1st Conference on Applying (Putonghua/English) Language Arts
Sat Nov 27 16:12:08 UTC 2010
Subject: 21.4763, Calls: Discipline of Linguistics, Ling & Literature/Hong Kong
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
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<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 24-Nov-2010
From: Catherine Law [egapela at inet.polyu.edu.hk]
Subject: 1st Conference on Applying (Putonghua/English) Language Arts
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 22:27:34
From: Catherine Law [egapela at inet.polyu.edu.hk]
Subject: 1st Conference on Applying (Putonghua/English) Language Arts
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Full Title: 1st Conference on Applying (Putonghua / English) Language Arts
Short Title: APELA
Date: 04-Jun-2011 - 05-Jun-2011
Location: Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contact Person: Catherine Law
Meeting Email: egapela at inet.polyu.edu.hk
Linguistic Field(s): Discipline of Linguistics; Ling & Literature
Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2011
Meeting Description:
Rapprochement between linguistics and language studies, and the more traditional literary studies is a global trend which includes Hong Kong as well as many other parts of the world. This rapprochement is underway in both academic circles and in the classroom, bringing with it many of challenges in research, teaching and learning. APELA aims at gathering professionals and practitioners in the field to explore and rethink these areas and relations, applications and interpretations in the contemporary context.
Call For Papers
Language arts in its new form is in part a response to profound changes in curriculum, and in part a response to similarly profound changes in the globalised, media-driven cultural contexts of literature. Language arts now embraces new forms, as new media revisions and represents traditional literary works. Language and literature have much to offer each other. These developments are particularly affecting the teaching of English and Putonghua as second languages.
The 1st Conference on Applying (Putonghua / English) Language Arts (APELA) invites papers exploring and rethinking these areas and relations,
applications and interpretations in the contemporary context. We encourage papers adopting a variety of themes, perspectives, and approaches. We invite papers treating, but not limited to, the following topics:
- contributions of linguistics to the study of literature, and of literature to the study of linguistics
- language-arts-related academic and action research studies in areas such as literature, drama, popular culture, and the oral language arts
- specific methods relating to the delivery of language arts in the English Medium of Instruction classroom
- role-play, scenario and simulation in the classroom
- literature and language-related subjects raised by the use of playable media and applications as teaching tools, including interactivity, immersivity, ludology and narrativity in games, MMORPGs, cyberdrama, telephony and other playable media
- professional challenges and opportunities presented by the new Language Arts curricula and approaches
Presentation Arrangement:
Oral presentation: 20 minutes for each oral presentation, plus 10 minutes for Q&As
Conference Languages: English and Putonghua (Mandarin)
Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 January 2011 (Notices of acceptance will be sent out by 28 February, 2011.)
Abstract Requirements:
1. Abstracts should be written either in English or in Chinese.
2. Each submission should be an abstract of two pages, excluding references. Template of the abstract can be downloaded from the website.
3. Format: 1 inch margin using 12 font, Times New Roman (English), Traditional Chinese, or SimSun (simplified Chinese).
Submission Requirements:
1. Submissions are limited to a maximum of one individual or one joint abstract per author.
2. Please send two SOFT copies as e-mail attachments to egapela at inet.polyu.edu.hk, one with the title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s) as well as affiliation(s), and the other without the author's information. Please name your file the same as the title of your paper.
3. Please list (1) title of the paper, (2) name(s) of the author(s), (3) affiliation(s), (4) mailing address(es) and (5) email address(es) in the e-mail.
Registration Fees:
- presenter: HKD 700 early bird - before March 15, 2011, HKD 800 regular - after March 15, 2011
- attendee: HKD 700 early bird - before March 15, 2011, HKD 800 regular - after March 15, 2011
- student: HKD 350 early bird - before March 15, 2011, HKD 400 regular - after March 15, 2011
Please Note:
Fees include lunches and coffee breaks at the conference.
Deadline of Registration: 30 April 2011
Further Enquiries: Dr Christina DeCoursey, Programme Leader, MA in
English Language Arts (Email: egdecour at inet.polyu.edu.hk; Tel: (852) 2766-7352)
LINGUIST List: Vol-21-4763
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