21.2630, Calls: Syntax/Germany
Thu Jun 17 23:38:27 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2630. Thu Jun 17 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.2630, Calls: Syntax/Germany
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Date: 16-Jun-2010
From: Artemis Alexiadou < artemis at ifla.uni-stuttgart.de >
Subject: Non-Canonical Passives
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 19:36:56
From: Artemis Alexiadou [artemis at ifla.uni-stuttgart.de]
Subject: Non-Canonical Passives
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Full Title: Non-canonical Passives
Date: 23-Feb-2011 - 25-Feb-2011
Location: Göttingen, Germany
Contact Person: Artemis Alexiadou
Meeting Email: artemis at ifla.uni-stuttgart.de
Web Site: http://ifla.uni-stuttgart.de/institut/mitarbeiter/florian/dgfs/Non-
canonical passives.html
Linguistic Field(s): Syntax
Call Deadline: 01-Sep-2010
Meeting Description:
Workshop on (Non-)canonical passives
Organizers: Artemis Alexiadou and Florian Schaefer (University of Stuttgart)
Workshop organized as part of the Annual Conference of the German
Linguistic Society (DGfS) to be held in Göttingen, Germany, February 23-
25, 2011
Non-canonical (NC) passives are constructions, which crucially differ from
their canonical counterparts in the auxiliary used, e.g. in English get vs. be,
cf. Haegeman (1985). In this workshop, we want to investigate the extent to
which the key ingredients of canonical passivization (argument suppression,
Case absorption, NP-movement) surface also in NC passivization.
Call for Papers
(Non-)canonical passives
Non-canonical (NC) passives are constructions of the type in (1b), which
crucially differ from their canonical counterparts in (1a) in the auxiliary
used: in English get vs. be, cf. Haegeman (1985). In Standard German,
kriegen/bekommen-passives instantiate NC passives. Unlike their English
counterparts, they are licit mainly with ditransitives, Haider (1984), Reis
a. John was killed in the war.
b. John got killed in an accident.
a. Ihm wurde/??Er kriegt geholfen.
He-dat was/He got helped
b. Er kriegt das Paket geschickt.
He got the parcel sent
NC passives have been reported for e.g. French (Washio 1993), Irish
(Nolan 2001), Norwegian (Lødrup 1996), (dialects of) Dutch (Broekhuis &
Cornips 1994), and Luxembourg German (Lenz in print). Such passives are
often compared to the so-called adversative passives found in East Asian
languages (Washio 1993, Huang 1999). NC passives have long been a
puzzle for linguists who attempt to account for the differences between them
and canonical passives, and to formulate a uniform syntactic theory of
passivization, the issue being whether there is more than one way to 'go
In this workshop, we want to investigate the extent to which the key
ingredient of canonical passivization (argument suppression, Case
absorption, NP-movement) surface also in NC passivization.
The following questions will be further examined: i) the similarity between
Asian and European NC passives and the delineation of the patterns that
fall under NC passives; ii) the status of the auxiliaries in European NC
passives and their grammaticalization paths; iii) the NC passive (verb-type
and dialectal) distribution and restrictions; iv) the status of dative Case (is it
a ''structural case'' or not?); v) the status of the participle in NC passives
(eventive or adjectival, cf. Kratzer 2001).
We are interested in submissions that deal with the above issues from a
variety of perspectives (typological, formal, synchronic, diachronic and
Keynote speakers
C.-T. James Huang (Harvard University)
Marie Labelle (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Please submit an anonymous abstract of two pages including examples,
with 1'' margins and use no smaller than 12 point font. Send a pdf file to
artemis at ifla.uni-stuttgart.de.
The subject of the message should specify 'Abstract', and the body should
include the following information:
- Author's Name(s)and contact information
- Affiliation
- Title of the abstract
- E-mail address
Upon acceptance, authors will be asked to submit a named, camera- ready
abstract. Accepted papers will be allotted 30 min. including discussion.
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: September 10, 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2630
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