22.4941, Confs: Typology/Germany

Fri Dec 9 16:08:19 UTC 2011

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-4941. Fri Dec 09 2011. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 22.4941, Confs: Typology/Germany

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University,
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Amy Brunett <brunett at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 07-Dec-2011
From: Jean-Christophe Verstraete [jcv at arts.kuleuven.be]
Subject: Association for Linguistic Typology Biennial Conference

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2011 11:04:57
From: Jean-Christophe Verstraete [jcv at arts.kuleuven.be]
Subject: Association for Linguistic Typology Biennial Conference

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 Association for Linguistic Typology Biennial Conference 
Short Title: ALT10 

Date: 15-Aug-2013 - 18-Aug-2013 
Location: Leipzig, Germany 
Contact: Martin Haspelmath 
Contact Email: ALT10 at eva.mpg.de 
Meeting URL: http://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/conference/2013_ALT10/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Typology 

Meeting Description: 

The 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology will be held in Leipzig, 15-18 August 2013. It is organized by the Linguistics Department of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

A call for papers will be sent out in the spring of 2012. More information about the conference can be found at 


More information about the Association for Linguistic Typology can be found at 


LINGUIST List: Vol-22-4941	
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