22.3116, Support: Russian, French&Historical Ling, SocioLing: PhD, U of Bristol, UK

Thu Aug 4 15:53:35 UTC 2011

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-3116. Thu Aug 04 2011. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 22.3116, Support: Russian, French&Historical Ling, SocioLing: PhD, U of Bristol, UK

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 04-Aug-2011
From: Sarah Turner [saraht1177 at gmail.com]
Subject: Russian, French & Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics: PhD Student, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2011 11:50:36
From: Sarah Turner [saraht1177 at gmail.com]
Subject: Russian, French & Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics: PhD Student, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

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Institution/Organization: University of Bristol 
Department: Department of Russian Studies 
Web Address: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/russian/ 

Level: PhD 

Duties: Research,Project Work
Specialty Areas: Historical Linguistics; Sociolinguistics 
Required Language(s): French (fra)
                      Russian (rus) 


The Department of Russian Studies at the University of Bristol advertises a
three-year PhD studentship funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council
and attached to a multidisciplinary research project on 'The History of the
French Language in Russia'. The postgraduate will belong to a research team
consisting of Professor Derek Offord (Principal Investigator) and two
Postdoctoral Research Assistants (Dr. Vladislav Rjéoutski and Dr. Sarah Turner).

The studentship will commence on 1 October 2011 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The postgraduate will write a doctoral thesis on an aspect of the use of French
in eighteenth- or nineteenth-century Russia. The precise focus of this thesis
will be determined in consultation with the research team during the first six
months of the postgraduate's studentship, as (s)he explores the subject and as
the larger project unfolds. However, it would be particularly beneficial for the
project as a whole if the postgraduate were to focus on one of the following
subjects, which fall in fields of linguistic, social, political, intellectual
and cultural history which the team believe it will be important to consider:

- The ways in which French was learnt in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century
Russian noble families;
- The effect of French ways of thinking about language (as exemplified in the
Académie française) on Russian linguistic and cultural attitudes and institutions;
- The pattern of French usage by the high Russian nobility (a case study could
be written on this subject using the archives of a noble family such as the
- The distribution and role of French communities in the Russian Empire;
- The extent to which French was used in branches of the Russian administration
dealing with domestic affairs, such as the Third Section, as well as for the
conduct of foreign relations;
- The role of men of French ethnic origin in the tsarist state;
- Debate in Russian literature and thought about the use of French in Russia;
- The incidence and functions of French in classical Russian fiction. 

The approach taken by the postgraduate will mirror that taken by the Principal
Investigator and the Postdoctoral Research Assistants. That is to say, (s)he
should be alive to the benefits of interdisciplinarity and will absorb from the
other members of the team the diverse theoretical and methodological approaches
that they are applying to their material. 

The postgraduate will be co-supervised by the Principal Investigator, Professor
Derek Offord, and one of the Post-Doctoral Research Assistants on the project
research team, depending on the chosen area of specialisation. A member of the
Department of French at Bristol may also serve as a secondary supervisor. 

The postgraduate will make a twelve-week research visit to Russia during Year 2
to collect material from archives and libraries and will attend the
three-monthly meetings of the research team. (S)he will also participate in the
planned events associated with the project, will be encouraged to present papers
at them, and may participate in editorial work on the outputs arising from these

In-house tuition in Russian can be provided at an appropriate level, if needed,
by the dedicated language-teaching staff of the Department of Russian in the
School of Modern Languages.

Enquiries should be addressed to Derek.Offord at bristol.ac.uk (tel. 0117-928-7605)
or to Hannah.Blackman at bristol.ac.uk (tel. 0117-331-7967).

The deadline for applications will be 5.00 pm on Friday 9 September 2011. 

Application Deadline: 09-Sep-2011 

Mailing Address for Applications:
	Attn: Prof Derek Offord 
	Department of Russian Studies, University of Bristol 
	17 Woodland Road 
	Bristol BS8 1TE 
	United Kingdom 	
Contact Information: 
	Prof. Derek Offord 
	Derek.Offord at bristol.ac.uk 
	Phone:+44 (0)117 928-7605  

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-3116	
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