22.3315, Calls: Cognitive Science, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics/Germany

Sun Aug 21 19:32:59 UTC 2011

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-3315. Sun Aug 21 2011. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 22.3315, Calls: Cognitive Science, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics/Germany

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Alison Zaharee <alison at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 19-Aug-2011
From: Liane Stroebel [stroebel at phil.uni-duesseldorf.de]
Subject: Sensory-Motor Concepts in Language and Cognition

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 15:30:53
From: Liane Stroebel [stroebel at phil.uni-duesseldorf.de]
Subject: Sensory-Motor Concepts in Language and Cognition

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Full Title: Sensory-Motor Concepts in Language and Cognition 
Short Title: SMCLC 

Date: 01-Dec-2011 - 03-Dec-2011
Location: Duesseldorf, Germany 
Contact Person: Liane Stroebel
Meeting Email: smclc at phil.uni-duesseldorf.de
Web Site: http://www.sfb991.uni-duesseldorf.de/smclc11/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics 

Call Deadline: 01-Oct-2011 

Meeting Description:

The conference 'Sensory-Motor Concepts in Language and Cognition' will take place on 1-3 December 2011 at the University of Duesseldorf, Germany. The conference is intended as an interdisciplinary platform for discussing different perspectives of grounded cognition and embodiment theories.

The conference focuses on the challenges and boundaries of an interdisciplinary study. The goal is to discuss strategies and to propose ways to bridge the gulf between theoretical operating disciplines such as linguistics and more experimentally orientated disciplines such as cognitive neuroscience. The following questions dealing with the representation and computation of language in the minds and brains of speakers will be raised: How do we perceive the world? In which way are the single entities of our perception stored? What role do sensory-motor concepts play in our understanding of the world and for the linguistic encoding?

Concepts are the elementary units of reason and linguistic meaning. They are conventional and relatively stable (Gallese and Lakoff 2005). Recent theories in cognitive science propose that many concepts are grounded in sensory-motor processes (Barsalou 2008, Gibbs 2005, Pezzulo et al. 2011, Wilson 2002). The conference will explore the thesis of grounded cognition from the perspectives of linguistics, cognitive neuroscience and philosophy of the mind, and critically discuss empirical, experimental and clinical results and linguistic evidence as well as conceptual arguments.

The linguistic perspective focuses on the fact that language and body are closely interrelated. Embodiment not only plays a role for the lexicon (e.g. metaphors, Steen et al. 2010), but also for the grammar of a language. For example, in many languages auxiliaries and analytic verbal constructions can be traced back to action concepts (Ströbel 2010, 2011) involving body parts such as the hand/arm (e.g. make, do, give, take, etc) or the foot/leg (e.g. go, come, etc.). 

Recent neurological studies using neuroimaging techniques (e.g. fMRI, EEG) and also patient studies (Grossman et al., 2008) have provided several pieces of the puzzle concerning auditory language perception, reading and language production and deliver valuable insights into this highly developed cognitive function. Furthermore, these studies have shown that premotor and motor areas are activated somatotopically when subjects read verbs referring to hand or foot actions (Boulenger, Hauk and Pulvermüller 2009; Hauk, Johnsrude and Pulvermüller 2004; Hauk and Pulvermüller 2004). Several parts of the brain subserve different aspects of language comprehension and production and only their coordinated interplay warrants effective functioning. Another focus of interest is activation of brain motor areas in abstract use of prefixations of concrete action, such as German greifen 'grasp' vs. begreifen 'comprehend' and in abstract use of prefixations of abstract verbs, such as e. g. German denken 'think' vs. bedenken 'consider'. While contrasting the concrete and abstract simple verbs resulted in greater activation of primary motor and somatosensory cortices in concrete as compared with abstract verbs no such difference emerged for the prefixation (Rüschemeyer et al. 2007).

Similarly, in philosophy, theories of embodied or grounded cognition (Barsalou 2008, Glenberg and Kaschak 2002) have been acknowledged and the importance of sensory-motor processing concepts is now widely recognized. Traditional views of the architecture of the mind, such as computational views and the theory of a language of thought as a general format of mental representation, will be reconsidered in the light of empirical findings. 

Final Call for Papers:

The conference will focus on transparent and opaque source domains, both of which are grounded in sensory-motor concepts and critically discuss empirical, experimental and clinical results and linguistic evidence as well as conceptual arguments. For further information please contact the conference homepage: 


We invite the submission of abstracts on all kinds of empirical and theoretical approaches which involve sensory-motor concepts and which deal with the following questions or topics: 

- Advantages and limits of sensory-motor source domains 
- Language change based on sensory-motor concepts 
- Action versus object processing 
- Temporal aspects of language processing 
- Clinical evidence for allocation of action or object attributes in the brain 
- The relation between perception, action and sensory-motor concepts 

Submission Guidelines: 

Abstracts are not to exceed two A4 pages in length, including examples and references, with at least 2 cm margins on all sides and 12 pt font size. The abstract should not identify the author(s). 

Abstracts can be submitted via EasyChair: 


It is intended that the conference proceedings will be published. 

Important Dates: 

New abstract submission deadline: 1 October 2011
Notification of acceptance: 15 October 2011
Revised abstracts due: 15 November 2011
Conference date: 1-3 December 2011

Confirmed Invited Speakers:

Giovanni Buccino (University of Catanzaro)
Michiel van Elk (LNCO, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr. (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Olaf Hauk (University of Cambridge)
Gerard Steen (Vrije University, Amsterdam)

Contact: Liane Stroebel (stroebel at phil.uni-duesseldorf.de)
Meeting e-mail: smclc at phil.uni-duesseldorf.de

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-3315	


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