21.3076, Calls: Applied Ling, Comp Ling, Translation/USA

Tue Jul 27 14:10:02 UTC 2010

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-3076. Tue Jul 27 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 21.3076, Calls: Applied Ling, Comp Ling, Translation/USA

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

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and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Di Wdzenczny <di at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 26-Jul-2010
From: Ventsislav Zhechev < contact at ventsislavzhechev.eu >
Subject: Bringing MT to the User: Research on Integrating MT in the Translation Industry

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2010 10:08:16
From: Ventsislav Zhechev [contact at ventsislavzhechev.eu]
Subject: Bringing MT to the User: Research on Integrating MT in the Translation Industry

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Full Title: Bringing MT to the User: Research on Integrating MT in the 
Translation Industry 
Short Title: JEC2010 

Date: 04-Nov-2010 - 04-Nov-2010
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA 
Contact Person: Ventsislav Zhechev
Meeting Email: emcnglworkshop at me.com
Web Site: http://web.me.com/emcnglworkshop/JEC2010 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Computational Linguistics; 

Call Deadline: 29-Aug-2010 

Meeting Description:

Recent years have seen a revolution in MT triggered by the emergence of 
statistical approaches to MT and improvements in translation quality. MT 
(rule-based, statistical and hybrid) is now available for many languages for 
free on the Web and is making strong inroads into the corporate localisation 
and translation industries. Open-source MT solutions are competing with 
proprietary products. Increasing numbers of translators are post-editing 
TM/MT output. At the same time, there has been some disconnect between 
academic research on MT, which (rightly so) focuses on algorithms to 
increase translation quality, and many of the practical issues that need to be 
addressed to make MT maximally useful in real translation and localisation 

This workshop will bring together MT researchers, developers, industrial 
users and translators to discuss issues that are most important in real world 
industrial settings involving MT, but currently not very popular in research 

Workshop Chairs:
Ventsislav Zhechev
Philipp Koehn
Josef van Genabith 

Call For Papers

The EuroMatrix+ Project (http://www.euromatrixplus.eu) and the Centre for 
Next Generation Localisation (http://cngl.ie) are organising the Second Joint 
EM+/CNGL Workshop, titled ''Bringing MT to the User: Research on 
Integrating MT in the Translation Industry''. The workshop will be hosted at 
the AMTA 2010 conference (http://amta2010.amtaweb.org) in Denver, 
Colorado. It will take place on 4 November 2010 immediately after the main 

For this workshop we solicit full research papers with industry or academic 
background to highlight the real-world issues that need to be tackled by 
new research and the recent academic advancements that improve 
translation quality, as well as novel and successful methods for the 
integration of Machine Translation with Translation Memories or 
Localisation Workflows.

We will accept research paper submissions (reviewed anonymously) for oral 
presentation and publication. Papers should present clearly identifiable 
problem statements, research methodologies and measurable outcomes 
and evaluation.

The papers should follow the submission guidelines for the research track 
of the main AMTA 2010 Conference (http://amta2010.amtaweb.org/cfp-
mt.htm), with the maximum length being 10 pages in US Letter format, 
including references. Please, do not include your name in the paper text 
and avoid overt self-references to facilitate the blind review process.If a 
paper is accepted, at least one author will have to register through the 
AMTA 2010 website and travel to Denver to present it.

Topics include but are not limited to:
- MT/TM in Localisation/Translation Workflows
- MT/TM Combinations
- Post-Editing Support for MT
- MT and Monolingual Post-Editing
- MT Confidence Scores and Post-Editing Effort
- Training Data for MT: Size, Domain and Quality
- Data Cleanup and Preparation for MT
- Meta-Data Mark-Up/Annotation and MT
- Terminology and MT
- Costing/Pricing MT
- MT for Free/for a Fee
- Rule-Based, Statistical and Hybrid MT
- Computing Resources for MT
- MT in the Cloud
- MT and the Crowd
- Smart Learning from Post-Edits
- (Machine) Translation in Context

Program Committee:
The submitted papers will be reviewed by a mixed industry-academia 
Industry members: Fred Hollowood (Symantec), Johann Roturier 
(Symantec), Dag Schmidtke (Microsoft), Dion Wiggins (Asia Online), Jaap 
van der Meer (TAUS), Manuel Tomás Carrasco Benítez (DGT of the EC), 
Daniel Grasmick (Lucy Software), Marc Dymetman (XRCE), Nicholas 
Stroppa (Google), (to be confirmed: Tony O'Dowd (Alchemy))
Academic members: Michael Carl (IAI Saarbrücken), Eiichiro Sumita (NICT 
Japan), Julien Bourdaillet (University of Montreal), Mikel Forcada 
(Universitat d'Alacant), Philipp Koehn (EM+), Hans Uszkoreit (EM+), Josef 
van Genabith (CNGL), Andy Way (CNGL), Harold Somers (CNGL), 
Ventsislav Zhechev (EM+, CNGL), (to be confirmed: Pierre Isabelle (NRC 

Deadlines (all GMT -11):
29 August 2010: Full Paper Submissions Due
12 September 2010: Acceptance Notifications Sent Out
25 September 2010: Camera-Ready Papers Due

Please, direct all enquiries to Dr. Ventsislav Zhechev at 
emcnglworkshop at me.com
For up-to-date information, please visit 
For information about the First Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop, please visit 

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-3076	


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