21.2737, FYI: Call for Book Chapters: Computer Games in Language Education
Mon Jun 28 14:41:08 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2737. Mon Jun 28 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.2737, FYI: Call for Book Chapters: Computer Games in Language Education
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Date: 26-Jun-2010
From: Hayo Reinders < hayo at innovationinteaching.org >
Subject: Call for Book Chapters: Computer Games in Language Education
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 10:38:53
From: Hayo Reinders [hayo at innovationinteaching.org]
Subject: Call for Book Chapters: Computer Games in Language Education
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Call for book chapters for 'Computer Games in Language Learning and Teaching'
Edited by Hayo Reinders
See also: www.innovationinteaching.org
Recent years have seen a growing interest in the pedagogical benefits of
computer games. Gee (2003), for example, identified 36 learning principles
in the games he investigated. It is clear that computer games have the
potential to engage learners and to encourage interaction in the target
language. Immersive environments offer learners opportunities for situated
learning and the adaptive qualities of most games ensure that learners are
motivated to persist in their learning, thus increasing the chance of
further exposure to target language input, and opportunities for output.
The use of computer games in language education is based on the premise
that successful learning is integrated into the sociocultural context of
learners' lives and encourages collaboration and lifelong learning (Lamb &
Reinders, 2005). The use of new technologies, and in particular computer
games, thus facilitates the bridging of learning within and outside the
language classroom.
The potential of computer games, however, has not been investigated much
from a second language learning and teaching perspective. Do games really
motivate learners? Do they actually encourage more use of the target
language? Do they offer opportunities for negotiation of meaning, or focus
on form? Do they result in greater uptake and acquisition? Although some
recent studies have started to address these questions (for example deHaan,
Reed and Kuwada 2010, Piirainen-Marsh 2009, and Zheng, Young, Brewer and
Wagner 2009), there is currently no dedicated collection of papers to bring
together the state-of-the-art in research into game-based learning.
Similarly, for language educators it is not easy to identify the best way
to include game-based learning into the curriculum (either as part of
classroom or online instruction, or as a self-study complement to such
instruction). There has not been much exchange of best practice in this
area. Through the presentation of action research and case studies, it is
hoped this volume will better inform language teaching practice about the
potential role of computer games.
Call for papers:
The proposed book will be divided into two parts: the first section will
include theoretical papers, either giving an overview of theory and
research or reporting studies into game-based learning. The second section
will be more applied in nature and give accounts of the implementation of
games in language education. All contributions are expected to be grounded
in language learning and teaching theory and research. A major publisher
has expressed serious interest in publishing the collection, subject to the
usual review process.
Chapters will be between 5,000-7,000 words long and will address informed
language teachers and researchers in language teaching, applied
linguistics, and second language acquisition.
Contributions can cover one or more of the following topics (other,
relevant subjects will also be considered):
The theory of games-based language learning
Studies of games in language education
Language learning and teaching in multi-user virtual environments (such as
Second Life)
The use of MMORPGs in language education
Mobile games
The relationship between situated learning, immersive learning
environments, and games
Submitting an abstract:
Abstracts should be between 400-600 words and give a clear picture of the
setting(s), the research method (for papers in the first part of the book),
the pedagogical context (for papers in the second part), and the main
points to be made in the chapter.
Proposals and submission enquiries should be sent to:
<hayo at innovationinteaching.org>
The deadline for the receipt of proposals is September 12, 2010. All
proposals should include the following information:
(i) Full name and title of the author(s)
(ii) Professional status (Lecturer, Professor)
(iii) Professional address (department, employer, city and country)
(iv) Email addresses (home/work)
(v) Please attach a short biographical statement of each author (ca. 50-100
All proposals will be reviewed and a decision about its possible inclusion
is expected to be made within three weeks. Acceptance of your abstract does
not guarantee inclusion of your chapter in the book, as the final chapter
draft will be subject to further review.
The first draft of the chapters is due on or before January 3, 2011.
Acceptance or rejection of papers is expected to take place within two
weeks after this date. Authors of accepted proposals will be sent further
guidelines for the development of their chapter in due course. Prospective
authors may submit more than one chapter proposal; however, only one
chapter can be accepted per individual author.
About the editor:
Hayo Reinders (www.innovationinteaching.org) is Head of Language and
Learning Support at Middlesex University in London, and Adjunct Professor
at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. He is Convenor of the
AILA Research Network on Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Editor of
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, an international
peer-reviewed journal dedicated to learner-centred approaches in language
education. He was previously founding Director of the English Language
Self-Access Centre at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, and
Visiting Professor at Meiji University in Tokyo. He has published numerous
academic articles and has authored and edited more than twelve books for
teachers, academics, and language learners. He regularly gives plenary and
keynote speeches worldwide in the areas of technology, autonomy, and the
use of computer games in language education.
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Language Acquisition
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2737
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