21.2329, Confs: Chinese, Japanese, English, Thai, Phonetics, Phonology/China
Mon May 24 15:53:36 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2329. Mon May 24 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.2329, Confs: Chinese, Japanese, English, Thai, Phonetics, Phonology/China
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 24-May-2010
From: Jeroen van de Weijer < jeroen.van.de.weijer at gmail.com >
Subject: International Phonetics-Phonology Conference Shanghai
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 11:51:43
From: Jeroen van de Weijer [jeroen.van.de.weijer at gmail.com]
Subject: International Phonetics-Phonology Conference Shanghai
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International Phonetics-Phonology Conference Shanghai
Short Title: IPPCS
Date: 28-May-2010 - 30-May-2010
Location: Shanghai, China
Contact: Xiaolei Wan
Contact Email: engdept at shisu.edu.cn
Linguistic Field(s): Phonetics; Phonology
Subject Language(s): Chinese, Mandarin (cmn)
English (eng)
Japanese (jpn)
Thai (tha)
Meeting Description:
International Conference on Phonology and Phonetics
The College of English Language and Literature at Shanghai International Studies
University (SHISU) will host an International Conference on Phonology and
Phonetics from May 28 until May 30, 2010 (Friday-Sunday). The conference theme
is "Accent on Tone", but panel discussions will focus on a number of topics:
1. General phonology and phonetics
2. Phonology and phonetics of Chinese languages
3. Interface between phonology and phonetics with morphology, syntax and semantics
4. The description and analysis of Shanghainese (not limited to phonology and
5. Pronunciation teaching and interference in L2-acquisition
6. Tone and intonation
7. Historical phonology and language change
8. Other topic: _________ (if applicable)
Call for Participation:
Updated Program:
Friday, May 28, 2010
Location: Conference centre (No.1 Conference Hall), SISU
Chair: Prof. Jeroen van de Weijer
Opening address by Prof. Mei Deming, Dean of the College of English Language and
8:45 - 9:00
Group photo
9:00 - 10:00
First keynote address: Prof. Xu Yi (University College London): Prosodic Focus
with and without Post-focus Compression: A Global Typological Divide?
10:00 - 10:45
Zhu Lei (Shanghai International Studies University): Rhotics and Rhotacism in
10:45 - 11:30
Gwendolyn Hyslop (University of Oregon): On the Role of Sonority in a
Tonogenetic Typology
11:45 - 13:00
Lunch (Dining hall, Jinjiang Inn)
13:30 - 16:30
Panels I-IV (all in Building 1):
I. General phonology and phonetics (Room 504)
II. Phonology and phonetics of Chinese languages (Room 506)
III. Pronunciation teaching and interference in L2-acquisition (Room 304)
IV. Tone and intonation (Room 508)
Dinner (Dining hall, Jinjiang Inn)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Location: Conference centre (No.1 Conference Hall), SISU
Chair: Prof. Jeroen van de Weijer
8:30 - 9:30
Second keynote address: Prof. Haruo Kubozono (National Institute for Japanese
Language and Linguistics, Tokyo): The Phonetics and Phonology of Tone in
Koshikijima Japanese
9:30 - 10:15
Prof. Zhang Jisheng & Wei Yuqing (East China Normal University): An OT Analysis
of the Neutral Vowels in Uyghur Vowel Harmony
10:15 - 11:00
Prof. Hsieh Feng-fan (National Tsinghua University): Rhyme Phonotactics in
Sinitic Languages: An Enhancement Perspective
11:00 - 12:00
Third keynote address: Prof. Carlos Gussenhoven (Radboud University Nijmegen and
Queen Mary University London): Intonation in New Englishes: Word Melodies and
Pitch Accents
12:15 - 13:15
Lunch (Dining hall, Jinjiang Inn)
13.30 - 15.45
Panels I-IV (all in Building 1):
I. General phonology and phonetics (Room 202)
II. Phonology and phonetics of Chinese languages (Room 404)
III. Pronunciation teaching and interference in L2-acquisition (Room 304)
IV. Tone and intonation (Room 406)
16:00 - 17:00
Report from the panel chairs
Closing remarks by Prof. Yu Dongming, Vice Chairman of the China Stylistics
Studies Association.
Group photo distribution
Dinner (Dining hall, Jinjiang Inn)
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Assembly at SISU campus (fountain) for joint trip to the World Expo (packed
lunch included)
Return from Expo and goodbye
Workshop schedules (updated May 24, subject to change):
I. General phonology and phonetics (20 mins + 5)
Friday, May 28, 13:30-16:30, Room 504, Building 1
Chair: Prof. Zhang Jisheng
1. Nishihara, Tetsuo: On Syllable-Timed Stress and Stress-Timed Rhythm in World
2. Zurinskas, Tom: Truespel Phonetics and Chinese
3. Liu Qinghua: Names Phonetic Optimization in Linguistic Culturology
4. Liu Quanhou: Comparative Research on Chinese Word Formation and Its Iconicity
5. Chen, Si: New Typology of Japanese Compound Accents and an Analysis in
Optimality Theory
6. Jacobs, Haike: What Phonetics tells Phonology: Degemination, Ambisyllabicity
and the Duration of Dutch Intervocalic Consonants
Saturday, May 29, 13:30-15:45, Room 202, Building 1
7. Ahmadkhani Mohammad Reza: Phonological Metathesis in Persian: Synchronic,
Diachronic and the Optimality Theory
8. Wen Jinhai PU Jingxin: On the Function of the Syllable in the Distinctive
Understanding of Speech: a Cognitive Perspective
9. Zhang Lichang: On the Bi-dimensionality of Semantic Phonological Realization:
An Holistic Assumption
10. Xu Ximing: On Continuum of Sound Change Triggered by the Presence and
Absence of Stress in English
II. Phonology and phonetics of Chinese languages (20 mins + 5)
Friday, May 28, 13:30-16:30, Room 506, Building 1
Chair: Prof. Liu Minggang
1. Hsu, Hui-Chuan, Lu, Bo-Hong: Coda Place Perception in Taiwan Southern Min
2. Huang, Ting L., Peng, Adam Yin-Hung: Toward the Role of Non-peripheral Vowels
in Pan-Quanzhou Southern Min
3. Tai, Yunglin, Tsay, Jane: A Phonetic Study of Voicing in a Child Acquiring
Southern Min
4. Tsay, Jane, Tai, Yunglin: Onset and coda errors of a child acquiring Southern Min
5. Hu Wei: A Comparative Study of the Vowel Systems among three Xiangxi Miao
Dialects -- Explaining synchronic differences through diachronic variations
6. Lu, Dan: Phonetic Resemblance and Its Role in Creation of Primitive
Chinese-English Code-Mixing
7. Yu, Wenting: An OT Analysis of the Simplification of Complex Word Initial
Consonants in the Shanghai Dialect
Saturday, May 29, 13:30-15:45, Room 404, Building 1
8. Liang Jie YANG Xinlu: The Perceptual and Acoustic Study on Prosodic
Hierarchical Structure of Uygur in Sichuan: An OT Analysis
10. Chen Lu: Double Doubling in Disyllables Reduplication in Mandarin
11. Guo Li: The Development of Ru rhymes (???) and Yin rhymes (???) in Wuhan Dialect
12. Deng, Haili: On Textual Iconicity in the Sound Patterns of Guanju
13. Yang, Zhongwei: An OT Analysis of Tone Sandhi of Disyllabic Compounds in Qidong
III. Pronunciation teaching and interference in L2-acquisition (15 mins + 5)
Friday, May 28, 13:30-16:30, Room 304, Building 1
Chair: Prof. Cheng Bing
1. Chen, Ao, Rene? Kager:, Liu Liquan: Early Acquisition and Categorical
Perception of Acoustically Similar Lexical Tones by Native and Non-native speakers
2. Chen, Rebecca Hsueh Chu: Phonological Changes in Code-Mixing and Foreign
Accent: a Comparative Study
3. Gu, Yan, Aoju Chen, Carlos Gussenhoven: Intonation and Reference Maintenance
in Chinese Learners of Dutch
4. In Bean Lim, Sugiyama Chisato: L1 Interference in Japanese Pitch Accent
Realization by Korean Advanced Learners
5. Nisihara, Fumiaki, AOKI, Rika: Production of Chinese and English stops by
Japanese Learners
6. Oh, Sunyoung: English Pronunciation Training with the IPA: A Case Study of
Cantonese Speakers in Hong Kong
7. Suriyong Limsangkass: An Interlanguage Study of English Intonation in Thai
Students Speaking Pattani Malay as their Mother Tongue: Focusing on Tune
8. Wang Zhen: The Negative Transfer of Chinese Phonetics in the English Phonetic
Acquisition and the Implications for English Phonetic Teaching
9. Zhang Guizhi: Studies in the teaching of English Intonation with H.E.
Palmer's Intonation Theory
10. Zhang Xuhong: A Comparative Analysis of Chinese-English Phonological
Structures and Processes
11. Cheng Bing Zhang Yang: The Relationship between Speech Perception and
Production of English Consonants in Chinese EFL Learners
Saturday, May 29, 13:30-15:45, Room 304, Building 1
12. Tsukada, Kimiko: Native vs. Non-native Perception of Vowel Length Contrasts
in Arabic and Japanese: Results from Three Groups of Listeners
13. Guo Jianguo: It is Best to Teach 48 Sounds
14. Li Ge: Phonetic Transfer in Spanish
15. Liu Xiaoling: Making Use of the IPA Vowels in the Teaching of English
16. Wang, Houhong: A Shift in the Models of Pronunciation Teaching in China: a
Case Study of Pronunciation Teaching Classrooms to English Majors in China
17. Zhou Yang: On Local Mandarin and English Phonetics
18. Chen Jie: Phonetics, Word order and Translation
19. Guo Zhiyan: The Application of English Phonetics and Phonology in
Test-oriented Listening Practice
IV. Tone and intonation (20 mins + 5)
Friday, May 28, 13:30-16:30, Room 508, Building 1
Chair: Prof. Jeroen van de Weijer
1. Brunelle, Marc, H? Ki?u Ph??ng & Martine Grice: Intonation in Northern Vietnamese
2. Chang, Yueh-Chin & HSIEH, Feng-Fan: Tonal Coarticulation in Malaysian Hokkien
3. Chow, Daryl: The Grammaticalization of Tone: the Case of Utterance-final
4. Chuang, Ching-Ting: Tonal Patterns of Nan'an Southern Min Spoken in China,
Malaysia and Singapore
5. Greif, Markus: Contrastive Focus in Mandarin Chinese
6. Maeda, Hiroyuki: Tonal Feature Borrowing and Change in the History of
Sino-Japanese Stem-level Verb Compounds
7. Awirutthiyothin, Tamjai: An Acoustic Analysis of Standard Thai Tones in the
Speech of Bangkok and Southern Speakers
Saturday, May 29, 13.30-15.45, Room 406, Building 1
8. Huang, Yi-Jen, YEH, Chia-Hsin, and LU, Chi-Jui: Compensatory Effects of Focus
on Taiwanese Tones
9. Matsukawa, Kosuke: Tone Alteration Patterns with First Person Clitics in
Three Triqui Languages
10. Mueller-Liu, Patricia: Intonation and attitude in Mandarin
Chinese--Reopening the discussion on Y.R. Chao's Tonal Additions
11. Li, Wenxin: Directionality of Tone Sandhi and Harmonic Serialism
12. Yan Xiaobin: Tone Sandhi in Chinese Dialects: Constraint-based Account
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2329
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