21.3932, Jobs: English; Applied Ling: Assoc Prof or Prof, Hokkaido University

Tue Oct 5 17:54:42 UTC 2010

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-3932. Tue Oct 05 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 21.3932, Jobs: English; Applied Ling: Assoc Prof or Prof, Hokkaido University

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 04-Oct-2010
From: Philip Seaton < seaton at imc.hokudai.ac.jp >
Subject: English; Applied Linguistics: Specially Appointed Associate Professor or Professor, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 13:52:42
From: Philip Seaton [seaton at imc.hokudai.ac.jp]
Subject: English; Applied Linguistics: Specially Appointed Associate Professor or Professor, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

E-mail this message to a friend:

University or Organization: Hokkaido University 
Department: International Media and Communication
Job Location: Sapporo, Japan 
Web Address: http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/en/

Job Rank: Specially Appointed Associate Professor or Professor  

Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics 

Required Language(s): English (eng)


1. Position
A full-time specially appointed, non-tenured associate professor or
professor in the Research Faculty of International Media and Communication,
Hokkaido University.

2. Teaching Duties
Teaching English as a foreign language to undergraduate students along with
other English language related subjects.

3. Qualifications
(i) Native speaker of English,
(ii) Master's degree (PhD holder preferred),
(iii) Active research career in linguistics/TESOL, area studies (American
studies, British studies, etc.) or Media studies,
(iv) Professional qualifications and/or work experience in TESOL.

4. Contract Period 
Master's degree holders will receive a three-year contract; PhD holders
will receive a four-year contract.

5. Salary
Roughly 6.4 million yen per year

6. Responsibilities
(i) Teaching a maximum of 9 courses (18 classroom hours) per week,
(ii) Conducting academic research and developing teaching materials,
(iii) Entrance examination preparations and grading.
7. Contract Commencement Date (Scheduled)
April 1, 2011

8. Application Materials (3 documents in total)
To be sent by e-mail attachment

1) An application form (one Word or pdf file) containing:
a) Covering letter (2 pages of A4 maximum) including your reasons for
applying, teaching philosophy, and any particular contributions you can
make to the department,
b) Resume (include your date of birth),
c) List of publications. List separately those publications in refereed
journals and those which are unrefereed articles or conference
d) Contact details (name, affiliation, title, email address, telephone
number) of two referees. At least one must be currently employed in higher

2) One sample of your research
A pdf file or scan of a published paper, a draft of a conference
presentation, or an MA/PhD thesis chapter.

3) A scanned version of the degree certificate of the highest degree obtained. 

9. Application Deadline
November 16, 2010 (Japan Time: 5:00 PM)

10. Contact Information
Philip Seaton
Associate Professor
Hokkaido University
Email: seaton at imc.hokudai.ac.jp
Tel: 81-11-706-5376

Faculty Website:

Please write "TEFL position" in the subject line of the email message.

Application Deadline: 16-Nov-2010 
Email Address for Applications: seaton at imc.hokudai.ac.jp 
Contact Information:
	Dr Philip Seaton 
	Email: seaton at imc.hokudai.ac.jp 

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-3932	


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