21.2068, Calls: Comp Ling, General Ling/Croatia
Mon May 3 03:22:38 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2068. Sun May 02 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.2068, Calls: Comp Ling, General Ling/Croatia
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/
The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University,
and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Di Wdzenczny <di at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 02-May-2010
From: Marko Tadi? < marko.tadic at ffzg.hr >
Subject: Formal Approaches to South-Slavic and Balkan Languages
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Sun, 02 May 2010 23:18:28
From: Marko Tadi? [marko.tadic at ffzg.hr]
Subject: Formal Approaches to South-Slavic and Balkan Languages
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Full Title: Formal Approaches to South-Slavic and Balkan Languages
Short Title: FASSBL-7
Date: 03-Oct-2010 - 06-Oct-2010
Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Contact Person: Marko Tadi?
Meeting Email: marko.tadic at ffzg.hr
Web Site: http://hnk.ffzg.hr/fassbl2010
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 25-Jun-2010
Meeting Description:
Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished research on all
aspects concerning formal approaches to South-Slavic and Balkan
languages, as well as comparative studies with other languages, including,
but not limited to: 1) phonetics, phonology and morphology; 2) word
segmentation, tagging and chunking; 3) syntax, semantics and grammars;
4) pragmatics, discourse and dialogue; 5) lexica and ontologies; 6) parsing
and grammatical formalisms; 7) generation, text planning and
summarization; 8) language modeling, spoken language recognition and
understanding; 9) mathematical models of language; 10) information
retrieval and extraction, text mining, text categorisation; 11) question
answering; 12) machine learning for natural language; 13) multilingual
processing; 14) machine translation, machine aided translation and
translation aids; 15) computer aided language learning; 16) speech
processing; 17) language and speech oriented applications, tools and
Call For Papers
The Seventh International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic
and Balkan Languages (FASSBL7 2010)
3-6 October 2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia
The following non-exhaustive list gives some examples of topics which may
be addressed by papers submitted to the Conference.
Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished research on all
aspects concerning formal approaches to South-Slavic and Balkan
languages, as well as comparative studies with other languages, including,
but not limited to:
1) phonetics, phonology and morphology;
2) word segmentation, tagging and chunking;
3) syntax, semantics and grammars;
4) pragmatics, discourse and dialogue;
5) lexica and ontologies;
6) parsing and grammatical formalisms;
7) generation, text planning and summarization;
8) language modeling, spoken language recognition and understanding;
9) mathematical models of language;
10) information retrieval and extraction, text mining, text categorisation;
11) question answering;
12) machine learning for natural language;
13) multilingual processing;
14) machine translation, machine aided translation and translation aids;
15) computer aided language learning;
16) speech processing;
17) language and speech oriented applications, tools and resources.
Papers should describe original work; they should emphasize completed
work rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the state of
completion of the reported results. Wherever appropriate, concrete
evaluation results should be included. Submissions will be judged on
correctness, originality, technical strength, significance and relevance to the
conference, and interest to the attendees.
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts for oral and poster papers: 25 June 2010
Notification of acceptance of oral papers and posters: 25 July 2010
Final versions for the proceedings: 25 August 2010
The reviewing of the papers will be blind. Reviewing will be managed by an
international Program Committee. Final decisions on the technical program
will be made by the Conference Program Committee.
The abstract should be of 1500 words maximum. The duration of the paper
presentation should be estimated at 20-25 minutes.
As reviewing will be blind, the abstract should not include the authors'
names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's
identity, should be avoided. Papers that do not conform to these
requirements will be rejected without review.
The MS-Word/RTF document template for final version of the papers can
be downloaded from here and a paper example from here.
Submissions in a pgf file should be sent to fassbl at ffzg.hr
Organizing Committee:
Marko Tadi?, Zagreb (chair)
Mila Dimitrova-Vulchanova, Trondheim
Svetla Koeva, Sofia
Damir Boras, Zagreb
Valentin Vulchanov, Trondheim
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2068
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