21.2391, Calls: Phonetics, Phonology, Typology/Germany
Sat May 29 01:40:57 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2391. Fri May 28 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.2391, Calls: Phonetics, Phonology, Typology/Germany
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 27-May-2010
From: Heriberto Avelino < heriberto_avelino at eva.mpg.de >
Subject: Phonetic Universals
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 21:39:28
From: Heriberto Avelino [heriberto_avelino at eva.mpg.de]
Subject: Phonetic Universals
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Full Title: Phonetic Universals
Date: 29-Oct-2010 - 30-Oct-2010
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Contact Person: Heriberto Avelino Claudia Schmidt
Meeting Email: phonetic_universals at eva.mpg.de
Web Site: http://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/conference/10-
Linguistic Field(s): Phonetics; Phonology; Typology
Call Deadline: 30-Jun-2010
Meeting Description:
We invite papers from linguists, as well as from scholars from related
disciplines, who are concerned with universals of human language and
universals, in particular.
Invited Speakers:
Ian Maddieson (UC Berkeley/U New Mexico)
David Poeppel (New York University)
Christine Shadle (Haskins Laboratories)
John Kingston (University of Massachusetts)
Pascal Perrier (GIPSA Lab, CNRS)
2nd Call For Papers
Extended Deadline
Recent research within linguistics as well as from different fields ranging
from cognitive neurosciences to physics to physiology and mathematical
modeling have widened our understanding of the universals of human
language, and in particular the universal properties of the sound patterns of
languages. Historically, it has been recognized that the research on
universals of sound patterns has a special place in the attempt to arrive at
empirically valid generalizations across languages (Greenberg, 1978).
While this is widely accepted, it is not always the case that there is
agreement on fundamental questions such as where do universals of sound
patterns come from, what would be their ultimate explanation, and what are
the best approaches to further studying them?'
Traditionally, language universals have been explained either as the result
of an innate language faculty or by the communicative function of language
(in which external factors such as cognitive or anatomical limitations, for
instance, might play a critical role.) Nevertheless, it is not always clear
whether the attested commonalities across languages should be attributed
categorically to either explanation. We would rather sidestep the issue of
whether one explanation has superiority over the other. Undoubtedly, both
approaches are well grounded and have made complementary and solid
contributions to the ultimate goal of accounting for language universals. We
believe that a shift in the question would be beneficial. We could follow the
lead from evolutionary anthropology or evolutionary biology and ask how
and when the two sources of explanation for language universals interact.
At any rate, we firmly believe that a more comprehensive and fruitful
research program will emerge from the empirical study of individual
languages and the comparison of their properties. Only this approach
guarantees that the proposed formal universals-and the theoretical basis
underlying them- would represent and conform to the actual traits found in
the set of known human languages.
With this interdisciplinary perspective to the notion of language universals
we hope that the conference will allow us to make progress by bringing
together scholars from different subfields of linguistics as well as other
disciplines who are concerned with the homo sapiens' language sound
structures to present new insights into the nature of phonetic universals.
If you are interested in participating in the Conference on Phonetics
Universals, please send a title and a short (one page) abstract to
phonetic_universals at eva.mpg.de. After the abstract is submitted there will
be a selection of papers accepted.
Deadline for abstract submission: 30 June 2010
Notification of acceptance: 16 July 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-2391
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