tcd.ie 

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-3010	


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