21.2562, Jobs: Oceanic Langs/Lang Documentation: 2 PhD Positions, U of Newcastle
Thu Jun 10 20:55:51 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2562. Thu Jun 10 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.2562, Jobs: Oceanic Langs/Lang Documentation: 2 PhD Positions, U of Newcastle
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Date: 08-Jun-2010
From: Bill Palmer < bill.palmer at newcastle.edu.au >
Subject: Oceanic Languages; Language Documentation: Two PhD Positions, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 16:54:30
From: Bill Palmer [bill.palmer at newcastle.edu.au]
Subject: Oceanic Languages; Language Documentation: Two PhD Positions, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
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University or Organization: University of Newcastle
Department: Linguistics
Job Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Job Rank: PhD positions (2)
Specialty Areas: Language Documentation
Required Language(s): Papapana (ppn)
Ririo (rri)
Two fully funded PhD positions are available to carry out field-based
research on two typologically and theoretically significant highly
endangered Oceanic languages of island Melanesia.
The positions are attached to a Major Documentation Project entitled
'Documenting Ririo and Papapana: the two most highly endangered Northwest
Solomonic languages' (Chief Investigator Dr Bill Palmer), funded by the
Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project. The project will involve
fieldwork on the previously undescribed languages Papapana (120 speakers,
Bougainville island, Papua New Guinea) and Ririo (79 speakers, Choiseul
island, Solomon Islands). It will involve gathering extensive documentation
on the target languages using current documentation best-practice, and a
thesis focusing in detail on an area of the language's structure or use
that is of particular interest to the student, to be determined in
consultation between the successful applicants and their supervisors. The
positions will be housed within the Endangered Languages Documentation,
Theory and Application Group (ELDTA) at the University of Newcastle. ELDTA
is home to PhD students and staff working on a diverse range of endangered
languages including Austronesian, Australian Aboriginal, Turkic, Bantu, and
Semitic. The successful applicants will join a larger program of
field-based research in Northwest Solomonic involving Palmer and an
existing PhD student working on another Bougainville language. The PhDs
will be supervised by Palmer and Dr Catriona Malau, also an expert on the
documentation, description and analysis of Oceanic languages.
In addition to a PhD stipend scholarship at the standard University of
Newcastle rate (currently $22,500 p.a.), the positions include all
fieldwork expenses and tuition fee scholarship. The positions are of three
years duration, and are open to domestic and international students.
The positions are located in Newcastle, a city close to Sydney famous for
its magnificent beaches and relaxed lifestyle.
To apply to be a part of this project, please send your CV, a copy of your
academic record, and the names and contact details of two professional
referees to Dr Bill Palmer (bill.palmer at newcastle.edu.au) by 16 July 2010,
with the words "PhD application" in the email subject line. A telephone
interview may be required for shortlisted applicants. Please note: an
honours degree or at least one year of postgraduate study of any kind is
highly desirable.
Application Deadline: 16-Jul-2010
Email Address for Applications: bill.palmer at newcastle.edu.au
Contact Information:
Dr Bill Palmer
Email: bill.palmer at newcastle.edu.au
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2562
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