21.2414, Calls: Typology / Nordic Journal of Linguistics (Jrnl)
Tue Jun 1 13:49:38 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2414. Tue Jun 01 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.2414, Calls: Typology / Nordic Journal of Linguistics (Jrnl)
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 30-May-2010
From: Camilla Wide < camilla.wide at utu.fi >
Subject: Nordic Journal of Linguistics
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2010 09:48:36
From: Camilla Wide [camilla.wide at utu.fi]
Subject: Nordic Journal of Linguistics
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Full Title: Nordic Journal of Linguistics
Linguistic Field(s): Danish; Faroese; Finnish; Icelandic; Saami, North; Saami, South; Swedish; Typology
Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2011
Call for papers:
Nordic Journal of Linguistics Special Issue on the Nordic Languages and
Linguistic Typology
Guest editors: Pål Kristian Eriksen & Camilla Wide
All modern linguistic science - all theoretical frameworks and approaches -
at one point or another becomes linguistic typology. Sooner or later they
ask the fundamental typological questions: What are the universal features
of human language? How do we explain their universality? And how do we
explain those features of human language which are NOT universal, but which
vary from language to language? How do variation and universality relate to
each other? The methodology of linguistic typology - to approach these
questions by mapping and comparing language data globally - is not
necessarily shared by all linguists, but the basic questions remain the same.
With this as our motto, we want to invite linguists from all fields and
frameworks to discuss typological topics of linguistic variation and
language universals in a special issue of NJL, to be published in November
2011. Although papers on typology in general are also welcome, we are
especially interested in contributions dealing with the Nordic languages
from a typological point of view. By 'Nordic languages', we mean not only
the Scandinavian languages but also the other languages of the Nordic
countries. All the Nordic languages occasionally share typological features
through Sprachbund effects, and can thus be said to count as members of the
same language area.
The Nordic languages are typologically interesting from several
perspectives: Macro-typologically, a number of areal features worthy of
notice are found here, e.g. V2-based sentential syntax (Scandinavian),
expletive subjects (Finnish and Scandinavian), complex expressions of
definiteness in noun phrases (Scandinavian), and the multiple number of
close vowels (Scandinavian and Southern Sami).
Micro-typologically, the variation in dialects and varieties within the
Nordic area is remarkable. Most of the features mentioned in the previous
paragraph, and many others, vary significantly across the region. This
makes the Nordic languages a gold mine for the dialectologist, and a
dialectologist is a typologist, differing from the latter mainly by being
dedicated to a geographically or genetically restricted set of languages.
In terms of contact linguistics and areal linguistics, the Nordic languages
are also highly interesting typologically. In some respects, they
constitute their own language area, characterized by a set of special
features. In other respects, the Nordic languages are placed on or close to
the dividing line between larger language areas, namely a Eurasian/Siberian
area to the East, and a 'Standard European' area to the West and South, a
position which is likely to have had effects on the local languages.
We therefore encourage authors to submit papers dealing with any such
perspective on the meeting point between linguistic typology and the study
of Nordic languages, although, as stated above, papers dealing with more
general typological issues are also welcome. The deadline is January 31,
2011. Papers should be sent to one of the two guest editors:
Pål Kristian Eriksen
Scandinavian Studies and Comparative Literature
NO-7491 Trondheim
pal.k.eriksen at ntnu.no
Camilla Wide
Scandinavian Languages
University of Turku
FI-20014 University of Turku
camilla.wide at utu.fi
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2414
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