21.2517, Calls: Discourse Analysis/ Textes et Contextes (Jrnl)

Mon Jun 7 17:52:33 UTC 2010

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2517. Mon Jun 07 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 21.2517, Calls: Discourse Analysis/ Textes et Contextes (Jrnl)

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Editor for this issue: Jessica Gardner <gardner at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 07-Jun-2010
From: Laurent Gautier < laurent.gautier at u-bourgogne.fr >
Subject: Textes et Contextes

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2010 13:51:03
From: Laurent Gautier [laurent.gautier at u-bourgogne.fr]
Subject: Textes et Contextes

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Full Title: Textes et Contextes 

Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis 

Call Deadline: 01-Oct-2010 

Issue number 6 of online journal Textes et Contextes 
(Centre Interlangues, University of Burgundy)

Authoritarian discourse(s) and resistance in the twentieth century

Issue number 6 of Textes et contextes (edited by EA 4182, Centre
Interlangues, University of Burgundy) intends to reflect on the types of
discourse produced or imposed by totalitarian and, more generally,
authoritarian regimes or by a dominant central power over its colonies, its
regions or its periphery. The issue will concentrate on the twentieth
century without any geographical limitation. Discourse is considered as a
political tool in the service of power.  Aspects which can be studied are
its use and its rhetoric as well as phenomena of propaganda linked to
official discourse, of manipulation, of censorship, of self-censorship, etc.
It can be suggested that authoritarian regimes also generate forms of
resistance, simultaneously with, and as a consequence of, authoritarian
discourse. Studies about the link between oppression and resistance in
Germany, Italy and France have shown that 'oppressive or occupation
regimes in Europe during the Second World War and their opponents belong to
the same world' because they are born from the same culture, the same
state structures, the same social world and the same geostrategic world .
Papers dealing with the spaces of freedom offered by the forms of
resistance born in authoritarian contexts, with their dynamics, with the
modalities through which they escape authority/authoritarianism (exile,
creation, subversive forms of language, affirmation of individual or
regional history to counter official history...) will be welcome.
Part of the volume will be devoted to the forms taken by propaganda and/or
resistance in artistic creation (literature, painting, cinema...). Aspects
which could be examined in this perspective include the notion of democracy
(or its absence) within artistic forms, the relationships built up between
the author (authority?) and the reader/spectator/viewer, the forms of
persuasion used by artists and the reader/spectator/viewer's  margin of
freedom (of resistance?). In the particular instance of the novel, the
works in which Nelly Wolf examines the relationships between literature and
politics (Le roman de la démocratie, 2003) could provide useful tools for
analysis. Wolf, considering that there exists an analogy between the novel
and the principles on which modern democracy is based, coined phrases like
'the contractual novel' or 'the novel as democracy'; such notions could
offer fruitful ground for study. 

Following such analyses, papers could examine either how art produced in
democratic contexts can become a form of authoritarian discourse or,
conversely, how art born in authoritarian contexts and constrained by
censorship manages to create internal democracy and therefore a form of

Paper proposals (a one-page abstract with a maximum of five bibliographical
references) must be sent before October 1st 2010 at the following address: 

revuetil at u-bourgogne.fr

Only previously unpublished papers will be considered for publication.
Accepted languages: German, French, English, Spanish, Italian, Polish, and

Notice of acceptance: November 15, 2010
Reception of final articles: February 15, 2011
Results of the double-blind review process: May 15, 2011
Reception of revised articles: July 1st, 2011
Publication of the issue: November 2011.

Please note that acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee publication.
Final acceptance for publication will depend on a double-blind peer-review

For all further information please contact Melanie.Joseph-Vilain at u-bourgogne.fr

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2517	


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