21.4529, Qs: Multi-Ling Examples: Discontinuous Noun Phrases
Thu Nov 11 17:40:27 UTC 2010
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-4529. Thu Nov 11 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 21.4529, Qs: Multi-Ling Examples: Discontinuous Noun Phrases
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Date: 08-Nov-2010
From: Gisbert Fanselow [gisbert.fanselow at gmail.com]
Subject: Multi-Ling Examples: Discontinuous Noun Phrases
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 12:39:03
From: Gisbert Fanselow [gisbert.fanselow at gmail.com]
Subject: Multi-Ling Examples: Discontinuous Noun Phrases
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The Potsdam University Split Noun Phrase project
(http://www.ling.uni-potsdam.de/~split) tries to develop a model for the
constraints on the crosslinguistic variation of discontinuous noun
phrases. We have collected data from roughly 150 languages, more
than half of which on the basis of a questionnaire. In the context of
analyzing these questionnaires, the following issue has come up.
In discontinuous noun phrases as exemplified by German (1) and
Czech (2), heads belonging to the same extended projection of the
noun appear in two different positions of the clause
(1) Bücher hat er viele gelesen
books has he many read
"He has read many books"
(2) T?i má Marie ?idle.
three has Mary chairs-acc
"Mary has three chairs"
In normal extraction contexts such as (3), an argument or adjunct of
the noun (or a part of such an argument/adjunct) is preposed.
(3) who did you see [a picture of _]
It is not too difficult to find languages in which (3) is fine while (1) and
(2) are not. English is a case in point.
Are there languages in which (1) or (2) are fine while (3) is not? I find it
hard to come up with clear examples, and would like to ask the
community for help.
Gisbert Fanselow
Linguistic Field(s): Syntax
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-4529
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