21.4652, Calls: Language Documentation, Lexicography/USA

Fri Nov 19 17:36:14 UTC 2010

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-4652. Fri Nov 19 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 21.4652, Calls: Language Documentation, Lexicography/USA

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Amy Brunett <brunett at linguistlist.org>
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LINGUIST is pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new feature:  
Easy Abstracts! Easy Abs is a free abstract submission and review facility 
designed to help conference organizers and reviewers accept and process 
abstracts online.  Just go to: http://www.linguistlist.org/confcustom, 
and begin your conference customization process today! With Easy Abstracts, 
submission and review will be as easy as 1-2-3!


Date: 18-Nov-2010
From: Sasha Johnson-Coleman [srjohnson at nsu.edu]
Subject: Southeastern Conference on Linguistics

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 12:34:55
From: Sasha Johnson-Coleman [srjohnson at nsu.edu]
Subject: Southeastern Conference on Linguistics

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Full Title: Southeastern Conference on Linguistics 
Short Title: SECOL 

Date: 13-Apr-2011 - 15-Apr-2011
Location: Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA 
Contact Person: Megan Melancon
Meeting Email: megan.melancon at gcsu.edu
Web Site: http://secol.org 

Linguistic Field(s): Language Documentation; Lexicography 

Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2010 

Meeting Description:

SECOL LXXVIII (78) will be held at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, GA, Wednesday through Friday, April 13 - 15, 2011. The plenary speakers are expected to be Jesse Sheidlower (OED, on lexicography), and Gerard Steen (Free University Amsterdam, on metaphor). The conference theme, 'Sustainable Language,' recognizes the ecological initiatives of Callaway Gardens, and includes linguistic topics such as 'Ecology of Language' (language in its structural and cultural settings and uses), 'Endangered Languages,' 'Language Maintenance and Change,' and 'Language Archives and Collections.' Questions about the venue and arrangements may be addressed to local host Bill Kretzschmar (kretzsch at uga.edu) . 

Call for Papers:

The Southeastern Conference on Linguistics

'Sustainable Language'

Twenty minute papers and panels lasting 100 minutes relating to the conference theme are especially requested. Research findings in all areas of language and linguistics are welcome. Electronic submissions are strongly preferred. Hard-copy submissions will be considered. Abstracts must arrive by December 15, 2010. Send abstracts to:

Dr. Megan E. Melancon
megan.melancon at gcsu.edu

Dept. of English and Rhetoric
Georgia College and State University
CBX 044
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Fax: 478-445-5961
Phone: 478-445-5572


Dr. Sasha Johnson-Coleman
srjohnson at nsu.edu

Department of English and Foreign Languages
Norfolk State University
700 Park Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23504

Attach your abstract as a Microsoft Word document. (If this is not possible, use WordPerfect, or include the abstract in the e-mail message.) If your abstract includes tables, figures, diagrams, or special characters or fonts also attach a copy as a PDF file. Do not include your name on the abstract. In a separate attachment, include the following information: 

Author(s) name(s)
E-mail address(es) 
Mailing address(es)
(Phone number)
Paper title
Special equipment/technology needs. 

If submitting hard copy, provide three copies of the abstract and one copy of the contact information.

Guidelines for Abstracts for 20-Minute Papers:

1) Give the title of the paper at the top of the page. The Program Committee judges anonymous abstracts, so do not give author(s) name(s) or other identifying information.

2)  Limit the abstracts to 300 words.

3)  Include a statement of the topic or purpose of the paper, preferably as the first paragraph.
A) If your paper involves the analysis of linguistic material, give appropriate examples and provide a brief indication of their relevance to your argument.
B) If your paper presents experimental results of experiments that are not yet available, indicate the nature of the experiment(s) and why the results are important. 
C) State the relevance of your ideas to past work and/or to the future development of the field.
D) State your conclusions (however tentative); avoid statements like ''A solution to this problem will be presented.'' If you are taking a stand on a controversial issue, summarize the arguments that lead to your position.
E) Do not include references in your abstract.

Guidelines for Abstract for 100 Minute Panels:

1)   Proposals for panels incorporating four or five participants speaking on a unified topic should be submitted as a single abstract by the panel organizer. Give the title of the paper at the top of the page. Do not give author(s) name(s) or other identifying information. Only anonymous abstract are judged by the Program Committee.

2)   Limit the panel description to 1000 words.

3)   Describe in detail similar to 3) above. Indicate the proposed contribution of each participant, listed as Participant I, Participant II, etc. If a give-and-take discussion is proposed, justify the worth of this departure from separate presentations on the Panel topic.

4)  As above, if a Participant must withdraw, the Panel organizer(s) must alert SECOL and must in good faith attempt to find a replacement, sending in a description of the new Participant's participation on the Panel.

Withdrawal from the Program:

SECOL strongly discourages substitute presenters as this adversely affects all presentations. The above guidelines are written to provide sufficient flexibility so that even if your ideas change as you write the paper or if your experimental results are not as expected, your paper will be adequately reflected by the abstract. If, however, you cannot in good conscience read your paper within the framework of the abstract as accepted by the Program Committee, you may withdraw the paper prior to the meeting. To withdraw before the schedule is posted to the website notify Dr. Megan E. Melancon megan.melancon at gcsu.edu. To withdraw after the conference schedule is posted, contact Professor Bill Kretzschmar (kretzsch at uga.edu). 

Reza Ordoubadian Award:

Student members of SECOL are reminded of the annual Reza Ordoubadian Award. This is a cash award and three-year membership in SECOL for the paper presented by a student at the previous year's SECOL meeting deemed best by a selection committee. To be considered, an electronic copy of the paper transmitted by e-mail as a PDF file (or three hard copies by regular mail) should be sent to Dr. Megan E. Melancon with a cover letter requesting consideration. The Deadline for the 2010 Roa Competition (for papers that were presented at SECOL 77, in April, 2010, in Oxford, MS) is January 11, 2011. (Looking ahead, the deadline for the 2011 ROA Competition will be January 10, 2011.)

The Bernstein Award:
The Bernstein Award of $100.00 for the best paper on Language and Politics is open to all SECOL members. To be considered, an electronic copy of the full paper transmitted by e-mail as a PDF file (or three hard copies by regular mail) should be sent to Dr. Megan E. Melancon with a cover letter requesting consideration. Your letter should contain contact information. The deadline for submission of the full paper is January 11, 2011. 

Please note: all authors must be members of SECOL in order to be included in the Program.

Membership information is available at:


Please note: All authors must register for the conference.

Information about contact persons, accommodations, registration, and the preliminary program will be available at:


LINGUIST List: Vol-21-4652	
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